News from the world of OpenStreetMap No. 513 (12.05.2020-18.05.2020)

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Tracking changes on magOSM 1 | Magellium, OpenLayers | map data OpenStreetMap contributors


  • The Ukrainian OSM community, using Mapillary street panoramas, marked more than a thousand speed bumps on the map in Kiev.
  • muramuto . — "Street-level POI Viewer", , POI OSM . . OSM Mapillary. GitHub.
  • . , 8 10 Facebook.
  • Ty S , , (dog_warning=*).
  • SteveA boundary=administrative (). , Talk-US, .
  • Talk-US .
  • NetWormKido — , OSM . MapRoulette.
  • b-unicycling . , Field Papers. uMap, .

  • fr1 : GPS- , GPS-.
  • «Nodes and Ways», . , #osmIRL_buildings.
  • COVID-19 . CartONG " ", , .
  • , 12 OSM — 6999 . — 7209.
  • GPS-, , OSM.
  • OSM Facebook - OpenStreetMap , 2 (FLOSSK). , , .
  • . OSM , — OSM.


  • (imagico) OSM.

  • AGIT ( ) 6 10 2020 . , OSM OSGeo.
  • " ", HOT Tasking Manager.
  • 10 2020 Geomob, . , Geomod — , OpenCage Mappery. COVID-19 , . , — 100 . . , , , .

  • CartoCSS — OpenArdenneMap, . GitHub.
  • osm2pgsql flex. Styxman, .
  • - Mapsurfer.NET .


  • ( ) OSM. , .
  • - . , , . OSM. .

  • , Mapbox Community, HOT OSM, HOT Tasking Manager . HOT.
  • QGIS, (XYZ tile backgrounds) OSM , , 5% OSM. QGIS elpaso GitHub , QGIS 3.14. : 3.10 3.12.
  • OpenMapTiles , . , MapnikVT PostGIS — ST_AsMVT, . , .

  • … («»), ? ', OpenOrienteering Map, .


  • - New Indian Express , - OpenStreetMap « », - .


  • , Google Maps, .
  • . .
  • - W3C-OGC . 21 2 2020 . , , .
  • IanVisits . TreeTalk « ?». Greater London Datastore, 2016 .
  • The Guardian , , : " ", " ", " " " ".
  • The Guardian -.
  • «Ride with gps» , Garmin Varia, . Varia — , . «Ride with gps» Garmin .
  • " ", . , , , .
  • ., , 3 .

Communication of Russian OpenStreetMap participants is in the Telegram chat room and on the forum . There are also groups on social networks VKontakte , Facebook , but they mainly publish news.

Join OSM!

Previous issues: 512 , 511 , 510 , 509 , 508 ,

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