The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 346 (May 25 - 31)

In our new post-space digest, research on iOS bugs, old iPhone icons via PWA, beta and auto testing, microinteractions, Match-3 earnings, Flutter simplicity and many other interesting materials.

Systematic predictive tooltips above the keyboard are a great way to reduce the number of user clicks when entering data. However, in the new version of iOS, we were surprised to find that the prompts for entering the phone number were gone.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+19)  Swift 5.3: What's New?
(+13)  How we came up with the TableAdapter and simplified the work with UITableView
(+12)  SwiftUI on the shelves: Animation. Part 1
Stanford University Course "iOS Application Development Using SwiftUI"
Icon Rewind returns iPhone old icons
Jailbreak for the latest version of iOS released
Video App Builders 2020
Database level in Runtastic applications on iOS
Creating a stretchable UITableView title
Creating a note-taking application on SwiftUI from start to finish
Getting started with GraphQL and Apollo on iOS
Adding a study tour to the iOS application
6 iOS libraries for creating Tinder-style cards
Warhol: face recognition on iOS has become easier
Background tasks in iOS
Set up UISearchBar for different versions of iOS
We are preparing an application for iOS 14
We write clean code by redefining loadView ()
Creating smooth lines in Google Maps
How SwiftUI DSL works
Material Design Search UI iOS: beautiful

Android search

(+8)  How we did not blockchain
(+ 4)  Gesture management: handling gesture conflicts. Part 3
Android Studio 4.0 was released
How to make friends with Gradle
Google created Soli Sandbox to test the radar in Pixel 4
How a novice Android developer to pump his skills: 5 open source projects to study
Recognizing text from photos using ML Kit in Android
Modern security in Android
How to consistently combine adapters in Android
Introduction to MotionLayout on Android
Manage user sessions in Android
Android Navigation Component
Custom simple interpolator for animating motion in Android
Activity Results API: the best way to transfer data between activations
Android Navigation Component - expectations, conclusions and tips
9 reasons why I quit mobile development
Creating an Android application on Kotlin, Flutter and React Native
TransformationLayout: transition animations for Android
COVID-19 App: contact tracking applications


(+23)  Instead of 100 application launches? one autotest, or how to save a QA engineer 20 years of life
(+18)  How Meduza organized a beta test of a new application with readers and did not screw it up
(+16)  Military and intelligence personnel can be tracked using the Untappd Beer application
( +16)  Raymarching distance fields: explanation and implementation in Unity
(+15)  Better do it yourself: how we made the mobile application inhouse
(+11) Scalable architecture for large mobile applications
(+10)  Test projects without pain. Yandex Report
(+8)  Book Review: Golden Krishna. “A good interface is an invisible interface”
(+7)  We write a step-by-step PvP arena with simultaneous moves
(+6)  My top free developer tools
(+6)  QA and its role in creating resources for people with disabilities
( +6)  Organization of Flavors in Flutter
(+5)  How Apple and Google employees help healthcare officials track the coronavirus
(+3) Authentication - CUSTOM SETUP / AWS Amplify + React Native
(+1)  The feedback you don’t give is as significant as the one you give
(0)  Blending the terrane and mesh in Unity
Podlodka # 165: WebAssembly
6 productivity tips for programmers
Tencent invests $ 70 billion in infrastructure
How applications on Flutter make business easier
Application design: examples for inspiration # 3
Why most mobile application development projects fail
Google CEO plans to continue working with Apple
EA published Command & Conquer sources
How microinteractions in the interface affect user interaction
When bad UX is good
Scaling application or widget content to fit the entire screen in Flutter
Hack Google interview coding
Create cross-platform image classifier with Flutter and TensorFlow Lite
Mistakes that I made as a Junior developer
Creating a business from a bedroom: $ 98,130 and 11 months
Creating a bit machine on Flutter
Simple pull-down refresh and pull-up loading on Flutter
We program as in NASA - 10 critical rules
20 psychological principles that can be used in product design
How I built a gaming platform for real-time communication in a month
Bad design decisions make you lose money

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+5)  Why they show the conditional application interface instead of the real one in the commercials: six reasons
(+3)  We use Raw Data in Google Analytics in practice
Newzoo: 80% of players eat or drink during games
GameRefinery: Match-3 games received 21% of the entire market income
Guide: how to make text ASO quickly and efficiently
Facebook released CatchUp dialer
How coronavirus affected the mobile games market
Accessibility of Google Maps and work for user groups
Gamification of business applications
How to start working with ASO and what is important to consider

AI, Devices, IoT

(+76)  How alive: our experience of editing old photos
(+24)  Machine learning in C #: introduction to ML.NET
(+17)  iPhone SE: the one-eyed king?
(+7) IoT in my life. How to create a smart office, as well as track the growth of potatoes in your apartment thanks to IoT
make sense: about the device of the Internet of things and its practical application
Roni Abovitz will cease to be CEO Magic Leap
• The first Russian-language online master's program in Data Science is launched
WebVR creation case -site: rake, solutions and insights

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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