Princess Frog 2.0 aka Pelophylax ridibundus

June 1, on the International Children's Day, the Digital Business Space, together with children's writers and actors of the capital's theaters, including the Moscow Theater on Perovskaya, the Commonwealth of Taganka Actors, the Our Home Theater and the Moscow Musical Theater, launched the TechnoSkazki project . This is an online portal that presents technological video reinterpretations in verses and in prose by well-known works.

Below is the text of my fairy tale about the Frog Princess and the possibility of humanity to combine digital achievements and care for the living, in the hope that we will be able to maintain biological diversity for our children.

Video version of the tale by reference

Once upon a time there was a Tsar, and his kingdom was not simple - innovative! He talked with ministers in the messenger, the Tsaritsa’s wife led his social networks, at least one post a day, and even, in secret, I would say he had a cozy chat with other kings, and was called: “Kings”.

He had three children, and all his sons. From childhood, he gave them the best online education, and in their free time they traveled around the kingdom: the eldest on an electric scooter, the average on a gyro scooter, and the youngest, Ivan, mastered a quadrocopter with a camera and did not go out of the wards, filmed and edited videos about beauty his land from a bird's eye view.

They wouldn’t have lived like that, but it turned out that they had one application in their country that would select an ideal pair for everyone. Sons were just single, because they did not have time to get to know each other - more and more new online courses took place.

The application has collected many positive reviews: no matter what the review, then a romantic love story. The mechanics were simple. You open the application, and there the onion is drawn, but not leek, and not onion (he was already busy in another application), but the onion from which they hunted before, when the delivery of "Kitchen in the Village" was not yet invented. You pull a virtual bowstring and in augmented reality an arrow flies away to your narrowed one. Isn't it a miracle? Here it is, the long-awaited technological progress, described in ancient legends.

The older brother fired an arrow - she fell on the boyar’s yard, directly against the maiden’s tower. The middle brother started up - an arrow flew to the merchant into the courtyard and stopped at the red porch, and on the porch there stood a maiden soul, a merchant's daughter. The younger brother started up - an arrow hit a dirty swamp. He came there with his quadrocopter in geolocation, and an amphibian frog sits in place. Ivan looks at the application, and it says there: get acquainted, they say, your betrothed frog-frog (in Latin Pelofilax Ridibundus). He nearly croaked himself.

Well, Tsarevich thinks, they came, the holy fool hackers hacked me, there was nothing to roam overseas sites. Our sovereign and sovereign Internet is the safest. They found my vulnerability and launched a virus for me, they will have to reinstall the OS.

Of course, he himself was a man with humor, the benefit of as many as 98 points out of 100 scored in an online course about a sense of humor. And the Tsarevich of the amphibian says:

- Dear, Ridibundus Pelofilaks, our meeting is fateful and I am incredible glad.

In response, silence, but only the phone vibrated, and there is a message from an unfamiliar number.

“Thank you, sir, humbly. She herself didn’t believe reviews, but now it’s obvious - the algorithm works, finally, the benefits of artificial intelligence. ”

He really croaked here.

The frog croaks in response to him. Tsarevich took a closer look, and in her hand was a Japanese portable model of the newest model, the smallest on the market.

And then a message from the same number - with a heart!

Although Ivan was brought up in tradition, his faith in technology was unshakable. He planted a frog on a quadrocopter and went home to the Tsar Father.

So the Tsarevichs got married: the eldest - on the noblewoman, the middle - on the merchant's daughter, and Ivan the prince - on the frog-frog. Then the Tsar calls them and orders: “I want your wives to bake me soft white bread by tomorrow.”

Ivan Tsarevich returned to his chambers unhappily, hung his head below the shoulders, although the quadcopter was charged, but I did not want to fly on it at all.
A message arrives to him:

“Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did he become so twisted? The frog asks him. - Subscribers or something on your channel are not recruited anymore? ”

He looks at his amphibian - she sent a message to know him and again chatting with girlfriends from South America, he quickly switches between messages. He immediately diagnosed her with clip thinking!

He writes to her: “How can I not spin? My Sovereign ordered you to make soft white bread by tomorrow. ” Immediately the answer came to him: “Don’t worry, beloved Ivan! Go to bed, rest; The morning is wiser than the evening!"

So the frog Tsarevich put to sleep and threw off the frog skin from herself - and turned into a soul-girl, Vasilisa the Wise; she went out onto the red porch and shouted in a loud voice:

“Oh my friends, germs!
Fermented quickly so that
Bread useful baked
With the minerals of the Earth!
Spikelets and reeds,
And grass and dewdrops,
Sip a loaf of bread,
And give the King health! ”

The next morning, Ivan Tsarevich woke up, and Ridibundus’s bread was ready for a long time - and so glorious that he could neither think nor guess, only tell in a fairy tale! He immediately took a picture and invested in social networks.

The king eats, but he feels all the benefits of fermentation, he made up for the shortage of food fibers, he sits pleased.

And then he gave the order to his three sons: “So that your wives would knock me down on the carpet for one night, so that the pattern would be unique, it would not fall under copyright protection, and then the patent trolls would be tortured.”

Once again, Tsarevich was sad, below his shoulders he rammed his head. And the frog sits with Australian relatives on someone’s birthday video. And again - she just waved her paw, and he had a message

“Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did he become so twisted? Maybe I forgot to cancel the subscription before the end of the grace period? ” “How can I not spin? My Emperor ordered for one night to weave a carpet with an original pattern that does not violate anyone’s rights. ” - “Do not bother, Tsarevich! Go to bed, rest; The morning is wiser than the evening!"

She put him to bed, and she threw off the frog skin herself - and turned into a soul-girl, Vasilisa the Wise, went out onto the red porch
and shouted in a loud voice:

“Oh my friends, germs!
Of fibers urgently to
me patterns!
All nations, all the earth!
Let the cobwebs weave,
From overseas countries pictures.
Mushroom Berries!
Flower grasses! ”

As said, that’s done. The next morning, Ivan Tsarevich woke up, and the carpet frog was ready for a long time with the tree frog - and so wonderful that it was neither thought nor guess, except in a fairy tale. And since all the traditions of all parts of the world are consolidated into one, claims are clearly not expected, one can always say: "Eclectics inspired by folk motifs."

The Tsar thanked Ivan Tsarevich for that carpet, hung it instead of the plasma screen, looks at the fractal pattern and rejoices, his breathing becomes deeper and he sees strange animals, fish unprecedented in the patterns of plants ... and then he falls asleep, everything is clear - age.

But when he woke up, he gave a new order: that all three Tsarevich should come to him for a look with their wives.

Again, Ivan Tsarevich returned sadly, hung a head below his shoulders.
His frog is clearly participating in some online marathon, he doesn’t even look at him, but meanwhile a message arrives:

“Qua-qua! Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you spinning? Is your quadcopter model out of date, although it was new six months ago? ”

He writes to her: “How can I not spin? My sovereign my father ordered me to come to the show with you; and how will I show you to people? ” She replies to him: “Do not worry, Tsarevich! Go alone to the Tsar to visit, and I will follow you, when you hear a knock and thunder - say: this is my little frog in a box ”.

Here the elder brothers appeared at the show with their wives, dressed up, dismantled; they are standing with Ivan Tsarevich laughing: “Well, brother, have you come without a wife? Let’s fly on a quadrocopter! And where did you find such a beauty? Tea, did all the swamps come from? ”

Suddenly there came a great knock and thunder — the whole palace shook; the guests were very scared, jumped up from their seats and did not know what to do. And Ivan Tsarevich says: “Do not be afraid, gentlemen! This is my little frog in a box arrived. "

A carriage with jet propulsion, six engines, flew up to the royal porch, before craftsmen had put such a maximum of two that they fly with knapsacks behind their backs. And Vasilisa the Wise came out of there - such a beauty that she could neither think nor guess, only tell in a fairy tale!

She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand and led the oak tables to the tablecloths. The guests began to eat, drink, have fun. Vasilisa the Wise drank from a glass and poured the last ones over her left sleeve; I ate a vegan dish and hid the left hand sleeve. The wives of the elder Tsarevichs saw her tricks, let’s do it yourself.

After Vasilisa the Wise went to dance with Ivan Tsarevich, she waved her left hand - the lake became, waved her right - and flowers that had not been seen floated across the water; The tsar and the guests were amazed - they immediately understood "Organic".

And the elder sister-in-law went to dance, waved with their left hands - they splattered the guests, waved with their right - Tsar compost right in the eye! The king became angry and drove them away in disgrace to study waste recycling.

Meanwhile, Ivan Tsarevich took a moment, ran home, found frog skin and burned it over a large fire.

Vasilisa the Wise arrives, grabbed it — there was no frog
skin, she was sad, sad, and said to Tsarevich:

“Oh, Ivan Tsarevich! What have you done? Without a skin of magic, my connection with my friends-microbes was broken and I can no longer be here! “Look for me at distant lands in the thirtieth Kingdom - with Koshchei the Immortal, a fan of anti-aging.”

She turned into a white swan and flew out the window. Ivan Tsarevich wept bitterly, checked for updates on social networks, left all the gadgets and went wherever he looked. At first it was, of course, unusual, it all seemed as if the phone in my pocket was vibrating.

He walked close, far, long, long, short - an old old man comes across him, looks like a morel, almost a heel instead of a nose.

“Hello,” he says, “good fellow!” What are you looking for, where are you going? ”

Tsarevich told him his misfortune.

The old man began to condemn the plot: “Eh, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you burn the frog skin? It was not you who put it on, it was not for you to shoot it! Vasilisa the Wise sly, wiser than her father ugly. He tried to achieve immortality with pharmaceuticals, but she realized that hundreds of meters of mucous membranes and trillions of microbes live in her body, and made friends with them! For this, he angered at her and told her to be a quaker for three years. Here is a ball for you; "he, of course, is not a car navigator, but the principle is the same: where to go - boldly follow him, get used to analog devices, at the same time you will have a digital detox."

Before throwing a ball on the ground, the old man spoke to him:

“Ah grass-murava!
Mother Earth is always right!
Let the ball lead,
Let it find the way! ”

Ivan Tsarevich thanked the old man and went for the ball.

He walks in a clean field, when he suddenly got a bear and a hare. Ivan immediately remembered a lecture on a detachment of mammals.

Ivan tells them: “Dear Bear! Latin Ursus! Dear Hare! Latin Lepus! You and I - children of evolution, come from one common ancestor who lived 150 million years ago. We are all mammals, many of our genes are very similar! ”

They took a short lesson in biology from a rabbit and a hare, were imbued with the theory of evolution, they look - and their paws are similar to Ivanovs, and they have nipples on their bodies.

“You reasonably argue, Ivan! It is true that we had common ancestors, perhaps we will meet again - we will be useful to you. ”

Ivan goes on, looking, and a drake flies over him. Tsarevich became thoughtful: he took an online evolution course, but in those days the Internet was not very good and the broadcast went with interference. Well, he thinks, I’ll say as I recall:

“Dear Drake! Latin Draka, or Anas! You and I are both children of evolution, and from one common ancestor who lived 300 million years ago, we descend, they called our ancestors Amniatis! They appeared amniotic fluid and the ability of the eggs with cubs on the ground to lay or carry in themselves! Both of us are vertebrates and many of our genes are very similar! ”

He listens to the drake, recalls his Latin name. He especially liked Draka - since it looked like a dragon. Sees common features: spine, ribs. He joyfully replies: “You reasonably argue, Ivan! It is true that we had common ancestors, perhaps we will meet again - I will come in handy for you. ”

Ivan went on, sees the snail creeping.

Tsarevich obviously doesn’t remember this material online, but he had a paper encyclopedia, from which he quotes:

“Dear grape snail! In Latin Helix Pomatia! You and I are children of evolution and come from one common ancestor who lived 600 million years ago! Look at the asymmetry of your body and the rotation of the spiral of your shell, we have a common gene with you, responsible for the formation of this asymmetry in the bud! ”

The snail looks at Ivan: one leg and indeed the other is shorter, the eyes are slightly different in size, the ear is bulged out. Apparently, the truth was common ancestors.

He says to him: “You reasonably argue, Ivan! It’s true that we had common ancestors, maybe I’ll meet again - I’ll come in handy, I’ll crawl to visit a mollusk relative in the sea, he promised to give me a clamshell for rent. ”

How long, short how long - the glomerulus rolled to the hut, which stands on chicken legs and turns around.

Says Ivan Tsarevich: “Hut, hut! Become as old as your mother set - before me, and back to the sea. ”

The hut turned back to the sea, in front of it. The Tsarevich went into it and sees an old woman with long hair sitting on a twine, breathing loudly and deeply, then jumping up and down - legs on the floor, hands on the floor, and the pelvis to the top. It looks like a dog that dropped its face down.

“Goy, good fellow!” Why did you come to me? ” - the old woman asks him, not unbending.

“Oh you, Grandma Yaga! I didn’t recognize you, I thought you’re only in fairy tales! I wish you good health! ” - Ivan answers,

“What Baba Yaga am I to you! I am a personal trainer of Koshchei the immortal in yoga! Baba Yogi! And Baba has respectful treatment in India. You don’t look at my hair, they grow up with me during the night, because the metabolism is very playful!

Kashchei recognized the benefits of yoga for anti-aging, and he hid me in an abandoned ethnic amusement park, no one goes here anyway. I settled in the hut. He doesn’t let me go home! ”

The Tsarevich regretted Yoga and told him that he was looking for his wife Vasilisa the Wise.

“Ah, I know! - said the woman-yogi. - She is now with Koshchei the Immortal; it’s hard to get it, it’s not easy to cope with Koshchei. Every day he makes injections for himself against aging, he hides the syringe with drugs properly! So his death is at the end of the needle, that needle in the egg, then the egg in the duck, that duck in the hare, that hare in the chest, and the chest is on a tall oak tree, and that Koschey tree takes care of your eye. ”

The Yogi pointed out in what place this oak grows. Ivan Tsarevich came there and does not know what to do, how to get a chest? Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear came running, Ursus, and turned the tree upside down. The chest fell and smashed to smithereens, and a hare ran out of it and swiftly ran as fast as it started. Ivan is watching, and another hare, Lepus, is chasing after him. Caught up, grabbed and tore to pieces! A duck flew out of a hare and rose high-high, flying. And behind her, the drake, Draco, threw himself when he hit her - the duck immediately dropped the egg, and that egg fell into the sea.

Ivan Tsarevich, seeing inevitable misfortune, burst into tears. Suddenly, a snail with a dentate shell crawls out of the sea, leasing a relative by leasing from a mollusk, and she has an egg on a clove. Ivan took that egg, broke it, took out a needle and broke off the tip: no matter how much Koschey fought, no matter how he rushed about in all directions, but he had to die!

Ivan Tsarevich went to the house of Koshchei, took Vasilisa the Wise and returned home. After they lived together happily ever after, a blog about their life together and fermented products gathered three million subscribers.

A fairy tale is a lie, but a hint in it! Good fellows a lesson!

The author is grateful to the
Editor Elena Shkarubo
Illustrator Alla Tyakht ( link to work ).

List illustration

1 - Frog with an arrow - author Alla Tyakht
2 - Electron microscopy of microbes in the fibers of sourdough Belitz, Grosch and Schieberle (2009).
3 - From left to right from top to bottom: 1) African motif 2) Microbes near the intestinal mucosa 3) Germs of tooth enamel 4) Russian folk pattern, source 
 5) Microbes on the fibers of the dried mucosa
6) Pattern of Shapibo, Amazonian peoples
4 - Tree Evolution, source National Geographic site

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