What to see in quarantine? A selection of materials from Technostream (part 6)


We continue our selection of interesting materials ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ). This time we offer to listen to a course on the introduction of data analysis and a new issue of talk shows for IT specialists “Oh, my code” with PavelDzirtik Shcherbinin.

Introduction to Data Analysis, Technosphere, 2019

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to data analysis, the basic tools, tasks and methods that a data researcher encounters in his work.

Lecture Program:

  • Introduction to Python . Introduction to the course. What is data analysis. What are data analysis specialists. Why Python is chosen for data analysis and how to study it for this purpose. Basic Python programming basics: code formatting, operators, loops, variables, data model, lists, dictionaries, working with files, etc.
  • NumPy. Python ++? NumPy. . : , . . . . . . . . 
  • PANDAS. . PANDAS. Series, DataFrame. , . «». merge, join concatenate. 
  • . API matplotlib. matplotlib. PANDAS. . Seaborn. 
  • Python. 1. . . . ? . Python . . . map, filter, reduce, zip. . . . -. . , . ( ). -. ~ . itertools: chain, islice, tee, cycle, groupby.
  • Python. 2. . . . (). . . __slots__. . . . . . . super? . Assert. . collections. Counter. Namedtuple. 
  • . . . . . . ARIMA. . 

Links to videos .

Together with this course we recommend to study: 

Psychotherapy in IT

What is the probability that after you first contact the therapist, decide to change your life - from personal to professional? Almost one hundred percent. We will talk about burnout, crises and ways out of them, psychological aspects of teamwork, awareness and psychological health of an IT specialist; and how does a customer from IT differ from any other?

Anastasiaakpsyh Kalashnikova, an IT psychologist, founder of the PSYvIT project and author of @psyvit’s psychology channel at IT, will analyze real-life cases on the live talk show for IT specialists “Oh, my code”.

Recall that current lectures and master classes on programming from our IT specialists are still published on the Technostream channel . Subscribe not to miss new lectures!

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