My Top Free Developer Tools

This is a translation of the article from Its author Fayaz Ahmed shares a list of his favorite developer tools.

I develop projects such as Tvflix , GSON , Appy Dev , as well as many different microprojects, so I am interested in finding free tools for my work.

This is my personal list, but you can supplement it with other successful tools. Here are some of my favorites.

Services and platforms for deploying your frontend / backend

1. Netlify
Use Netlify to deploy modern static websites. You get CDN infrastructure, continuous deployment, one-click HTTPS and any services you need. Get started for free.

2. Vercel (formerly Zeit)
Vercel is the easiest way to deploy websites. Host your zero-configuration web projects with automatic SSL and global CDN infrastructure.

3. Surge
Forwarding web projects should be quick, easy, and secure. Surge is a static web publishing feature for front-end developers straight from the CLI.

4. Firebase
An alternative to Netlify / Zeit from Google. Firebase is a mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality applications and grow your business.

5. Azure Static Web Apps
From today, you have the opportunity to use Static Web Apps to host single-page apps in Azure.

6. GitHub Pages
Web sites for you and your projects that are published directly from your GitHub repository. It is enough to edit and run so that the changes go to the live version.

7. GitLab Pages
Like GitHub, the GitLab Pages service allows you to publish static websites directly from the repository to GitLab.

8. Aerobatic
Heavy duty static hosting. Works great with static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, Gatsby, Gridsome.

9. Glitch
Perhaps this is one of the tools that I use most often today. A simple and powerful free service for creating and hosting applications based on Node.js.

10. Heroku
Heroku, a more advanced version of Glitch, is a "platform as a service" (PaaS) that allows developers to create applications, run them and manage them completely in the cloud.

Automation Tools

Cron-job is a free open source service and allows you to run an unlimited number of tasks in cron format. All you need is to use your API or the email address of your webhook, which will be used to connect to the service with the specified frequency.

2. n8n
This open source tool is an alternative to Zapier. The service provides unlimited possibilities, constantly updating the list of tools and applications available for synchronization. You can also host n8n on your own server.

3. Integromat
Integromat is an easy-to-use and yet effective tool for automating manual processes with unique characteristics. Synchronize your favorite applications, services and devices with each other, even if you do not have programming skills.

Try IFTTT - the easiest and most free way to do more with your favorite applications and devices. Home chores will require less attention, work will become even more productive, you will keep privacy and your data will be safe. I am sure that everything works better in synchronization conditions.

5. Pipedream
Pipedream is a platform on which developers can create and publish projects related to data processing. Open projects and fork on a platform that contains thousands of source code examples and completed projects.

Codeless Tools

1. NoCodeAPI
The easiest way for a front-end developer to connect his application to third-party services without writing additional code and a dedicated server. NoCodeAPI can work with Google Sheet, Airtable, Google Analytics, Twitter, Instagram, XML, RSS, JSON, Slack, payment systems, and with more than fifty services.

2. GlideApps
Glide turns dynamic tables into user-friendly applications, without requiring code. Select a table or start with a template, configure the settings for your application, then share it with others in just a moment. Try it for free today!

3. Airtable
Airtable works like a dynamic table, but at the same time it provides database capabilities for organizing any content.

4. Bubble
Bubble introduces you to a new way to create web applications. This programming tool does not require any work with code and operates in point-and-click format. Bubble hosts all applications on its cloud platform.

5. Material Icon Generator
Generate SVG-icons in the style of Material design for your applications. Open source service.

Tools for SEO / Internet Marketing / Promotion / Legal Support

1. Meta Tags
Generate and preview previously all meta tags and tags for social networks on a web page.

2. Web Code Tools
Create schemes, tags, and lots of repeating code snippets.

3. Carbon
Carbon is the easiest way to create and publish visual images of your source code.

4. Codeimg
Create and publish visual images of your source code.

5. GetTerms Generate the
base text of the User Agreement and Privacy Policy for your website.

6. BEE Free
BEE is an email editor that allows you to create great reply emails quickly and without problems. Its authors sought to develop the perfect email editor. It is possible to use BEE online or embed in your application.

You can find more similar tools here .


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