About David Ogilvy's Ogilvy Book of Advertising

Pictured is David Ogilvy.  Habr does not allow to follow one of its recommendations: to place a photo over a heading.
Pictured is David Ogilvy. Habr does not allow to follow one of its recommendations: to place a photo over a heading.

What makes this book special? “In fact, no magic, it's just about America of the 60s,” says the art director of the news portal.

David Ogilvy is the founder of one of the most successful advertising agencies. Most likely you saw their videos. For example, about chocolate , baby food or the Chinese car industry with Vasily Vakuleko (Basta) . 40 years ago, Ogilvy wrote the book Ogilvy on Advertising. Material for the book is even older - from the 50 / 60s. Despite his considerable age, the book is still being published. Will Ogilvy on Advertising Help Modern IT Entrepreneurs?

By the way, the advertising of the Chinese SUV was not made according to the rules: Ogilvy is actively against the use of stars in advertising.

By IT entrepreneurs we mean everyone who makes money (or wants to make money) on their IT project: a phone application, SaaS service, on-line service. All these people need to advertise their product: make a website, presentations, posts on social networks. We assume that the advertising budget is minimal - you have to do everything yourself.

The benefits of Ogilvy on Advertising can be drawn in three ways:

  • Specific guidelines for the production of advertising. In our case, the manufacture of print advertising. The book contains both television and radio, but we are interested in these topics only for educational purposes;
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It should be noted right away that “Ogilvy on advertising” was written a long time ago. There was no Internet, there were no search engines, people read print newspapers and magazines. There is no information on how effective the recommendations are today. In addition, Ogilvy sometimes contradicts himself.

Below is the canonical advertisement of the author. Place this photo of Ogilvy in your book even before Tuffo Castle. An illustrative example, as it complies with all the rules of Ogilvy (what appeared earlier - the rules or this advertisement, the question is open).

Canonical advertising by David Ogilvy.  It complied with all his recommendations.
Canonical advertising by David Ogilvy. It complied with all his recommendations.

Recommendations are scattered throughout the book. Here is a list of them, without regard to priority:

  • A photo is better than a drawing;
  • The image should be placed above the title;
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  • The text should not be short. The longer the better. Apparently in this example, the Rolls-Royce description would have been even longer - saved on advertising space;
  • Indicate the brand name often. Also with television commercials - name the brand as much as possible.
  • The worst thing that can be done in print advertising is to write in black and white.

Finally, advertising should be informative, not mysterious. Clearly show the benefits of the product. If the product has many advantages, name them all. Note that there is an opposite point of view: one advertisement should describe only one plus. Ogilvy himself points out that Procter and Gamble always promises one big benefit in its advertising. If they want to show a second benefit, then start a second advertising campaign.

Business advice, broadening horizons, conclusion

The advertising business in particular, and business in general, is given a lot of attention in the book. For example: what to do if an alcoholic is wound up in a company? Raise employees or hire from the outside?

There is much in common between advertising and IT companies (especially integrators). Of course, there are differences: the advertising has a surprisingly long product life cycle. For example: an advertising company with a cowboy Marlboro lasts more than 30 years. And “General Motors” has been served in one agency for 70 years. Ogilvy considers an advertising idea worthwhile if it lasts 5 years.

Despite the abundance of practical tips, Ogilvy on Advertising is not a textbook. The recommendations in this book are mixed and possibly outdated. The book does not apply to fiction either. The value of the book in its atmosphere. It is believed that in the postwar years, America is a very positive place. The rapid growth of the economy and salaries, the heyday of entrepreneurship. Positive together with the charm of the bourgeoisie of America of the 60s is the trump card of Ogilvy on advertising.

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