Online programming championship "Open Finals of Moscow Training"

On May 31, an online programming championship “Open Finish of Moscow Training” will be held for students, schoolchildren and those who are interested in algorithmic programming. The competition was organized by MIPT and Fizteh-Union with the support of JetBrains, Skyeng and Grant Mayor of Moscow.

The championship will be the final stage of the educational project on Olympiad programming for students of Moscow universities, which started in October 2019. Each week for 8 months, students listened to lectures, debates, and participated in training competitions. Classes were held on the campus of MIPT, and also broadcast on the Internet.

Hundreds of students of Russian universities joined the project, including MIPT, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, HSE, MSTU. N.E.Bauman, Moscow Polytechnic University, NITU MISiS, MAI, MIREA, MPEI, MSTU "Stankin", MIET, Moscow State Pedagogical University, NRNU MEPhI, REU named after G.V. Plekhanova and others. In total - 34 universities, including regional ones - St. Petersburg State University, ITMO University, Innopolis University, KFU, NNSU named after N.I. Lobachevsky, IzhSTU, UrFU, NSU, as well as 10 schools.

Winners of the championship will receive certificates for learning English from Skyeng and gifts from JetBrains.

“We organized open Moscow trainings to give young talented children the opportunity to prove themselves at international programming competitions, in school and at work. Access to knowledge is one of the key resources for development, and it is important for us that all comers have the opportunity to realize themselves and become leaders of technological changes in the future. Our JetBrains partners are in solidarity with us, providing many opportunities for students: from free licenses and educational plug-ins to summer internships and semester practices, ”says Alexey Maleev , MIPT Vice-Rector, founder of Moscow Workshops .

“Modern technologies have penetrated into all spheres of life and continue to do this: smart systems write texts, call us on the phone and advise on health online, change approaches to managing companies and entire countries. And therefore, knowledge of algorithmic programming, especially in combination with a confident knowledge of the English language, will open up great opportunities for future specialists. English is the language of international communication and the basis for all programming languages, ”commented Georgy Soloviev, graduate of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and founder of the Skyeng online English language school . Philip Rukhovich was the

training methodologist- trainer of Moscow Workshops, two-time medalist and winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in computer science, 2007-2009, four-time medalist of the semi-final ICPC. The lectures were held by the bronze medalists of the ICPC 2019 programming championship Andrei Sergunin and Evgeny Belykh , as well as the methodologist of the “Quick Start in Sports Programming” course , the teacher at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the author of the tasks of various competitions Vlad Nevstroyev and other trainers with experience in participating in major competitions.

On May 31, students and schoolchildren can participate in the championship as part of teams of three people, owning basic algorithms and at least one of the programming languages: C ++, Java, Python or Kotlin. The competition will be given 8-13 tasks and 5 hours to solve them. To participate, you must submit an application . After the contest, an online debriefing will be held for all participants, and the results of the championship will be summarized.

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