May 29th Java Digest

  • May 23 our beloved Java turned 25 years old . All these years, one of the most popular Google searches - when will Java finally die? Do not wait.

  • JPoint — Stack Overflow. « » Mercurial — Kiln. , , — , JPoint.

  • , Spring Boot GitHub.



  • EAP IntelliJ IDEA. «Update» Toolbox!

  • NetBeans 12.0 Beta 5. , , MacOS. , , MacOS «Show Package Contents» «Resources». , , - .


DevOps, ,

  • GitLab 13.0. NFS, : Gitaly Praefect. AWS Elastic Container Service, WebIDE.

  • 18- Grafana 7.0. UI ( unit, min, max, threshold ..). UI — Jaeger Zipkin. , JSON- , . , .

  • Travis CI AWS Graviton2. Graviton AWS 64- Arm Neoverse. Amazon EC2 — Arm- AWS. - Arm , Travis .

  • Pulumi 2.0 — Infrastructure as Code. CrossGuard, Policy as Code. , . . (Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).

  • AWS , — Amazon Kendra. re:Invent Salesforce OneDrive, (Automotive, Health, HR, Legal, Media and Entertainment, News, Telecom, Travel and Leisure).



  • Java-. 25- Java. — Eclipse Collections, ( «Java Collections Reloaded») Java Champion.

  • , Java Champion, «Upgrading ReadWriteLock». Java ReentrantReadWriteLock read lock write lock. Kotlin ReentrantReadWriteLock.write() , read lock , . StampedLock, write lock.

  • , , . , , . , - .

-, ,

  • JUG Ru Group -. - : Java, C++, , . !

  • Bootiful Podcast c , EdgeX , IoT.

  • Java Record JSON Serialization JSON-B Java 14. , JPoint!

JUG Ru Group JPoint. - .

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