Monowheel: what happens during training, and how to accelerate this process

Materials on the theme of learning to ride a blisks in the network are many, including and Habr . In my opinion, they lack structuredness and focus on important things.

I myself learned to ride in 2.5 hours and after that I went home from work through the whole city - a dozen and a half kilometers. From that moment I trained 17 more people - and only a few of them took more than an hour and a half to go on their own.

Why didn’t it take me “a week of difficult and persistent attempts to travel”?

I developed a theory that I now teach people. I tell this theory before giving the person a wheel - so that the student understands what exactly and in what order he is trying to achieve. Understanding greatly speeds up the process. This article is an attempt to present this theory, with a specific algorithm - what and in what order should be done in order to learn how to ride as efficiently as possible.


First of all, what is the driving process? This is a constant loss and catching balance. We fall all the time, left or right. What do we do to not fall? We direct the wheel to the side of falling and press the “gas” so that it approaches the center of gravity, and the body again stands upright. The task is for the body to do this reflexively. These reflexes we will develop.

I repeat once again, since this is very important. We learn to ride not because we received new knowledge from the book and they magically allowed us to ride. This is not a multiplication table. We learn to ride, because new neural connections have developed in the brain that allow us to instantly and unconsciously respond to the loss of balance. For our part, we can use a more efficient methodology so that communications are developed faster - several hours instead of several days, for example.

What is a learning process?Suppose you get on the wheel with the help of another person, and slowly begin to ride. In a panic, the brain sends conflicting signals to the whole body, and the body tries to catch balance, but does not know how to do it. During the first seconds, you fall on the shoulder of your comrade with all your weight, and he tries to keep you from falling. And so - again and again. At some point for the first time, with the next loss of balance, the legs frantically make some strange movement, and you manage to restore the balance yourself. This moment is very remarkable - it means that training has begun. For the first time, the brain was able to pick up a key - how to twist so as not to fall - and managed to do this until the balance is completely lost. The longer we learn, the faster we respond to a deviation from the vertical, and the less effort is required to return to it. Ultimately, the body begins to react even before the deviation from the vertical begins, completely removing the concept of "loss of balance" from the process of riding. From now on, driving a wheel becomes as simple and natural as breathing or walking.


Learning occurs as a result of repeating the same process. Loss of balance, successful reaction of the body, the formation of neural connections. Effective learning is when as many repetitions as possible occur in a unit of time. Roughly speaking, how many times have you lost your balance, but did not fall.

The most difficult thing here is the first steps, because a lot of time passes between repetitions, and a lot of effort is spent. You try to get on the wheel, immediately jump, catch the wheel so that it does not crash, and so - time after time. Five minutes later, you are wet as a mouse from the efforts, but to successfully drive a couple of meters and not lose balance did not work even once. You can spend a week with this wonderful activity, but it’s not effective .

The idea of ​​my teaching methodology is to first (with the help of another person) learn to ride and not jump, and only then learn to get on the wheel yourself. Simply put, we go through the first steps without loss of jumping and fishing wheels. It takes from 10 minutes to half an hour - and your primary neural connections are formed and allow you to travel for some time on your own. From this moment, the learning process becomes "self-sustaining" - you ride, and the body learns to respond to different situations.

Please note that the difference between learning with an assistant or learning "at the wall" is significant. A helper can walk near you while you are in the process of maintaining balance, turning involuntarily and traveling in a completely arbitrary direction. In addition, the assistant can carefully take away your support, provoking the search for balance.

Learning algorithm

  1. Find a large area with even coverage. The main thing is that you can drive long enough in a straight line, without the need to turn. Empty parking is suitable. Go to the center of this site.
  2. With the help of an assistant, stand on the wheel. Holding on to him, exposes his legs as symmetrically as possible. It is very important!
  3. Straighten your legs completely. Straighten your back completely. Lean forward and may God help you . — , . — . , — - ( ) , . - - , . — , . — , . 15-20, — .
  4. — — - . , !
  5. . . — , ! — , . , , ! , — , , . , — . — 10 . 20-40 .
  6. — . ( ) — . : , — , / , . . , .
  7. Time to go on dirt tracks in the park! An hour of driving on the ground to develop the skill corresponds to several hours on flat asphalt))

Foot protection

Learning to ride a wheel has a peculiarity - in the process you have to jump and jump many times on the wheel. Dozens of times. Hundreds. And each time when the second leg comes off the ground, the entire weight of your body is applied to your side of the lower leg. Depending on the model of the wheel, it can be painful to varying degrees. You can earn a bruise in half an hour and limp to go home, and for the next couple of days you will not be able to continue training. To solve this problem, “pillows” of soft material are used. When I was studying, I was wrapping tape with a tape in my legs that was folded in many layers, and all this was hidden under a trouser leg. For those whom I taught, I grabbed a small foam pillow from the house.

The second problem - sometimes, if you fail to jump, the wheel catches up with you and with the sharp edge of an aluminum pedal, with the inertia of a 15-kilogram projectile, hits your ankle. It is better that shoes for training cover at least a little.

Other guides and exercises

I did not try to cram into this article all the information in the world about monowheels and I hope that my article will not be the only source of information. If a person wants to learn something, he tries different approaches until he finds an effective one. My method worked fine for almost two dozen people - but if you fight for an hour and a half and nothing works for you - try changing the approach. Make a "compass" and a "long step", there will be no harm from this)

Bonus for those wishing to learn how to ride in St. Petersburg

I can give the opportunity to learn on the ks14d wheel, for a beer or a small amount (the wheel tends to roll over during training). Area - Sverdlovskaya embankment or Polyustrovsky park. Time - in the evenings on weekdays.

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