Полезного пост: Все самые актуальные курсы, трансляции и техтоки

, -, – , . live streaming, DevNation.

, , .

- «Kubernetes » – , ,

- « Kubernetes» – , ,

: Get started with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (3 , 35 )
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, , Podman, Buildah SQL.

OpenShift – 11 , 195 . , .

Tech Talk @ 13:00 UTC: jbang: Java shell-

Tech Talk @ 16:00 UTC: Apache Spark Kubernetes

Tech Talk @ 17:00 UTC: Jupyter Notebooks Kubernetes OpenShift

Tech Talk @ 13:00 UTC: Apache Camel 3

OpenShift Applications – 30 , 10 .

: The Knative Cookbook
, , serverless Kubernetes Knative.

: 4K-Kubernetes Knative, Kafka Kamel – 40
Knative Cookbook – Knative, , Kamel.

: Kubernetes made easy with OpenShift | DevNation Tech Talk (32 minutes)
Kubernetes, OpenShift.

Video: Linux cheat codes | DevNation Tech Talk (34 minutes)
, how-to Linux, -, Linux

Video: Scott McCarty introduces Red Hat Universal Base Images (3 minutes)
Scott McCarty Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI) Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8. DIY !

Video: Building freely distributed containers with open tools | DevNation Tech Talk (32 minutes)
Red Hat Universal Base Images, — (no daemon), root (rootless), ( ) — Podman.

Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage
Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage – , , Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, .

Quarkus — Kubernetes native Java
Quarkus – «Java- , Kubernetes» . . Quarkus Java, Kubernetes OpenShift, Java, serverless-.

4 – HPE Red Hat SAP HANA
SAP HANA , . HPE , , . Red Hat SAP HANA, Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Solutions, SAP.

9 –
Ansible ( ), . Ansible , Red Hat.

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