Huawei Review Comment: Comment on Wi-Fi 6 posts and get prizes

Recently, we announced the competition โ€œHot discussion about Wi-Fi 6โ€ and thanks to your participation we received a large number of interesting stories, descriptions, and reasoning. Some of them are easily pulled by articles in serious thematic publications. The leaders of the competition have already been identified, and we will announce the names of the winners soon. But you still have the opportunity to influence our choice and get profit for yourself.

Of course, not by SMS voting. All in Khabrovsky. So, one of the important evaluation criteria will be your comments. So that:

  • if you have something to say about the content of published materials, both โ€œforโ€ and โ€œagainstโ€;
  • if the author did not pay attention to some important aspect of the issue, and he, in your opinion, requires disclosure;
  • if you feel the need to make a comment for another reason ...

Do not hold back - comment .

And so that you get not only moral satisfaction from the process, we decided to expand the competition and institute special prizes for the coolest comments. For the best 20, we will give out gift cards for 500 rubles. And yes, the number of prize comments from one author is not limited. The quality of comments will be evaluated by Huawei technical support engineers.

Comments must be left on the contest page . Comments that will affect the choice of post winners are accepted until May 31 inclusive. Those that you want to do to develop your own karma and community are until June 7, inclusive.

The competition for the best comments involves all comments on the topic. Winners will be announced on June 8th.

Good luck to all!

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