General scheme

I am offended by someone else's fragmentary vision of the situation. In response to articles about consciousness and time, I wanted to describe my vision, share my knowledge. The language is not academic, the manner of presentation is not demonstrative, but this area of ​​understanding is not based on evidence, who understands parts, can understand the whole. Of course, the narrative is minimized, but each image is displayed before compression, each model can be expanded. Some statements are not spoken directly, but swearing is uncivilized. Physics is understood as materiality itself. By mathematics we mean the ideal of abstraction, in the form of all mathematical principles, including not open ones. By consciousness is meant the existence of which cannot be proved from the outside. The language refers to the ideal of information circulation. I apologizeif my imagination exceeds your perception. Italics stand out in italics.

Take language as a union of consciousness and mathematics. Perfect! Physics breaks into this union. Which has its content, only it is not known which one, its direct manifestation is known: "not everything is possible." This raises a couple of questions. Is this all the content of physics, or is there something else? Well, since it’s not known what else is there, we’ll agree that this is all. Then the second question: we will probably be heroes, if we win this restriction, the question is how? There are many methods, most of the decisions are intuitive, do not take into account which question it solves and therefore are absurd. War with nature, break out. One of the answers: some things are simply not needed, it is impossible to do precisely / do them. It remains to figure out what exactly. In general, this decision can be identified with morality, a true faith in God, in contrast to a non-real one, in which physics itself is not needed, and you just want to return to the ideal.You can not do it this way.

Even just wanting to return to such an ideal, unphysical ideal is death, from longing for the impossible. The holy spirit is uncritical, physics is your friend.

It would be possible to understand these principles and live on. But let's consider ourselves meat . Physics is the sea, on the surface of which the waves are combined into an image of a protein, and on a larger scale, into information chains, which somehow miraculously reflected a language in the form of consciousness, which consciously and unconsciously pumps mathematics from the sea, building itself up.

We suffer from the question: how does consciousness arise from physics? Well, then you have to separate the concepts. The consciousness that is made up of protein and the initial ideal consciousness, which is so perfect without physics that it is even void, and only the advent of physics creates it. The obligatory component is time, waves without time are not waves. It is a component of waves, and through them a component of meat consciousness. Okay, let’s agree that it did not appear from the higher, but with time it gathered. Water over time has become a special wave, reflecting a mysterious bottom, is understandable.

And the higher consciousness perceives time as a game in which it cannot but play.

The details of the construction of consciousnesses, the confusion-debauchery between them, and with your personal secret what kind of consciousness you have and how to talk about it, sort it out yourself.

Is there a time? In philosophy it happens that when they take away, then they give, and when they give, they take away. So, the time as the delivery of the impossibility of changing memory immediately everywhere - takes away the absurdity and meaninglessness of existence. Only if you have reserves of anti-absurdity can you ask for time for something, for example, to behave as if it is not in such a simple form.

But back to the first, unresolved issue. Is there anything else in physics? The fact is that in physics, of course, there is another component besides the prohibitive one. Laws are taking away the ability to do something against them. But in physics, not only subtraction is invested, but also delivery, in the form of giving a precious gift - life. And the opportunity to figure it out yourself.

“Physics is the giver” is a replacement for the anthropic principle. Many thanks for the gift! And I, too, will give something in return.

Without such an understanding, humanity looks like a bunch of madmen who do not observe safety precautions.

Addition : I think that a philosophical article is nevertheless perceived as technical, and therefore does not discuss, but express hostility. But I think that even technicians should be interested in the general scheme.

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