IBM Workshops: Quarkus (Ultrafast Java for Microservices), Jakarta EE, and OpenShift

Hello everyone! We are also tired of webinars, their number over the past couple of months has exceeded all possible boundaries. Therefore, we try to select the most interesting and useful ones for you.

At the beginning of June (we hope that the summer will nevertheless come), we have planned several practical sessions, which, we are sure, will be of interest to the developers. Firstly, we will talk about serverless and the latest ultra-fast quarkus (like, for example, 14ms of a cold start?), Secondly, Albert Khaliulov will talk about the features of cloud development on Jakarta EE , Microprofile and Docker (we will give each participant a ready-made virtual machine for the workshop) . And finally, on June 9, Valery Kornienko will tell you how to deploy your OpenShifton the IBM Cloud in a couple of minutes. Interesting? If so, the details are under the cut.

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