How to protect your data from theft, crossover Levelord and build a career in IT, if you have a shiz

In fact, the KDPV does not have a workplace on the balcony, it is an optical illusion. There is a beach, kebabs in nature and that's all ....

Hello, Habr! In June, we have prepared for you as many as 5 new speakers, we will say:

  • About data leaks with Ashot Hovhannisyan
  • About Yandex.Money frontend with team leader Ilya Kashlakov
  • About how to wean a whole country to download movies from torrents with CTO Okko Alexei Golubev
  • How to build a career in IT if you have a mental disorder with RUVDS marketing manager Sania Galimova

There is also a super bonus : you can play on drinking with Richard Gray Levelordom to zoom-togethers and try to beat him.

Remind about the format:

We are developing a new genre of educational project: Q / A-sessions during a live broadcast with IT specialists who have achieved success in their field. You ask questions, and speakers answer online. Airs are weekly in our Instagram account .

Introducing the speakers for June!

Who steals and makes money on your personal data?

Ashot Hovhannisyan, founder and technical director of DeviceLock DLP , author of the telegram channel Information leak

on June 2 at 20:00,

Ashot is probably the most competent person in Runet who is involved in the security of personal data. You can ask him any question in the comments and get the answer live.

What Ashot can definitely tell about:

  • Leaks in the banking sector: why and how do customer data leak and what happens to them later, who sells them and why they buy them
  • Features of the protection of personal data in Russia and other countries
  • Data Theft Myths and Facts
  • The whole chain of data theft: who is who in the chain, which of them receives how much, who how much is substituted and who earns in the end
  • Technical features of leaks, hackers and simply open servers

You can ask Ashot in the comments to this post .

How to wean a whole country to steal content

Tell Alexey Golubev, CTO

June 9 at 20:00

Alexei has been working closely with the Okko streaming service for a long time. Here's what he ate the dog on:

  • How to take technology from the Valley and bring it to Russian products
  • The specifics of creating technological products in the Russian Federation: legislative, geopolitical, economic
  • How to pump the main work and your technological development so that you do not have to look for third-party projects, but grow on the current project from the developer to a more cool developer, then to the architect and technical director
  • How to organize the development of the whole service: mobile, tablets, the whole service with the development inside. integrated product development service
  • Fault tolerance, accident rate, incident management in services 24/7
  • How to re-educate an entire country to stop stealing content through user experience - mostly enjoyable
  • Why Okko competes with pirated content and not Netflix
  • Why Okko does not become Netflix: how Okko looks at Netflix, what they take for themselves and what is not used
  • How tariff plans are created and how the Russian mentality affects the creation of tariffs and content service
  • Content and content protection: how pirated content differs from non-pirated content
  • How to protect tons of premium content
  • Live broadcasts in sports: why sports broadcasts in Russia are some of the best in the world and how they are arranged
  • How live broadcasts work, how they are distributed and how they are protected

You can ask Alexey a question here .

How to become a front-end team leader and how to live after that

Ilya Kashlakov, head of the Yandex.Money front-end department, will tell

on June 15 at 20:00

  • All about node.js
  • Frontend architecture, how to build architecture in Yandex.Money, what ideals do we strive for
  • Processes of managing people in a team: how to get on with 52 front-ends for comfortable work
  • How and why Yandex.Money switches to nest.js
  • How to become a team leader and why Ilya himself chose this path. What are the pros and cons of the team lead
  • Is it possible to fool Review 360?
  • All About Logic Review - A Process That Helps Before Developing Understand What and How to Develop
  • How to compile a list of the top 7 soft skills that are important for Yandex.Money culture. Why soft skills are the main career engine for the front-end
  • Where to go to study front-end
  • How to grow from Middle to Team Lead in 5 years: what to do and what to learn

Ask Ilya in the comments .

How to build a career in IT, despite a psychiatric diagnosis

Tell Sania Galimova, marketer RUVDS

June 23 at 20:00

for 3 years Sania has been living and working with a diagnosis from Big Psychiatry with a full range of symptoms: decreased performance, depression, hallucinations and obsessive states.

Now she is in remission, working in IT and can tell how to build her treatment and schedule so as not to fall out of work (and reality) during intense crunches, move forward in her career and live a normal life.

  • How to understand that the problem is deeper than ordinary laziness and procrastination and it’s time to consult a doctor
  • How is the primary appointment and treatment with a psychiatrist
  • IT- : ,
  • ( ),
  • ,
  • : ,
  • , ultra violence
  • ,

You can ask Sania questions in the comments on this post or in your account’s PM - if you want to remain anonymous.

And now, superbone! Have a drink with Richard Levellord Gray

June 19 at 20:00 The

rules of the game are simple.

Richard goes live and answers your questions. Every time you ask a question that he has not yet had to answer in an interview, he drinks. Every time he answers a question - you drink. Remember to grab your favorite drinks and prepare questions. You can ask Richard a question in this post.

What Richard will talk about except answers to your questions

  • How to get into the game industry as a level designer, if you have no experience
  • The story of the creation of Easter eggs from Duke Nukem
  • Blood,
  • - ? , , ?
  • ,
  • pet-projects , Android
  • : , , ?
  • « »,
  • ? «» , , ?

Ask Richard questions here . Richard says that he "drinks like a fish, but he doubts the abilities of the audience." Let's beat Richard.

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Will there be a record?

If you do not have time to listen to the broadcast online, you can still ask a question and hear the answer in the recording.

In order not to forget to watch the recording, you can also turn on the notification of new posts: as soon as you post the recording on IGTV, you will receive a notification.

See you live!

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