Why SQL Server does not guarantee sorting results without ORDER BY

Hello again. In June, OTUS again launches the “MS SQL Server Developer” course, traditionally on the eve of the start of the course we begin to share material on the topic with you.

If your query does not contain ORDER BY, then you cannot be sure that the sorting of the results will not change over time.

Of course, at first everything will be pretty predictable, but as changes occur (in indexes, tables, server configuration, amount of your data), you may encounter some unpleasant surprises.

Let's start with something simple: do a SELECT for the Users table of the Stack Overflow database. This table has a cluster index for the Id column, which starts from one and increases to a trillion. For this query, the data is returned in the order of the clustered index:

But if you create an index on DisplayName and Location, then SQL Server suddenly decides to use a new index, not a clustered one:

Here is the execution plan:

Why SQL Server decided to use this index, although it did not need to be sorted by DisplayName and Location? Because this index is the smallest copy of the data that needs to be obtained. Let's look at the size of the indices with sp_BlitzIndex:

The clustered index (CX / PK) has about 8.9 million rows and its size is 1.1 GB .

In the non-clustered index for DisplayName, Location is also about 8.9 million rows, but its size is only 368 MB . If you need to do a scan to get the query results, then why not choose the smallest data source, since it will be faster. It is for this reason that SQL Server did this.

“Yes, but my request contains WHERE.”

Ok, now that we have an index for DisplayName and Location, let's try a query that looks for a specific name (DisplayName). The results are sorted by DisplayName:

The execution plan shows that the index is used by DisplayName and Location:

But if you look at a different value, the results will no longer be sorted by DisplayName:

SQL Server found that Alex has a lot more reasonable Clustered Index Scan instead of Index Seek + Key Lookup:

Even in these really simple cases, you cannot guarantee that SQL Server will always use the copy of data that you expect.

Recently, I have come across much more complicated cases:

  • Removing the index used in the query
  • (Forced Parameterization), , SQL Server
  • (Compatibility Level) (Cardinality Estimator), .


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