How I was sick COVID-19

Hello everyone! I am 34, I lead in moderation the correct way of life (18 years of the gym), I do not smoke, I drink little and often. All chronic sores are the result of sports injuries. In general, healthy. It was all the more interesting to go through the current quest with COVID-19. It seems to have been successful. Next, the narrative will be day by day to structure the story.

The scene is the historical part of Vasilyevsky Island, St. Petersburg.

May 7
Wife woke up with obvious signs of ill health. Weakness. I didn’t go to work just in case. In the same case, I immediately moved into the next room. Since March 16, I myself have been in a remote place and since April I left home a couple of times a week. By evening, his wife had a fever up to 38.3, her head hurt very badly, her eyes hurt, her whole body ached. There was no cough, no runny nose, nor sore throat.

May 8th
They called his wife to the house of the district doctor of the city polyclinic No. 3 for compulsory medical insurance. The doctor, in one mask, was already after dinner and the next day she prescribed PCR for SARS-CoV-2, prescribing along the way a bunch of standard drugs for ARVI. Well ok, we are waiting for PCR for my wife. However, I decided to brighten up my expectation and talk a little with my colleagues at Teams for a glass of tea ... I think I drank a little (just a third of a bottle of 12-year-old whiskey) ...

May 9
A bright holiday was overshadowed by the most unusual hangover in life. Not that it was the toughest, there were more serious cases. However, lay on the bed until the evening. There was no temperature, but weakness and confusion of consciousness was present all day. A simple tea-making operation for a wife took 20 minutes with a constant scrolling of the script in my head and the inability to concentrate on a simple task. The wife was offended with the words:
"-Found when I tested the immunity with alcohol!" Maybe the karmic tester died in me? Tea won with the help of Google and some mother by willpower, and by the evening he won with the state of instability.

In the process of fighting with the “hangover”, a lady arrived from the clinic for the analysis. I did not take pictures, so as not to embarrass an innocent medical worker, but the level of satellite coverage was medical. the workers in the very center of the 2nd capital were unprintable - there was no mention of a plagueproof suit. Yes, even an FFP2 / 3 respirator was more expensive than all the protection on a lady.

A polyethylene apron to the knees (!) On a standard medical gown, a plastic hat for hair. There was no mask. And this is in the city, whose governor declares that he will bring the annual budget to the level of 1 trillion. rubles in a couple of years. Shame and chewing shame.

May 10
My throat was slightly sore and on the same day passed. My wife is still worse than me. Severe weakness, darkness in the eyes, but the temperature is about 37.

May 11
The wife lost her sense of smell, while there was no nasal congestion. My wife insisted that I measure the temperature while looking at me. I really felt nothing, but measured 38.5. True, after 15 minutes, she fell to 37. I can measure body temperature, and even under the supervision of a wife you will not get sick. We decided the next day to call the same precinct me.

12 May
The district doctor said from the threshold that PCR tests in St. Petersburg are no longer done and I will be diagnosed with the result of my wife’s test. I listened carefully to the lungs of both and prescribed antibiotics and other symptomatic treatment, I left: "- Yes, you definitely do not have COVID-19, I saw a lot of such patients." She told me to come to the clinic on May 18. At the same time, she listened to me for a long time, asked if I was smoking and breathing, in her words, was tougher than that of my wife. In general, and figs with him: it is better to drink antibiotics prescribed by eye than at LenExpo at home. For non-Petersburg residents, this is a Soviet exhibition complex, turned into a temporary infectious diseases hospital. The conditions are tin. At the same time, there is little medical staff. In addition, I clearly knew that in the case of the onset of the polar fox, I could both myself and my wife find a place in intensive care with mechanical ventilation. And for someone, an extra test might have been more relevant.

For irrational reasons, it was obvious to us that this is not a difficult or even an average case. Yes, and we both clearly understood that the diagnosis does not shine for us - well, okay. Immunity and antibodies are more important.

May 16
I lost my sense of smell. Since then, every day I tested the scent on Svan salt, antiseptics and whiskey. In different containers.

May 18
Arrived at the clinic. The district doctor herself was already on sick leave. And I want to smile and sincerely feel sorry for her - a good lady. In general, I have an assumption, which has not been proved in any way, that for doctors 300 thousand for serious illness is serious money. In no case do I blame, but on the contrary, I feel ashamed of the state (all of us) that some doctors may have to sacrifice themselves for such not very big money. And it is surprising that those handouts paid only in part cannot be made perpetual, but they are prescribed only for the duration of the pandemic. The issue price is a couple of hundred billion a year. But doctors and medical staff will feel like people, and do not work at 2-3 rates. Only teachers + policemen will remain. And there you look and become a normal country ...

At the reception they took my usual blood test (not a pity). I have long realized that the disease (what?) Has receded. His wife was extended sick leave for the 21st due to very hard breathing. Ok, treat her further.

May 19
Wife's smell began to return.

May 21
Because the district doctor was on sick leave for a long time, another lady listened to his wife and, after hearing something in the right lung, wrote out a referral to the MIBS for CT of the lungs with suspected pneumonia. Until the heap, the wife's temperature continued to stay at 37.2.

22nd of May
The saddest thing is that you didn’t get into the MIBS from the street, and we had to call an ambulance (each clinic has its own, and in fact it is poorer equipped ambulance) and use it like a taxi. Here I was pleasantly surprised. Not only did the doctor come in full uniform - a disposable anti-plague suit, glasses, shoe covers, and a mask. So they also drove superoperatively (less than 3 hours), conducted a study, wrote a conclusion, returned home. The wife says that in reality everything is even cooler and safer than in the video and in the short article about MIBS. The picture was given on a flash drive, and in conclusion, they wrote to his wife that pneumonia was not confirmed.

In the meantime, I went and passed an IgG antibody test for SARS-CoV-2.

May, 23rd
I talked to my wife that I had to walk a lot, which we started to practice. Strictly in a mask, nitrile gloves and, if possible, keeping away from people. We already had norms, but we don’t want to infect those “immortal” koi who stagger around the streets without observing either social distance or the requirement to wear PPE. By sight, such on Vasilievsky Island - 70% at that time.

On May 25,
a new doctor was called to his wife's house (the previous one also became ill). Already 3 doctors (a gastroenterologist, by the way - therapists in St. Petersburg, apparently ended up on sick leave) "listened" to hard breathing and prescribed her a new antibiotic (without advertising, because I am against self-medication). It was decided that the wife would donate IgG + IgM after the antibiotic.

The funny thing is that nobody found the results of his wife's PCR) To the WTF questions? They answered that if the result was positive, then "You would have been called for a long time." I want to believe that they have not lost.

May 26.
My sense of smell began to return. He began to remotely feel the Svan salt.

May 27th

It is clear that no one canceled the possible false positive results. But I hope I have a normal antibody titer and will be able to act as a plasma donor . In I Honey refused immediately, because I do not have a confirmed analysis of the presence of the disease and 2 tests of absence. Neighing. Well, at least in the City blood transfusion station they listened and gave a link to fill out the questionnaire. Filled out, waiting.

Take care of yourself, family and people around you! Wash your hands and stay away from everyone - you may well be an asymptomatic carrier. And those who have antibodies, do not be too lazy to become a donor.

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