Learning Kubernetes: July 6-8 Basic Program, Advanced July 13-15

Kubernetes online intensive will be held in July.

In May we conducted an online intensive. The format works. We got a good feedback.
It is more convenient to conduct online intensities twice as often, gathering for each half as fewer people.

We have set up a feedback system and improvements on the go. Pricing: There will be no more Mega 30, but the prices for intensities will be lower than before the coronacrisis.

More about everything

Online Learning is a New Reality

We want to hold live events, but at least until the fall they will not be. And then you will need to understand what happened to the conference rooms, catering and other services, how much airplanes and hotels cost. There is a risk that the prices of live events will bite strongly. So for now online.

Online intensities will take place more often

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# 1: Introducing Kubernetes, Key Components

  • Introduction to k8s technology. Description, application, concepts
  • Pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment, Service, Ingress, PV, PVC, ConfigMap, Secret

No. 2: Cluster device, main components, fault tolerance, k8s network

โ„–3: Kubespray, Kubernetes

โ„–4: Kubernetes

  • DaemonSet, StatefulSet, RBAC, Job, CronJob, Pod Scheduling, InitContainer

โ„–5: DNS .

  • DNS Kubernetes
  • : NodePort vs LoadBalancer vs Ingress
  • Ingress controller (Nginx):

โ„–6: Helm

  • Helm

โ„–7: Ceph: ยซ ยป

  • Ceph,
  • sc, pvc, pv โ€” Ceph

โ„–8: cert-manager

  • ert-manager: SSL/TLS


โ„–10: ,

  • CI/CD .


  • Kubeadm


  • LDAP (Nginx + Python)
  • OIDC (Dex + Gangway)

โ„–3: Network policy

  • CNI
  • Network Security Policy


  • PodSecurityPolicy
  • PodDisruptionBudget
  • PriorityClass
  • LimitRange/ResourceQuota

โ„–5: Kubernetes.

  • CRD

โ„–6: Stateful

  • Kubernetes. RabbitMQ CockroachDB


  • Kubernetes
  • Vault

โ„–8: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler


  • Heptio Velero (. Ark) etcd


  • control-plane kubeadm


โ„–12: Service Mesh

  • Istio

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