We had 5 languages ​​in a team, legacy monolith, too much AWS costs and too few static analysis tools

And we knew that someday we would make a mitap about it. It will be held on Saturday , May 30, in the afternoon, in the format of an open broadcast and behind-the-scenes discussions in a video chat.

And in addition to YouTube and zoom that have already become familiar, you will have the opportunity to watch and discuss reports with a small group of friends or colleagues - in a voice, as if you had come to a group for a regular offline meeting.

Links to collective viewing tools, details of all activities and interesting communities and channels on the topic of PHP in the telegram can be found on the event page . Well, below are some details about the speakers and their topics.

Service-independent architecture inside the monolith (Anton Gubarev, Skyeng) - 11:00 hereinafter, time in Moscow / Kiev / Minsk

What will you tell about?

As a small team under tight deadlines, I was able to get rid of a very old Legacy monolith and not fall into the dirt with my face. Well, how do we live with a new solution on production.

Tell me a little story that will not be included in the report due to timing, but it seems interesting to you?

We tried to abstract from external systems in DDD, but we realized that this is a high overhead for us.

I think it will be possible to learn more about this in the discussion of the report in zoom. And what else are you ready to talk on the sidelines?

About automation. Total)

I am the first blind developer on the team. Part 2 (Andrey Polikanin, InterNations) - 12:00

What will you tell about?

Perhaps someone has already read how I, being blind from birth, learned web development and found work in Eastern European IT. Now I want to tell you how I searched and found a job in Europe, in steps: from compiling a “European resume” through test and interviews to relocation to Germany. And also I will show how I cope with work tasks: writing and reading code, communicating with a team in which the rest of the guys are sighted.

Tell me a little plot, a case that will not be included in the report due to timing, but it seems interesting to you?

From the series "Our Circle". He submitted a resume, including to Cyprus, a recruiter from a local agency contacted me. He says that there is a good vacancy, Laravel, everything is fine, we schedule an interview. The interview begins, I introduce myself, and the interviewer says: “Oh, you're from Ukraine, so don't you speak Russian?”. “Yes, I do,” I answer. “Well then you can in Russian, if convenient,” he says. They didn’t take me there, but the experience was interesting.

After the report, we will open a zoom room for communication with you. What can I ask you, in addition to the topic? What other expertise would you like to share?

I will be glad to talk about accessibility under all sauces, foreign languages, resumes and motivation letters, code reviews, job search in different countries and life in Germany.

AWS ( , iSpring) — 13:00

Looking back, what would you do differently in the project you are going to talk about?

I wouldn’t start working with the RTMP protocol - Flash, it’s still history now :) But seriously, I wouldn’t do anything else. I’ll tell you about the evolution of our video conversion solution, what we’ve come to. And why the current option is probably not the last.

Tell me a small case that will not be included in the report due to timing, but it seems interesting to you?

We once wrote our own media transcoding service to replace AWS-based solutions. The service never got to production, although it was completely ready ... But why, ask on the sidelines.

After the report, we will open a zoom room for communication with you. What can I ask you, in addition to the topic? What other expertise would you like to share?

We can continue the discussion about AWS, because media conversion is not the only problem that we solved there. I am also always ready to discuss architecture, code cleanliness, code review practices.

Psalm not to offer: little-known tools for static code analysis (Alexander Novikov, Spiral Scout) - 14:00

What will you tell about?

In preparing the material, I tried in practice 88 of the 100 tools for static analysis of PHP code: local, cloud, PHP and Go, looking for bugs, style problems, places for refactoring, etc.

In the report I’ll talk about some of them: why, having tried it once, you won’t refuse them, how they work. I will share recommendations and use cases ... Eh, if I could go back in time - I would start research earlier in order to run more tools on real projects)

Tell me a little story that will not be included in the report due to timing, but it seems interesting to you?

There are 2 well-known code formatting tools: phpcs and php-cs-fixer. If you configure them on the default PSR-2 rules on a large project, then launching the phpcs automatic fixer (phpcbf) will change something after running php-cs-fixer on the same set of files. And php-cs-fixer after phpcbf too. And checks can also fall. And so in a circle.

But if you take easy-coding-standard, which is a wrapper over phpcs and php-cs-fixer, it will format the code in a way that does not match both the first and second separately. So I do not recommend dragging everything into the project at once.

After the report, we will open a zoom room for communication with you. What can I ask you, in addition to the topic? What other expertise would you like to share?

From the most interesting and the latest - I can share the experience of launching real projects on the Roadrunner + Cycle ORM + Spiral and PHP 7.4 stack with the active use of typed properties. There were some nuances.

We automated the delivery as best we could. And now we have 5 languages ​​in the team (Evgeny Salnikov, Lamoda) - 15:00

What are you telling about?

About a team that is not afraid to support several systems in different languages ​​- there are PHP, and Java, and Typescript, and Kotlin, and utilities on Go. When I came to her, I was slightly shocked. Now I'm used to it: I’ll tell you how to be part of such a team, how we plan and support the work of our systems.

Tell me a little story that will not be included in the report due to timing, but it seems interesting to you?

I can tell you on the sidelines how I got a job in this team, why there, how the process of onboarding and hiring was arranged.

After the report, we will open a zoom room for communication with you. What can I ask you, in addition to the topic? What other expertise would you like to share?

I am almost 40, I have run out of a work book and two inserts in it. So I can share how to feel good in IT)

ps We hope that on the 30th you will also feel good and take a look at our online. There will be many more interesting people with interesting experience.

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