Electric mug. We are building a crazy electric scooter / electric bike. Reflections

Hello everyone, friends. Where to begin? The fact that an electric scooter, an electric bike is freedom and personal space available at any second, I think it’s worth saying. Yes, of course yes!

Let's get it right. What is a modern electric scooter and how do we perceive it at all. We are modern consumers. That is, we and our environment. It is important.
I will voice some thoughts about this. Meet your waiting. I recently came across an article on some American site. About the largest companies from industries related to logistics and transportation. Among them are Uber, Delta, etc. Uber says it’s about to close the premium segment. At the same time, he voiced the growth of the courier delivery segment. And I thought: what is the biggest impetus for the movement and development of two-wheeled electric transport? It turns out that courier services and couriers! As a result, ordinary people are increasingly trying to ride and change to electric. More and more people perceive the electric scooter as a universal - all-weather - vehicle. That is, we ride all year round. Hooray! And this is a loud cheer. Previously, a person on a scooter or bicycle was perceived very strange in winter. Today it is absolutely normal.And the time has passed 8-10 years.

At the same time, the scooter sharing segment is actively developing.

This is an example of the most common among them. Then begins the increase in power, size, additional off-road capabilities, etc. And he already looks like this:

Is this a scooter in general?

English-speaking people call a scooter and a scooter, and a full-fledged scooter, for example Honda Click. But more often use the word "bike" for equipment with internal combustion engines.

It turns out that we have everything mixed up in the head and in perception. Scooters, monowheels, electric bikes, bicycles, scooters, etc. And how to navigate in this, what class to relate to, what to compare with? We are like children in the department with sweets - a lot of everything, I want to try everything. What is this? What difference does it make?

To what weight do we consider a scooter? The questionnaire added below. Your opinion is interesting.

Now a little technical part. QS motor wheel for our 20 ”16 electric bike :


Motor QS on a bike


I express my personal gratitude to Habr and his residents for their active participation in the comments: opinions, questions, technical calculations and estimates of the likely indicators of the electric bike under construction, etc. Thank you very much!

A person wrote to me in the mail I won’t give his name.

I am very pleased. And yes, it really is very incentive to tear off the fifth point and begin to invent and build something new and interesting.

I'm waiting for a goproshka to take a trip on my 20 ”16. As soon as I wait, I will record the bike trip in the city and the forest. Just the weather is warm for us. Have a nice day, everyone.

PS: Ask your questions and leave comments.

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