I'm tired of the fact that ordinary programmers impersonate developers and dishonor the industry. They make the world worse

Good day, and today (oh my God, how long have I not written anything, much less useful) I would like to answer this post .

For the ignorant, a brief retelling:
Dude forced himself to watch the Dude film about Silicon Valley and is worried that mother programmers, on a puff and javascript of bunch-by-click applications, will consider themselves developers and go to Silicon Valley to look for an investor.

Well, for starters, I ’ll tell you a little about myself so that the reader can understand what mountain I even went down to and why I discuss such complex topics:

Being a simple schoolboy from the outskirts of Moscow I was very fond of computer games when I was 13, and when I realized that it was exclusively a gaming experience created by others I don’t have enough people, I decided to study 3D modeling and programming (Java did not go, I even wrote something on python, but not very interesting).

Then there was a lot of everything, from the attempts to be a developer, the games and programs themselves, the USE, the courses on specialties not related to coding, distracted me, and so by 2016 I went with the makings of a techie to study at the State Medical University (State and Municipal Administration).

Well, since paid full-time students in Russia from preferences only have a discount on metro fares — around the middle of the second year, along with the simultaneous aggravation of difficulties with study and extra-curricular processes (however, it still makes sense later to write about this a big difficult and an important article, although an article about the most correct construction of uiux in gamedev under a PC under the pretext of complexity and importance has not yet been written)))), there was a need to somehow earn money after a couple of dozen interviews for various "student" vacancies, with whom I wanted to run away even before they started, a responsible decision was made to start creating and selling air, including and apps with click fart sites.

And this is where it makes sense to start talking about “development”(what a big word for mommies)

Initially, if you think purely terminologically, development is the development of a strategic plan, the formulation of goals, the analysis of resource possibilities, ways and means of achieving goals, the justification of the chosen option for action, the preparation, discussion, adoption of planning, design, program documents .

But we are about the essence , right?

And here the problem of the author of the original article appears: for him, development is the creation of something new and unknown, and always useful (like, for example, Kotlin, the creation of applications on which I, by the way, have not mastered, I repent).
Dear (no) Philip Rangin states:
The dream of becoming an inventor and scientist should remain flagship. She should get all the attention. And the dream of becoming a businessman is a minor error for those who did not succeed.

And yes, this is of course all fun and very interesting, but now (if you are a supporter of the same theory as the author of the criticized material), please answer a very simple question: Well
, excuse me, should this scientist-developer eat ?

Even here, on a hub, with a frequency of about 1-2 pieces per season, there are posts from DEVELOPERS who spent months and years creating their programming languages, and who are always answered in the comments:
Well, you made this x *** u, and then what? Why do I need this?

No, I do not claim that the scientific and inventive process must die, in no case! But here you need to understand a simple thing:
Until the world has established an unconditional income (and most likely after (in the case of) such an outcome of events), any DEVELOPMENT should be beneficial to someone.

Philip can create 3 dozen awesome programming languages, but the problem is that for each such language, he will then have to find at least one solvent user .

Yes, theoretically, he can create his own incredible PL, his impossibly-excellent processor architecture, anything, and then use it himself while creating popular products on their platform, but given the amount of time needed to create something from scratch, time, I dare to suggest that if Philip (or a completely different conditional DEVELOPER) is not Sechin’s son, or doesn’t work as an alpha at night, in the course of such DEVELOPMENT he, excuse me, will be scanned from hunger somewhere under the bridge.

I will give a banal example on myself:
Having two ideas objectively (according to a survey of friends who like to play computer 24/7) of interesting games, I understand two things to implement them within the framework of existing game engines - it is absolutely impossible, and creating from scratch all the necessary software can either take decades (hi "0 ad ”, in which there is still not even a story mode) (and after all, the creation of a new unique and cool engine is DEVELOPMENT), or lead to a commercial collapse (as, for example, in the case of the awesome Eisenwald Legends).
Actually, having realized all the futility of such projects here, I personally didn’t go to study as a techie =).

And here it makes sense for us to return to the definition of the word DEVELOPMENT, or rather, to the following parts specifically:
"... development of a strategic plan ..."
"... analysis of resource capabilities ..."
"... the rationale for the chosen option ..."

This is what distinguishes development from sales.
When selling, the only goal is to get X funds by giving as little as possible of a certain Y product / product.
During development - CREATE a certain Y product so that then you don’t eat up x * y without salt, they hope that in the process there will be some scientific knowledge that will later be useful to other developers and all other generations to come.

And while demand exists precisely for applications that make a bunch of click-sounding sounds, and not for programming languages ​​and other great communist construction projects, development is the creation of such applications in the most efficient way.

You can minus, I'm not ashamed.

P. s.: In case of errors, please report to the PM, there are no pictures, because it is written in a state of extreme anger and in the complete absence of positive information lines in your personal life, you can offer the same corrections there.

Okay, for the slowest, I’ll explain in a short and simple language what this is all about: in the original article, the author ached that after the film Dude, schoolchildren writing farting appas and looking for investors in the valley divorced. Perhaps this is so, but after Philip’s article, schoolchildren are equally likely to divorce, who think that writing a new YP makes them an Oxford professor and generally a cool dude, such as the creator of Kotlin.
The story is that so far there is no objective demand for new YaPs, for farting applications, all these people will remain idiots, just as Philip will remain, complex because he cannot come up with anything fundamentally useful.

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