About orcs and frameworks

In the spring, a startup was founded.
And what about headquarters development?
And here's another question asked -
What is the business plan outlined?
The answer is one, without googling.
It is known that the project should be.
Now on the road, and “ec, of the goats”,
“open source” agrees with me.
I will rent wheels
And a wheel ..., ready only a scooter.
But life draws - in the silence of the night,
plan programs for the soul.
They will work without problems,
Only the price column bothers,
On the server, where the core is,
And the memory slots are devouring everything.
But this will not be a post,
Tom is witnessed by a localhost.
After all, the topic is in the word “framework”,
which is heard more often than “ad block”.
On the "pi-ash-pi", and there is no worse bug,
As they say, but always gives good.
And in secret, if you please,
Listen, it’s like a callus,
From the "control" of the button, or another,
You send it to deploy.
The framework pulled off? And he
outsourced your problems.
The more of them, the farther into the forest,
And there WordPress will find you.
Everything is better than starting with “zero”,
and you deceived the deadline.
Now - how to choose the framework itself,
Where you need bread, and where is the pie.
Known stories, it is stored,
On a dusty shelf (where a diploma),
Every second. I saw a tweet:
"They will add to the language as a commit."
And often in a search so
that a small nail can not be driven into the wall ...
Isn’t it easier to tell fortunes by a random house?
The House of Lords is more impressive to convene.
After all, the seniors and the lord,
Such a dilemma is not worth it.
For thought, an extreme patch:
"Everything depends on the tasks here."
As an exception - you need your own,
Foundation, if unfinished.
So, what are the trends?
For bookshelves, an argument,
And for animals that are waiting in cages,
They also need “root” access,
But in manuals every time,
Only a class is given to them as an inheritance.
The framework is an ordinary tool,
And it will solve some of the problems at the moment,
However, the Web is not so simple,
And it continues to grow rapidly.
Here the task programmer came,
What is needed in the form of a middle floor.
Standards write standards, The
second conceived. The third is to smash.
The temptation is great, find the finished code
And go on to the ford solution.
The sacred interpretation of books over the century,
Less than in the github libraries.
After all, every property
Or a problem, get fat,
Given to her. Semicolon.
From each version to another.
But we are talking about the framework,
A popular only heels.
Here you can see a small selection ...
However! Monopoly system It took
shape there, on the contrary,
Where free code reigns.
The community always gives advice:
“Why reinvent the wheel?”
Okay, but that’s the question.
Where can I get it for cycling?
With a crooked steering wheel, he is like a ram,
And, by the way, there is a catamaran.
And this is what the current thread is
leaning at: “Hand-made” is out of place here.
At the same time, if there was indignation,
It would be nice to put him in chorea =)
Although, a special quest is known.
Error? So send me a pull request.
And since so, having mentioned the “hand-made”,
I should give a link to the proof .
Then review. The admin will forgive me?
View is important in the framework.
Consent gives that,
And old and young, and google.
And with the database to be friends, believe me, He
still needs a Model.
Slender, beautiful and smart,
Always with requests she.
It’s also appropriate to attach the Controller,
Not the one through “”. Translate,
He loves arrows. Where is the route here?
There is a map of them, and this is buzzing.
It remains to twist “Russian roulette”:
“To whom should I introduce logic here?”
But let it be a lot in the framework of everything,
First is the volume in which it is empty.
Entry threshold should not turn back
Like a smoothie. Eat it, drink it?
And if you already got into a respectable frame,
Add more to your bookmarks,
And be prepared that the godfather is the father.
Kompare, you will be a businessman at night.
From the clan directly, as you know,
Do not leave. After all, you know too much ...
Suddenly in the morning a tip will come, an
order for creativity, not work,
You need to push the frames into adaptive mode, You
have to change the motive at the plate.
In the meantime, not server-side yet,
Another hand will rise,
Hook up the code. Add trump cards.
But the main thing is to give a name faster.
To praise or scold, no matter how many lines,
Without a brand, this is unlikely to be of any use.
For example, the Propeller. There is one.
There, the Carousel plugin will have to be like a native.
Let that framework. All from the screw!
Goodbye button accordion and Chernomor beard
From jokes. No drafts! After all, the mainstream,
Calls everyone without question for the Gulf Stream.
Such is the problem of choosing names,
That as I called, the galleon will be like that ... A
brief fact is filled with eastern wisdom,
When we got a quick ass,
The heavier the load on it, in addition to the trash.
Now I won’t give a bet on him.
On the contrary, there is an English style.
There only a steam car carries itself.
It would seem, what does this post have to do with it?
Decide, the Bridge pattern has wandered far away.
In the project, we will find a hangout for now:
There are a million foreign dependencies.
They are called “outsiders” instead,
until a chain reaction takes place.
But is there an ardent critic in the subject?
It is needed if suddenly there is an extra screw.
Where there are more classes for the task, we’ll take a hyperbole.
The less school developer classes we’ll hire.
Again, here is my IMHO, a
bottle of rum and yo-ho-ho.
Here is the conclusion, from the next attempt:
“Universal” does not mean “flexible” yet.
Toward the curtain I foresee a code review,
That the theme of the orcs is not revealed in the bud.
Here only trolls can be desired,
In the cave to catch the dawn.
And the rest of Viva, and the elves, dwarves,
And a separate one - seniors, so as
not to disappoint "paypal",
and so that the cache does not go out!

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