Yandex gives out money for advertising. Or not?

Hello everyone. My name is Alexander, I am the head of We are engaged in the development and promotion of sites and mobile applications. In addition, we are a certified agency of Yandex and Google. Today I want to talk about our experience in obtaining assistance from Yandex for small and medium-sized businesses as part of this promotion .


During the epidemic, a lot of companies announced that they want to help small businesses at such a difficult time for him. Almost all of these stocks look like Spanish shame. Instead of real help, it is more like PR on a hype, giving out unnecessary buns and bonuses to anyone that cost nothing to the company itself, tariff discounts to keep elusive customers and all sorts of offers to double payments.

Most entrepreneurs are well aware that they can’t wait for help from anywhere and you can only rely on yourself, so they don’t really pay attention to such actions. Nevertheless, we want to tell everyone who has not stopped their activities and continues to advertise on Yandex how to get a small bonus from this company.

Yandex suggests adding up to 15,000 additional rubles to the account of advertisers under certain conditions. Not without reservations, of course, and will have to spend a small amount of their own funds, but nonetheless.
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Simply put, the promotion is more like a modified bonus for new customers and the resuscitation of half-dead. Approximately the same bonuses are offered when opening a bank account, registering an IP, etc. It would seem that if you have been working with Yandex for a long time and spent more than 50k per year on advertising (which is not so much), then you don’t have any goodies from them to see. Nevertheless, we tried to apply for an old project with a turnover of just over 100 thousand per year. And they gave us a bonus! Well, how they gave it ... They sent a letter confirming that they would.


I don’t know if this is a mistake or an accident, or maybe Yandex has a limit on the money allocated per share and they began to distribute them more loyally. I hope that once they promised, they would not be deceived.

Now we are applying for this bonus for almost all of our customers and told about this opportunity to our customers who conduct contextual advertising on their own. It turned out that most of them were not aware that such an action existed and they were very grateful to us for the information. For them, we wrote a short instruction on how to get this bonus and decided to publish it for everyone, not only for our customers. Hurry up, there is only time until May 31, then registration in the program will end.

Well, if your contextual advertising contractor still hasn’t told you how to get this bonus and hasn’t applied for it, then it's time to think about changing it.

PS There is still an option to manage to register a new account with another legal entity or an individual who has not worked with Yandex before, unscrew 3000 rubles before the end of June and apply for a bonus in accordance with formal requirements. But we did not try in this way to "chemical". Moreover, some customers for whom we filed a similar application have also received confirmation.

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