Agile pirate and some laws of dialectics

Last week, we found out not only how to build a stable company structure based on new flexible management methods. The main goal was to show how to increase the involvement and responsibility of each employee.

To form a real, not cargo Agile-team. Moreover, these principles apply to both business and IT. And for dessert, we reserved roles in Scrum and SWAY.

Of course, the process was not without insight.

We have been reflecting on why for a long time, we are giving more and more practical cases, we are giving the real value of flexible technology tools, we have perfected the technical part of the program, and Youtube searches are falling. The main audience in Zoom, which sees the live broadcast, as a whole, remains at the same levels and is even more active in the working chat. But those listeners who for one reason or another can’t participate directly in the webinar, less and less go to the YouTube record.

The answer was simple, like an apple that fell on Sir Isaac Newton's high forehead.

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