Habru - 14 years old

The company's birthday is always an occasion for a fun and cozy party. Habr was not an exception - in the past years we gathered noisy parties to which our friends, readers and companies came. We drank, talked, had fun.

But Marty McFly did not listen to Doc and set the 2020th year in the time machine, which destroyed many plans and destinies. As a result, we are forced to celebrate our birthday remotely. But still in the company of our best friends - you, users of Habr. 


You ride a bicycle, and around the house there are fences and trees. And suddenly you see a beautiful house. It is unlikely that at this moment the question “who built it” arises, and certainly not a thought about the hammer and screwdrivers that the builders used.

I mean, any website on the Internet is, first and foremost, a tool with which you can build something. And what results in the end is, as a rule, a merit not so much of the site owners as of the users themselves. Personally, I really like the fact that we are building with you for the second decade already - I am grateful to each user. But what can I say: our whole team is grateful, it's just me who writes this post. :)

So if I congratulate the site on his birthday and wish him all the best, then this primarily applies to all users who make Habr.

Thank you guys!

It sounds strange, but for a long time it was not clear what exactly to consider as the birthday of the project - the date of registration of the domain or the date the site was launched and the date of registration of the first user? If the first, then the domain habrahabr.ru was registered on April 18, 2006. However, it is not enough just to register a domain name - you need to make sure that life is born on it. Therefore, as a holiday date, we like the day the site was launched on May 26, 2006. On the same day the first user of the site was registered -habrahabr.

From a warm lamp post released 4 years ago

Lose for IT?

If you observe self-isolation, then for sure you, like us, lack communication. Not correspondence in a telegram, not phone calls, but full-fledged live communication, with emotions and eyes opposite. Throughout the week, we tested different services for group video calls and so far have opted for Whereby. It allows you to create "rooms" with a capacity of up to 50 people - 12 of them can be with video, the rest in audio mode. We still don’t know how everything will go, but I definitely want to talk!

We decided to make 6 "rooms" - according to the names and themes of Habr flows. Choose your race and go:

In each room during the day (starting from 9 a.m. and "until the last visitor") there will be Habr employees who will communicate with everyone with pleasure. I’ll probably be in the last room, “about everything” - plans to be thereDeniskin(He promised to cut his hair on the air!).

This is not some kind of press conference, random coffee or a question and answer in the corridor - you can communicate on any topic, ask any questions. Not only to Habr employees, but just to each other. Drinking beer together remotely - easy!

It will be easy to recognize Habr employees regardless of nickname: they will have a black Habr Tolstoyan.


Habr Kiosk

You asked for a long time and we have ripened: section with Habr merch. Why just now? Because before we had no one to do this, but now we have found a reliable partner who has already helped us out at more than one event.

We thought for a long time how to name the section — options from Habr Lark and Habr Bench to Habr Market and Habr Store climbed into our heads. But in the end, we stopped at the Kiosk - as follows from Wikipedia, this is a "small-sized structure designed for retail trade." Just our story, “piece” - there are no plans to dress the whole world.

Habr Kiosk

Merch is not cheap, but quality and assortment will be replenished over time. And the first 500 customers will receive a small surprise with the order.

Happy birthday, Habr!

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