Robot lawyer, garbage collection application and much more: online tube hackathon with online pizza conquers the crisis

Urban Ocean, SolarSouth

Hack the Crisis online hackathons have brought together more than 100,000 participants from 30 countries to create solutions to improve the social and economic component of people's lives around the world.

In Russia, the #HacktheCrisisRussia hackathon was held with the support of the professional community of the same name, Cloud Solutions (MCS) and the organizer of Ontiko IT conferences .

Under the cat, weโ€™ll summarize the main results of the tube hackathon with online pizza and tell you how a robot lawyer, a garbage collection application and much more will help in the fight against coronavirus.


The main goal of the hackathon was to bring together enthusiasts from various IT fields for a common goal - to combat the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic and provide all participants with resources so that developers can implement socially significant projects.

During the week before the hackathon, teams were helped by mentors: they gave lectures and consultations, shared expert opinions on projects and helped with a detailed study of ideas. So, for example, Anna Tarasenko, founder and CEO of 7bits , shared how to make MVP from scratch. After carefully working out the ideas with the mentors, on May 16, the teams started developing projects. And so that nothing distracts developers from really important tasks, Delivery Club organized the delivery of free traditional pizza for hackathons to the participants โ€™house.

Hackathon Live Stream

On May 17, the second day of the hackathon was held entirely online: lectures, announcement of the results and discussion of projects were available live on the hackathon's website , and communication with experts and within teams via video link

As part of the hackathon program, lectures were given for those who were just starting their way in the IT direction.

How to enter IT

Tigran Baseyan, product manager at GeekBrains, spoke about career opportunities in IT and digital, how to become a sought-after digital specialist and how to plan your professional development.

Five Myths About Creative Thinking

Dmitry Makeev, the leader in research competencies of the Bots in Text and Voice cluster at Sberbank, talked about 5 creativity myths:

  1. Methodologies - why they look like religion, and their adherents followers of religious sects.
  2. ***** - thinking. Why any design thinking methodology doesnโ€™t help you invent a new one.
  3. Brainstorming, or the mythical power of the collective mind. Why is it sometimes more beneficial to think alone and how to do it right.
  4. Empathy. Why observing users is much more useful than listening to them.
  5. Why TRIZ does not work well in relation to the development of services and social projects

What awaits the IT market after the crisis?

Arthur Schetinin, business development manager at Cloud Solutions, told what changes await the IT market after the crisis, how to be prepared for changes and what role cloud technologies play in adaptation.

Materials of lectures: presentations of speakers.

Team Projects

Based on the results of #HacktheCrisisRussia, 6 of the most promising developments focused on improving the quality of life and social support of Russians were selected.

1. Rosvosros Team
captain: Sergey Valigursky

Rosvosros is an information and analytical system created on the basis of AI that provides targeted legal services for individuals and legal entities in the form of ready-made electronic documents (thinking dynamic form) by type: statement of claim, consumer complaint, claim, appeal, fine, etc., and their direction through the Internet to the appropriate court, state or municipal authorities and commercial organizations, with subsequent evaluation of the result, including a rating system for judges, state and municipal employees, and commercial organizations.
Website: http: //rosvosros.rf

2. P2P (people to people)
Team captain: Alexander Berdennikov

P2P is an aggregator for the conscious collection and sorting of garbage. The application builds the transport chain from the place of garbage to the point of recycling or disposal. All participants in the process receive a monetary reward for their work (payment from garbage processing plants per kg). At the hackathon, a mock application was created using glideapps and an economic calculation of the model was made on the example of 2 materials (plastic, cardboard).

3. CloseContactWorks Team
Captain: Nikolay Ryabinin

Annie Your Companion is a chatbot for socializing employees in a large company and remotely. Annie can be used with various levels of implementation: chatbot for collecting analytical data; work with the interests of employees and adaptation of new colleagues; development of a model for teaching AI, a service of matching for employees by interests.

4. CoNetRes Team
Captain: Arina Matveeva

CoNetRes is a one-stop toolkit, an open source design pattern, that helps to demonstrate and correlate available resources and needs in local communities. As a result - the ability to quickly adapt to crisis situations, finding bottom-up solutions. Based on software, CoNetRes creates a web application for collecting and visualizing data using social cybernetics. CoNetRes place emphasis on confidentiality, low-tech solutions and availability in operation.

5. Dabba
Team captain: Rudenko Sergey

Dabba is a delivery designer for small and medium-sized businesses. Dabba helps the business in a short time and with minimal investment go to the delivery format, which has become very popular in a pandemic by providing a service designer for its organization: an online storefront, an order and payment processing system, marketing and courier services.

6. EMOScanner Team
captain: Alexander Berdennikov

EMOScanner is a service for determining the emotional state of a person by video recording. EMOScanner helps HR conduct robotic interviews for mass vacancies by evaluating the emotional component of candidates. The service analyzes the movement of the eyes, hands, posture, facial expressions and other parameters.

Results of #HacktheCrisisRussia

#HacktheCrisisRussia has become a center of attraction for experts, programmers, managers and people of various specialties who are united by indifference and a desire to help. Despite the new format, we managed to preserve the basic values โ€‹โ€‹of the hackathon: speed, communication atmosphere, expertise and - most importantly - good projects on the way out.

All participants in the final stage received the mentoring support of experts from various areas of IT, the power of the Cloud Solutions cloud platform for implementing projects, as well as tickets to the Ontiko online conference RIT ++ .

We thank those who have actively supported the hackathon: Rebrain , Epam , Delivery Club ,GeekBrains , fevlake , DevOps40, and the telegram channels Friday Deploy , Kotyot Kodyat , The After Times , IT Online Events , Genon Technological Bolt .

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