PyDoma [PyData Moscow Meetup # 12]: May 26, 2020

May 26 (Tuesday) 2020, i.e. already tomorrow, DataGym together with ODS will hold a free online PyData Moscow Meetup under the flag of self-isolation and charity - PyDoma.
PyData Moscow Meetup is an event dedicated to the collection, storage, processing, analysis and visualization of data in Python.

The broadcast will take place on the YouTube channel , a discussion with the speaker will take place in the Zoom room.

4 interesting reports are waiting for you:

18:45 - 19:00 - Collecting guests in the online broadcast and chat

19:00 - 19:30 - From the gun on the sparrows, or BERT vs. logreg

Yuri Kashnitsky yorko
Let us consider several practical problems of text classification, in which a simple base line in the form of TF-IDF and logistic regression is worthy of itself. We will try to improve the result with the help of the heavyweight BERT, we will discuss when it makes sense, and when not.

19:30 - 20:00 - Threads, processes, and hashes

Evgeny Nizhibitsky
When analyzing data, it is often necessary to run inference or some kind of pre / post / processing on a large amount of data, which is a blocker for tens or more minutes for further work. Let's talk about how and in which cases these tasks can be accelerated by the optimal utilization of resources using python.

20:00 - 20:30 - DL pipelines

Arthur Cousin N01Z3
With a touch of philosophy and code examples, we’ll talk about common approaches and useful techniques in building pipelines for teaching Deep Learning models using picture problems as an example.

20:30 - 21:00 - StarterKit for solving problems of semantic segmentation

Pavel Yakubovsky
Let's talk about the library segmentation models , what models it contains for semantic segmentation, how to choose an architecture and configure it for your task.

21:00 - 23:00 - Closing and online bar


We also timed a charity marathon. We ask you to take part in it and make any donation to help everyone who has suffered from the consequences of the pandemic in Russia. At the Fund Need Help, we organized a fundraiser here . Read about the funds and donation goals here .

Date: Tomorrow, 26 (Tuesday) May 2020.
Online gathering: 18:45. The beginning of the reports: 19:00.

Register for the event on timepad in order not to miss the broadcast link and discussions.

You can make a voluntary donation to charity here .

After editing, the recording will also be available on the YouTube channel .

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