Snom Exchange A to Z


We are often asked the question: โ€œWhat's the catch?โ€ To answer this question, we decided to put all the information on the shelves. You will see that there is no catch.

So, let's begin. What is Snom Exchange - in fact it is Trade In, we take away old phones and give a big discount on our new phones.

Note . The minimum amount for exchange is 30 pieces. This is not because we are so greedy, but because phones for money come out well below standard prices and the distributor simply cannot sell you from the warehouse so as not to go into the red. 30 pieces - this is the minimum batch that the distributor can start without problems, so as not to go into minus.

For convenience, add a few headings that will be in the article:

  1. Phones for sharing
  2. About money
  3. How to use

Phones for sharing

We will work in question-answer mode, so it will be clear.

1. What phone models do we accept for exchange:

  • Any SIP phones of any brand: Fanvil, Grandstream, Yealink, Akuvox, Cisco, etc.
  • Analog phones. Yes, that's right, analog phones of any manufacturer, even if itโ€™s an old Panasonic, which is lying in the admin box.

2. Should the phone be operational? - No, it doesnโ€™t matter to us whether the phone is working or not.

3. What is the ratio of the exchange? Exchange takes place in a ratio of one to one, i.e. one old phone for one new with a big discount.

So, with the phone models that we are ready to pick up figured out. The question then arises: โ€œWhat Snom phones are available?โ€ - several models are available from our two lines of desk phones:

1. 7xx line:

2. 3xx line.

Accordingly, a customer who wants to use the Snom Exchange program will have to choose from these models. The customer does not need to be limited to one model, it can be a number of models, for example, simpler for staff or a phone for a secretary, or for a manager.

About money

The most important and interesting, but also the shortest, since everything is very simple and without any catch.

We give discounts on new phones from 35% to 40% on retail prices. The level of discount depends on:

  1. From partner status. The higher the status, the higher the discount
  2. From the number of exchanged phones. The larger the volume, the higher the discount
  3. From the duration of the contract (see the section on how to use it)

The maximum discount level is not affected by the combination of all three points, but by any of the three points.

We give a good example to understand what specific amounts are involved. Listed retail prices including VAT (example for the Russian market, in other countries, prices may vary slightly depending on the tax):

The picture shows a discount of about 40%.

Note . The discount does not affect the warranty period. For all our equipment, the period is 36 months.

For clarity of numbers, we solve the problem.

Task : the customer moves from analogue telephony to IP.

Condition : equip 50 jobs.

Solution : IP-PBX (any one with SIP support, even Asterisk deployed on its knees will work with our phones). Phones in the amount of 50 pieces.

The cost of IP-PBX is easy to calculate and this will not be the main share of expenses. The main share of expenses is telephones.

Calculation of the cost of phones (for example, take the calculation for D717 in the amount of 50 pieces):

  1. Regular price - 135 USD * 50 (number of phones) = 6750 USD
  2. Snom Exchange Cost:

  • 35% off: 6750 - 35% = 4387 USD
  • 40% off: 6750 - 40% = 4050 USD

Those. in absolute terms, the customer saves USD 2,363 in the first case and USD 2,700 in the second case. In our reality, such savings can greatly affect the decision of the customer.

How to use

In order to use the Snom Exchange program, the customer must choose a partner or contact us directly. We, in turn, will recommend a partner depending on the region and the tasks set. Next, the partner should fill out the questionnaire as detailed as possible, but we will focus on key points:

  1. . , , . , , . โ€” 1 .
  2. . , , , , . .. . , , .

Based on the questionnaire, a tripartite memorandum of understanding is formed (customer / partner / Snom). The customer must sign a memorandum to confirm his agreement with the terms of the program, agree on a list of models / number of Snom IP phones that he wants to buy in exchange for existing telephones and indicate the planned schedule of the project stages.

Each time a client receives new Snom IP phones for exchange, he must return to the partner (within 1 month) his old phones and provide documented evidence of Snom.

The price offer is valid for a year from the date of signing the memorandum of understanding, so that the client can plan the stages and budget for the entire duration of the contract.

Link to the questionnaire for review:snom exchange


We have revealed all the subtleties and nuances of the Snom Exchange program and, hopefully, now everything has become transparent. If you still have questions, we are always ready to answer them, even the most uncomfortable ones.

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