Startup and Business Course Translation from Stanford University. Lecture number 1. How to start a startup

In this article, I want to talk a little about one of the best courses in the world on creating a business and startups.

Since 2013, our small team has been translating and adapting English-language video courses. During this time, we have translated and adapted over 200 hours of material. Before starting work, we analyzed the materials of several online teaching schools and, in our pedagogical view, selected the best one, which provides the most accessible, structured, and brief teaching material. As a result, we had to look through several courses related to the same subject, and then choose the most high-quality and easy to understand.

As it turned out, there are not so many really high-quality courses and teachers. In the Russian-language teaching space, there are often enough shootings or adaptation of foreign courses, which are popular with American or European specialists.

Why is the Stanford University startup and business course one of the best in the world for startups? The fact is that the lecturers of this course are the best of the best startup entrepreneurs, such as: Sem Altman - president of the most famous venture fund Y Combinator, Dustin Moskowitz - co-founder of Facebook, Peter Thiel - co-founder of PayPal and the first investor who invested in Facebook , Brian Chesky - the founder of Airbnb, Alfred Lin - the founder of Zappos, Alan Kay - the father of OOP and many other gurus of modern Internet business.

There are no complex theories in this course, but only practical examples and tips.
For example, how to find a business idea and evaluate it, how to attract customers and constantly increase your sales, how to build a successful business strategy and find a strong team, etc.
Sam Altman, the genius-programmer who now leads, will speak in the first lecture venture capital fund Y Combinator, with whose help more than 400 startups have been successfully implemented, and also Dustin Moskowitz - co-founder of Facebook.

Below I have described the timecodes for the contents of lecture No. 1 - “How to Start a Startup” from the course on startups and business from Stanford University.

00:00 - What is the main idea of ​​this course.
02:00 - Four main elements of each startup.
03:00 - The reasons why you should start your startup.
03:46 - Analysis of the first element of each startup “Ideas”.
05:40 - The role of planning in a startup.
06:05 - The problem of copying startup ideas.
06:50 - The difference between the mission and the idea of ​​a startup.
07:13 - How long does it take to create a startup.
08:35 - Examples of ideas that were previously considered bad, but led to the creation of large companies.
11:10 - Strategy for choosing a niche in the market for your startup.
13:05 - Why does the world need your startup now?
14:10 - What should you strive for when explaining your idea?
15:55 - Analysis of the second element of each startup “Product”.
18:10 - Startup Product Development Strategy Board.
21:50 - What is the minimum possible area of ​​tasks (MWP).
22:35 - Fanaticism when creating a product.
23:20 - How to find the first users of the product?
24:33 - What questions should users of your product ask?
26:45 - Using metrics to create a product.
27:53 - Why do you need to create a startup?
28:50 - Four main reasons for creating a startup.
30:38 - The first reason people decide to start a startup.
35:25 - The second reason people decide to start a startup.
37:00 - The third reason why people decide to start a startup.
38:40 - The fourth reason why people decide to start a startup.
44:20 - In what cases is it worth organizing a company?
48:05 - Recommended reading books.

I hope you enjoy this material and think about creating your own business.

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