How to get on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google in Silicon Valley

Why read it?

In a previous article, I talked about real income and expenses that an engineer working in one of Big Tech companies can count on . If suddenly this interests you, there will be details about how to get there.

I work for LinkedIn, which was acquired by Microsoft in 2016 . I had offers from Facebook, Bayer, and various startups, plus a lot of interviews with other companies in the Valley, including Google and Tesla.

On LinkedIn, part of my job (like so many other employees) is to interview candidates. I know how the process goes, and I will show letters from real recruiters.

I will not tell you how to "move to the USA"

Before me this was done on Habré repeatedly, and not bad:

Also, my personal experience of moving here is very non-standard, and its description will be of little use to most people reading this article.

Therefore, hereinafter I mean that you already have (or will have) the opportunity to legally work in the USA (type of visa is not important). And you want to know how to successfully pass an interview at one of Big Tech companies in order to get the coveted "stock" and the opportunity to work on something very significant in the "IT capital of the world."


The recruitment algorithm is approximately the same everywhere:

  • Step 1 : The recruiter contacts you
  • Step 2 : Phone call with a recruiter
  • Step 2.5 : Phone Call with the Hiring Manager
  • Step 3 : Technical Phone Interview
  • Step 4 : On-site interview
  • Step 5: ( " -")

, , , .

  • : , ( ). , , .
  • Hiring Manager: , . Big Tech : "" , Hiring Managers ( ).
  • Interviewers: , . , interviewers . , . .

Step 1:

, . .

Job Boards, .

, :

Insider Tip: LinkedIn . , , , " " . . — .

Step 2:

, , .

, , , . "" . : relationships. , , "" .

Step 2.5: Hiring Manager

, Hiring Manager .

, Step 2, . , . — , , .

Step 3:

" " — , . , , . . , — Computer Science: Algorithms, Data Structures, Big O Notation, .

, . . , Cracking the Coding Interview Leetcode HackerRank.

" IT-: ".

, , . Google Docs, - CoderPad.

, . — interviewer .

, 45 , :

— , . . . , .

Step 4: On-site

, , . Big Tech , on-site — ! , — .


  • 10:00 — 10:30: , , ()
  • 10:30 — 11:30: 1 ()
  • 11:30 — 12:30: 2 ()
  • 12:30 — 1:30: ; ,
  • 1:30 — 2:30: Behavioral interview (" , ?" " ?")
  • 2:30 — 3:30: 3 ()
  • 3:30 — 3:45:

Behavioral interview! . . Interviewer , — .

LinkedIn, Google, Facebook Big Tech . : . , : "" , interviewer ( !) , "".

, !

Step 5: ( " -")


"", , : , , .

— -. " ". , 60% . — ( , !) .


! , , :

, , , "" — Total Compensation, : TC.

Total Compensation

bSalary: Base Salary. , "" .

sGrant: Stock Grant (RSUs). , . . , 1 $100 4000 4 . $400k $100k . $200, $200k . $50, , $50k .

vSchedule: Vesting Schedule. , sGrant . , 4 . , . , "cliff" — sGrant , , .

bBonus: Base Bonus. 10-20% bSalary. (level) . levels .

cpBonus: Company Performance Bonus. . : , ! ( ) 0-20%

ppBonus: Personal Performance Bonus. — . 0-10%.

hBonus: Hiring Bonus. , , . $10k $100k. Hiring Bonus Relocation Expenses — , , : , , ..

TC: bSalary + (bSalary x (bBonus + cpBonus + ppBonus)) + (sGrant / vSchedule)


: sGrant public-, . private- ( ) sGrant — , .

: sGrant TC, 4 . 4 ? ?

, . sGrant (refresher). performance Annual Reviews. Reviews , TC , .

, :

  • bSalary
  • sGrant: , bSalary
  • hBonus
  • Immigration: Green Card, H-1B;
  • :

, :

  • vSchedule
  • bBonus: level, , — , .

, , 401(k) matching (), (ESPP) perks. .

, ? , $300k. : , .

Competing Offers

( , ), . — bSalary sGrant, .

, () . Competing Offers — , . — , "".


COVID-19, . , :

  • Some companies (temporarily) have slowed down or stopped hiring
  • Other companies, such as Facebook, continue to actively hire
  • Companies that benefit from the situation have started hiring more
  • A shift to more frequent work from home is already inevitable


My very positive colleague, Julia, shot an excellent LinkedIn video . Just keep in mind that a special day is shown there: InDay . On regular LinkedIn days, everyone is working hard!

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