Testing. ISTQB certification errors or solve a million examples


“I cursed this book, only a year has passed,
But now I rummage, and rummage well!
We have decided a million of these damn examples.
Yes, there is iron in the eggs of Soviet engineers! ”

Scientific and technical rap - “Demidovich” This

article is useful for those who care about their qualifications and want to prepare for the ISTQB certificate test. It's never too late to learn new things.

To study, study and study again, this phrase is not a simple writing of a pen, but a call to work on yourself, overcome laziness and become better. In the article I want to consider the issues that I encountered during tests in ISTQB, and, accordingly, find the answer to everything.

It seems to me the secret of success with certification in preparation in advance. It will be a shame to pay money, and in the end it will turn out to be without money, and without a certificate. To save money, it is advisable to spend time and read manuals (I will give the links at the end), and I will consider my stupid mistakes in one of these tests.

Equivalence classes

As a working tester, I will say that this is a very useful knowledge, and not just for a certificate. Dividing into equivalence classes will save time at work and make testing effective.

Question 22 K3

. , . . : 2- ; , 5 ; , 10 ; 10 . .

How many valid / valid equivalence classes are needed to test a bonus calculation? The correct answer is D, 4 equivalence classes, the following decomposition is allowed. 0 <seniority ≤ 2 2 <seniority <5 5 ≤ seniority <10 10 ≤ seniority The solution is very simple, adequate, but in my work I often came across the fact that you need to test not only 1 value from the range, but also its the border. For example, not only the value 3, but also 2. Therefore, in the task it was divided into more classes than the task required. Encountering such questions, one has to abstract from the usual practice, and precisely answer the question on the necessary topic. And this is the only way to avoid mistakes.


A 3
B 5
C 2
D 4

Exploratory testing or an attack on shortcomings

When tests are created on the basis of the tester’s skill, intuition, and experience with similar applications or technologies, this is called experience-based testing. This type is useful as a complement to more systematic methods. However, the usefulness of this method can vary greatly depending on the experience of the tester.

The most commonly used experiential method is error assumption. Often testers expect defects based on their experience. An organized approach to the assumption of errors is to create a list of possible defects and develop tests to attack these defects. This approach is called an attack, or an attack on flaws.

Question 24 K2



A , , .
C , -
D – .

? , . .

Option B is about risks. Risk identification refers to areas or functions within a project, but does not say how to test them. Testing business processes in option C is not aimed at known software weaknesses. In this case, an attempt is made to verify the feasibility of certain use cases. And option D describes one way to find out if the test failed or not, and has nothing to do with the flaw attack. My mistake was the interpretation of the question, and therefore the wrong option was chosen. In such questions, understanding the theory will help not to predict the options, but to know exactly the answer.

The main recommendation is to read the theory. Those who intuitively assume that they will take all the questions may be surprised in the end.


Separation of tasks of different roles

Testing has become an integral part of development, and has overgrown with many conventions and of itself roles. Not everyone can immediately share which tasks relate to the duties of the tester, and which should be performed by the test manager. as different organizations have different workflows. In this section, we will figure out how to divide it all the same.

Question 29 K1 If option A is chosen, then it is incorrect. Choosing a testing tool is the task of the testing manager. If C, then also :). The decision to approve the test object is made by the manager. But in D, the error is that the test manager does not define test scenarios, as if he did not want to manage everything.

, - ?


A - , , , .
B - , , .
C - , , .
D - , , .

Correct choice B. The test manager plans, organizes and monitors test activities, while the tester identifies and runs tests. Everyone must be busy with their work in order to get a successful result. If someone’s practice is not right, then it makes sense to think, maybe someone neglected some responsibilities and shifted responsibility.

In the end, I would advise you to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. And of course I delved into what I know the least. It’s easier to get more points in the end result. Good luck!

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