Sergey and “programming is better than sex”

A small sketch-commentary on the article "Programming is better than sex"
Self-sufficient, can be read without reading the original.

- Sergey, can I ask you a question?

Sergey, without being distracted from the screen ...

- Well, ask.
- Explain why you are SUCH? Why is it more important for you to write this your “program”, and for this you are ready to spoil relations with managers, delivery ... but in general with everyone! Do you really not want to just live with everyone in peace and harmony? Well, excuse me, nah ... all this for you?

Sergey abruptly stopped typing, pushed back the keyboard, turned around and gazed steadily at Lena.

“You know, a good question.” Correct. If you think about it, until recently, I myself did not know. He said that "proper automation of processes leads to increased efficiency" ... And this is true by the way. There is no life without growth. But this is not the main thing ...

He bowed his head thoughtfully.

“You know, simply put, I AM SUCH.” It's hard to understand, but it is my way of living. See the meaning in the environment. Finding beauty. Recently, I found an interesting psychological theory - it directly states that we pay too much attention to what brings money or what others like - and too little to what we feel. The second seems to us too "ephemeral." Or "subjective." Simply put, not associated with the dough and owning a new iPhone.


- So, Lena. The point is that I do not want to consider my feelings, my principles and my work “unimportant”. It affects my soul badly, no matter how strange this word sounds from my cynical lips. And yes - in fact, I would NOT want to ruin your relationship. I have no desire to conflict.

- Come on! - sharply interrupted Lena. - Then why do you always run into conflicts?

- Honestly, I also do not feel pleasure. But the desire to avoid conflict is a desire to maintain a relationship. What should I build a relationship with them on? They are only interested in money, cars and parties. So what? What shall we talk about, Lena? What do we have in common in reality - apart from a high salary? I appreciate what I have here, - Sergey tapped the lid of the laptop. - I appreciate my creativity and energy. You know, it gives me a lot. So I just defend what is valuable to me.

Sergey stood up abruptly.

- … and you?

Lena looked at him displeasedly.

- What am I"?
- What do you think of it?

Lena shrugged

“I don’t know ... I have no time, honestly, to think about such matters.” I’m paid not as much as some ...

Sergey sighed.

- Okay, I tried. Lena, I still have a lot of work. Go ... and if you suddenly think, come back. Maybe we'll talk more.

(Some transcripts, who are interested)
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