"Passed by": topics that you forgot to discuss on Russian-speaking sites about startups and technologies

The most interesting of the English-language media, neglected by technology publications.

Roman Denisenko , Unsplash.com

I look at what they write about project management, marketing, GTD, information security and IT law. Part of the topics is for customers - to complement technological long-reads and expert columns. Something else - goesfor his publicationsor simply remains in the notes.

As it turns out, Russian-language media do not have time to cover a sufficiently vast layer of what is published in English. But the point here is not only in the media and editorial offices of thematic sites. Such sources could be of interest to founders, developers,marketers and PR specialists of technology companies.. If you start from the foreign context, you can talk about your own developments in a particular area, prepare a situation analysis with additions from experts, or write analytical material on a topic close to business. Well, you get the point.

If you want sources that have not yet used technology on Habré and other sites, tell us about your preferences (what projects you are doing) in PM or write me on Facebook . I will give one topic in one hand, so that there are no intersections with colleagues.

Next, I will give examples of what I found in the last couple of weeks (these materials remained after the closed distribution of sources to those who responded earlier). You can just read it, and whoever has the time, do a parsing in Russian and publish it here on Habré.

Situation: French parliament obliges online platforms and social networks to remove hate-speech-content within 24 hours

Plans for strict moderation of content in the European segment of the network have been discussed for more than a year, and now they are taking effect . The French authorities ordered the online business to quickly get rid of provocative comments and other inappropriate content on their sites.

Fines start at hundreds of thousands of euros and go up to 4% of the turnover if the company is recognized as a malicious violator of new requirements. Similar standards have been adopted in Germany, and this is more than an emerging trend. By the way, after the introduction of GDPR, the European economy lostup to a third of the usual volume of venture capital investments in technology companies. Therefore, it would be interesting to expand on the topic in more detail - to look not only at the experience of other countries where the trend for total control over content is gaining momentum, but also to look at other studies on the connection of “tightening screws” in IT with the deterioration of the situation of the technology business and the economy as a whole.

“They came for cookies”: the US Senate allowed special services to monitor the browsing history of network users

To protect the next line of rights and freedoms, only one vote was not enough . Now, the conditional FBI does not need to get court permission to analyze what you read, watched and listened to "this summer." Around the amendment there is a powerful discussion that such measures are only the beginning.

Few people understand how far everything can go if the situation develops in a given direction. It will be great if someone analyzes the sources and writes about it.

“More Paranoia”: How Utility Cameras in US Cities Have Been Available for General Viewing

Reddit published links to service video streams without any password protection. The fact is that, according to the author, the cameras differ from conventional urban video surveillance systems in a smaller direction and can be installed in the most unexpected places, which suggests thoughts about their tasks and origin. After a surge of interest in the thread, almost all links stopped working, but the author added new ones, and commentators added even more oil to the fire, adding to the branch.

I think this is not the first case. Such findings should have surfaced earlier. I would love to read the Habrapost about such situations and their consequences for the lives of ordinary citizens.

“Trade as a Senator”: a tool to analyze stock transactions of US government representatives

As you can see, peeping through the peephole can also be done on the other hand. But this story is different from the previous one - the tool only analyzes open data that officials are required to provide by law. Now everyone can unload the senators' deals and figure out whether they should be suspected of insider trading or other dark affairs . I’ve been looking at the topic of trading for a long time (since I told a couple of interesting stories on Habré ), so if anyone knows similar tools for scraping, I would study such sources or the selection right away.

Pic by Dmitry Kabanov

“I am writing how I breathe”: how a developer can improve writing skills - a thematic guide in book format will help

Found a good book on the topic (the first chapter in .PDF ). Usually there is a lot of water in such publications, but it’s worth studying such things anyway. From the experience of getting one and the other specialty, I’ll say that there isn’t much difference - you are a techie or a humanist. Few people write well right away.

I think that somehow I will analyze this topic myself and write in more detail about it on Habré.

“Don't be afraid to lose it”: how to prepare for a possible job cut if you are a programmer

Basic recommendations on how to survive the crisis. It seems to me that they are suitable not only for developers and not only for layoffs. This post is a good start to discussing a topic that will still be dealt with in full detail due to the general economic crisis.

“Through one place”: open source standards and technologies for developing gadgets from the intimate hardware category

All the power of open iron, protocols, standards and individual libraries in this area is collected here . But will such projects, supported by the community, help strengthen the information security of such gadgets by analogy with the classic open source? Question for discussion.

This is a trial version of a selection of topics that were not written in Russian-language media.

If you want to support, subscribe to the profile. In the next issue I will try to expand the volume of sources. If you need links on the topics of your projects in closed mode or if you need help with the preparation of hub posts - write in PM or on Facebook .

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