Programmer with garbage can

Once my fifth point was warm, I ate various office nishtyaks and drowned for clean architecture and tests, actively studied Kotlin, imagined life as a never-ending climb up, as if there was something above the Jomolungma. However, the universe turned out to have its own plans, and life from its entire scope dealt me ​​many blows: health flew into a bottomless abyss, lower and lower, and each time it seemed that I was already at the bottom, but the fall did not stop. The blows did not break, but they threw them in the trash, turning them into a sick and infirm bag, and the main prize for all these years of endless stress and deadlines was getting into the league of the scum of society. Such is the reward of the great patriots! Yes, yes, it’s in the trash, a warehouse of unnecessary and sick people, most often young people, but who have not lost hope of recovery and find a solution to their problem. As it turned out,hope is often only the last station before being sent to another world. I could not think that the blows of fate could be so lightning fast, and I definitely did not suspect that there was another huge world of the sick and desperate, and their number was growing exponentially, and the old world was just a happy virtual reality, a sign, a deceit that did not exist at all?

The decision to tell your story and go through the “cuming out” procedure is a certain duty to God, people who are no longer there, and those who are still trying to pull their strap. I learned a lot by reading the diaries of the sick and bygone, thanks to this I didn’t make many mistakes, and I was able to find a way, not turning into the hero of Klimt’s painting “Life and Death”.

It is always difficult to find the root cause, the starting point, so I decided to look into childhood in search of source code. It all started with a childhood faith in the good doctor Aibolit, who will surely find any disease and cure it with chocolate and mogul. The faith was so strong that I was deeply convinced: they die only from HIV and cancer, which cannot be treated and people suffer and die without hope of salvation, plus a couple of other dangerous but rare diseases that no one has heard of. On this my “extensive” knowledge in medicine ended, although no, I knew the inner contents: the location of the kidneys, liver, what kind of tests are there to check the general condition of the body, but, as it turned out, even banal tonsillitis, runny nose and other “simple” diseases can send to the grave very quickly, and it’s not about any specific case,and that the standard “protocol treatment” can transform a healthy person into a palliative vegetable.

Sedentary, intense mental work is a smoldering corner of ill health, it is worth throwing dry sawdust, and flame tongues scatter mercilessly throughout the body, and no fitness can solve problems in the small pelvis, back and internal organs, and even the “simulator” will speed up getting into league of garbage. In my case, a sore throat became a trigger, a source of chain reaction.

For the most part, people are not able to find correlations in events separated in time; our deterministic linear brain does not tolerate such procedures, especially when it encounters the non-linear nature of things. However, the seemingly unobvious relationships, stretched over time, upon close examination and careful analysis add up to a chain of events that practically leave no chance for correction.

Angina only happened to me a couple of times in my life, and after a while usually there wasn’t a trace, but this time something went wrong, even when I swallowed liquid food I had hellish pains, and my throat after rinsing and resolving the “television lollipops ”did not give relief. I had to call a doctor from a paid center, and then I believed that paid was better than free, and the doctor prescribed antibiotics. Undoubtedly, all my symptoms subsided, and I recovered, forgetting the fleeting torment, ran faster to work.

Did antibiotics affect my recovery or did the immune system gradually cope with the disease? We will leave this question open and try to answer it later.

Subsequently, I discovered that many doctors are not aware of the existence of various forms of angina and that the treatment should be different, and often complex: somewhere it is necessary to treat with antibiotics, something is treated with antiviral drugs, and in some places they carry out antifungal therapy. Why is it so important to determine the type of sore throat? Because further consequences for your body can be very deplorable, but this connection is unlikely to be obvious, since complications will arrive over a long period of time and will be in those places where the corner of ill health smolders.

Six months later, planning a summer vacation, I felt a knock, it looked like the kidneys decided to leave the body. The blows were either left or right, the kidneys were beating against the body in the rhythm of Chopin's mourning march. I decided that it was worth the wait, because the body is a complex thing and, probably, everything will pass soon, but it did not work out. After 10 days, he went to the neurologist-urologist. The head of the urology of one of the popular commercial centers, the star of medical PR with a bunch of articles about health and her beloved center, prescribed a course of antibiotics and everything returned to normal. Then I did not think about how serious the diagnosis was, about the abilities and knowledge of people in white coats, and viciously continued to believe that Dr. Aibolit knew how to, and that a magic pill would solve everything.

Autumn came, the time of exacerbations, subsidence of immunity and, once, I felt pain in the small pelvis, there was a sensation of a pinched nerve and this could not be ignored. By that time, I didn’t have a job, because a few weeks before that I had lost my job because the company decided to close the direction of mobile development. Returning to the past, I recall that such pain already existed, but had a sporadic character. The pain was only in a sitting position, but it was impossible to work in this state. By free will, overcoming the pain, I continued to work at home on the pet project, deciding that it was necessary to recover first, before looking for a new job. At home, I could work in different positions, often do exercises and relax more.

Trips to doctors began: a neurologist, urologist, proctologist, surgeon ... After passing the tests and passing the doctors on my hands, I had 2 diagnoses: chronic prostatitis and coccyalgia (a disease manifested by pain in the tailbone) .

Do you remember? - Chronic prostatitis and coccyalgia.

As for coccyalgia, this diagnosis was made by a neurologist, and the surgeon simply “rewrote” the conclusion, it was necessary not to show the conclusion! It is worth emphasizing that these were “respected and reputable” doctors of commercial centers with good reviews, sometimes even with baggage of regalia behind their backs (medals, certificates, articles). With a more detailed immersion in the topic, it came to the understanding that these doctors poorly understand what coccyalgia is.

From that moment I made the first important decision, but did not immediately comply with it: to study the diagnoses I was given more thoroughly, to conduct “due diligence” . I found a dissertation on the causes and treatment of coccyalgia and found that at least there are at least 5 etiological reasons for the development of coccygodynia. And, the most interesting thing is that they are treated in different ways, sometimes surgical intervention is necessary. In a commercial center, a neurologist prescribed the following: shock wave therapy (UHT), ozone therapy and pills, of course, it cost decent money, and all the therapies should be carried out by a “skilled” doctor from the center, otherwise there is no way to get better. Later, analyzing the conversation with the neurologist who prescribed the therapy, I realized that he did not even understand the difference between focused and radial wave therapy, but I promised that this would help solve the problem! After all, it is impossible for the device to stand idle idle, the invested money should work. I forgot that medicine is a business, and the main criterion is profit growth, and not the number of patients who recovered. For thousands of years, popular philosophers have argued what determines consciousness, but they still don’t understand,that money and power determine consciousness, and then from above this “consciousness” is distributed to the masses, and this is not only political verbiage, but also marketing schizophrenia, as well as maintaining a children's worldview in adults.

Without rushing into treatment with my head, I spotted a neurosurgeon who wrote a dissertation on coccyalgia and, as it turned out, all this treatment is not worth a damn. The question requires careful study before making such a diagnosis, since such treatment can lead to even more sad consequences. The neurosurgeon turned out to be a very rare doctor, of whom I met very little, he really took a lot of time, analyzed all the data in detail and sent for an additional examination, and this after two operations that he performed that day!

At the same time, the aforementioned head of urology diagnosed chronic bacterial prostatitis by quietly or inattentively increasing the number of enterococci in custody by 10 times, which turned 10 into 4 degrees (analysis result) by 10 to 5. This is a significant difference, since before the third nobody treats the fourth degree, and more often than not, this value is associated with the test error, but is there anything more that needs to be treated or not? I will talk about this in detail later. After that, the urologist prescribed UHT (shock wave therapy) and prostate massage, the reason for the appointment of UHT is the banal presence of the device in the office. And here I made two mistakes that only aggravated the situation: I did not analyze the analysis information in detail and once went to the UVT. The impact of UVT is well understood in the West andUVT for bacterial prostatitis is FORBIDDEN, the reason is simple, this device greatly accelerates blood, and with blood a local disease turns into a generalized one, dispersing the infection throughout the body. Fortunately, the article could be found relatively early; otherwise, 5-7 trips to UVT could have ended very sadly. Subsequently, people were found on the network who were “treated” according to this scheme, turning the patient into very sick, and then the doctors spread their grief and said that they could not help. By the way, all the most relevant information (research, treatment results, reasons) is only in English, so if the doctor does not speak English, then his knowledge, at least, is 10-15 years behind the world, but in fairness, it’s worth saying that it makes little differencesince the treatment protocols can change even less often and even a true professional will not “go beyond the protocols”, as he risks losing his job and, in the best case, will be able to tell you the direction, but you will decide on your self-treatment.

I had to dive into medicine with my head and go in for self-medication, there was simply no other solution. Although no, there was another option - searching for doctors and searching for those who still care, who have sufficient competence, but this option does not work, as the experience of many patients and my personal experience have shown. There are many reasons for this: we forget that the doctor is an ordinary person and if he is wearing a white coat, this still does not say anything about his competencies. Second, the doctors don’t have time to delve into the details, because the end of the line is not visible from the patients and everyone is ready to pay more and more, as a result, the result of the treatment does not affect anything, there will be no punishment or even censure, the dead will not say, and the health will be worse after treatment, you can always attribute the severity of the disease. The more difficult the situation, the greater the chance of an unsuccessful outcome,and no one wants to leave the comfort zone plus there are risks of “hemorrhoids” in case of an unsuccessful outcome. But even if you assume that you have found an intelligent doctor who can at least partially help, he will have to spend a lot of time and effort on you, and you will have a lot of money for tests and studies, and not all patients will understand this as a result, the doctor will have a lot of headache and brain drain from a sick, irritated person. It really will take a lot of money to go through all the tests, so let's talk about the tests.the doctor will have a lot of headache and brain drain from a sick, irritated person. It really will take a lot of money to go through all the tests, so let's talk about the tests.the doctor will have a lot of headache and brain drain from a sick, irritated person. It really will take a lot of money to go through all the tests, so let's talk about the tests.


Let's conditionally divide the tests into two categories: paid and free (in the clinic, hospital). For the most part, free tests are cheese in a mousetrap, during my examination I received various diagnoses that were not confirmed by testing in dynamics in commercial laboratories: Gilbert's syndrome, pancreatitis, hepatitis, SCTB and others. And every time they tried to treat me for these diseases.

Poor tests, low salaries, mental deformation and burnout of medical personnel of clinics and hospitals lead to the fact that they are treated not for a real illness, but for throwing out a case that depends on what feet a person got up with, how much money was spent on purchasing tests how experienced the person is taking the tests. There is no sense in blaming honey for the staff, since the system has rotted and the situation will only get worse. By the way, the system found an interesting way to solve: minimize the reduction in students of medical universities and technical schools, even if they overslept all the lectures. The “bright" era is approaching when instagram medics of knowledge will be equal to many owners of white coats. There is another, more sophisticated and radical method practiced in developing countries - simply not to recognize the disease, as an example, chronic yersiniosis,a terrible and merciless disease, but in some countries they simply do not recognize it, there is no disease - there are no expenses from the budget. If we take into account recent events, the number of doctors in individual countries will slightly decrease, which will further exacerbate the problem of a lack of qualified personnel, but the solution here will be simple - lowering the threshold for entering the profession.

All the difficulties associated with poor-quality diagnostics can be partially overcome by passing tests in commercial laboratories, but here too many pitfalls await you. Commercial laboratories most often have two advantages: high-quality tests and experienced medical staff, but proper preparation of the subjects makes the main adjustments to the final result. People rarely prepare correctly, as it can take time and effort, even simple analyzes with close study, requires more than: on an empty stomach, an hour before delivery and other standard set, and some require multi-day preparation.

What is the bottom line? Correct diagnosis is a step towards recovery, but the accuracy of the results depends largely on the patients, how much they are immersed in the topic, whether they understand how to prepare correctly, whether they comply with all the necessary rules and whether they conduct examinations in dynamics. And even with all these nuances, there is another detail - marketing. We were convinced that there is the right set of tests, in the case of a specific disease, and we rely on the result of these tests as the final authority, but this is a common lie that simply brings a lot of money to the pharmaceutical industry. Now they are developing new methods of withdrawing money, relying on the hype around IT: telemedicine, supergadgets and so on, but this will hardly be of any use, or even harm. The farther the doctor, the less responsibility, and when you considerthat the responsibility of the doctors of the inner circle is extremely arbitrary, like remorse(“Lived in the same city, he was a good person”) and in rare cases when the brain is removed from relatives or the patient himself, then in the case of “doctors in the distance” the responsibility ends after the communication session is completed, although no one bothers to speak complete nonsense communication session, still 95% of patients will perceive this as a program for action.

From my experience, I can say that I did a huge number of tests, spent a lot of money on it, and concluded that not all indicators can be measured at all, since no laboratory makes such a diagnosis, and that a decision about any disease always accepted, relying on an incomplete picture, and the probability of error here is by no means equal to 0.

In order to better understand and delve into the intricacies of tests, treatment, and the possible outcome, I propose to consider STI diseases, but all that is said below can be safely transferred to any other diseases.


The standard examination scheme is as follows: went - passed a smear - got the result - Hooray, I'm clean.

Truth? Are you clean

Then I have some questions for you: which method was used during the delivery, what is its accuracy , what affects the result , is the place of taking the smear correct ?


One of the popular methods is PCR, why it? Because it allows you to maximize profits at reasonable costs and good accuracy, and not because someone thought and took care of you. There are many other methods: RIF, IFA, McCoy, Nasba ... - and each of these analyzes has its own specifics, accuracy and necessary conditions. Why did you decide that PCR is the right choice? Oh yes: "The lamb is to blame for the fact that the wolf is hungry."

A place

Most “genital” infections can have completely different localization, and trying to search for them only in the urogenital tract is like looking for a second earth, pointing the telescope at one point in the sky and waiting for it to give results. This is a stupid and meaningless stereotype, rooted in the consciousness of the layman. Viruses, bacteria and parasites can be in different places of your body, live in colonies and not know grief, while you look for them in the urethra, they feel great in the oral cavity, lead to frequent tonsillitis, lingering snot, or like Chlamydophila pneumoniae's favorite place - airways (bronchitis and pneumonia). Joints, skin, intestines, eyes - these are the main favorite places of bacteria and viruses, which, firstly, have never been transmitted only through sexual contact, and secondly,For a long time, it should be diagnosed not only in the urogenital tract. And yes, in the 21st century to call chlamydia, trichomonas and others - sexually transmitted infections is a crime and an outright lie, because a lot of years have passed since the time when they were discovered and made such naming and it became clear that this is a mistake. Nobody claims that coronavirus is transmitted only sexually?


The standard numbers walking on the Internet about the accuracy of different methods do not correspond to reality, at least this question should be clarified in the laboratory, which you take the analysis, as well as to specify which country produces these tests. In the community of sick people, mountains of information are written about this, but the situation when you have a disease in one laboratory and not in another is a fairly common occurrence.


From the foregoing, a simple conclusion can be made: the result that you get is most likely not to correspond to reality, and only the dynamics and various methods of diagnosing one disease can help establish the truth, which seriously complicates the search technique.


We will drop the question of the accuracy of the tests and suppose that you have found chlamydia as one of the most common diseases. Stories that people treat it 5-6 times this is a frequent occurrence, also often can not have children because of this disease. What do they do then? That's right, they go to a urologist (gynecologist), rarely to a venereologist, it's an STI! Then they receive the long-awaited “salvation” of days for 10-14 antibiotics, enzymes, immunomodulators, vitamins, and sometimes something to restore the intestines - at this point the point of no return. Firstly, urological protocols for treating chlamydia have long been ineffective (they are extremely primitive), secondly, taking antibiotics for a short time will only increase chlamydia resistance (resistance to antibiotics), and thirdly, you will be one step closer to the L-form of chlamydia ( chlamydia, which are not sensitive to antibiotics), which will be the last chord of your life. And fourthly, let's understand in more detail ...

Let us turn to statistics, make a reservation that statistics are collected only in developed countries and are far from always accurate, so the number of patients varies greatly: 500,000 - 1,000,000 people every dayget an STI. The main infections are: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. The palm in this competition belongs to trichomoniasis. And trichomoniasis is our fourth component .

Quite interesting books are devoted to trichomoniasis, and it was actively studied during the USSR, it was believed, and not without reason, that the etiology of certain types of cancer is associated with trichomonads. Later, the party decided that we would treat cancer according to foreign standards, and all areas of the study of the connection between Trichomonas and cancer in the USSR were covered, and party leaders came to medical science who “defeated” absolutely any disease with the word and TV, so to speak, “telemedicine” . Trichomonads are unique in that they are a “transport” that can carry viruses and microbes in themselves, and in this transport these pathogenic organisms are protected from the effects of antibiotics. Unfortunately, most urologists and rheumatologists who in one way or another relate to issues related to various pathogens do not possess this information. So it turns out a paradox,chlamydia (and another) is treated for 5-6 circles and only exacerbates the situation (unless, of course, the person has lived up to 6 times), and trichomonads, which are more difficult to diagnose, and they simply hide in themselves during the treatment of all pathogenic organisms, no one diagnoses. Then comes the L-shape: collapsing joints, slow and painful death. Unfortunately, a huge number of medical errors burrow into the ground. It is programmers who have testers who can correct the situation with errors in the program in time, and in modern medicine, the funeral service is engaged in such testing.Then comes the L-shape: collapsing joints, slow and painful death. Unfortunately, a huge number of medical errors burrow into the ground. It is programmers who have testers who can correct the situation with errors in the program in time, and in modern medicine, the funeral service is engaged in such testing.Then comes the L-shape: collapsing joints, slow and painful death. Unfortunately, a huge number of medical errors burrow into the ground. It is programmers who have testers who can correct the situation with errors in the program in time, and in modern medicine, the funeral service is engaged in such testing.

Hence the first and important conclusion:

Modern treatment should be cascading , this applies to almost any disease. What does this mean for a conditional STI:

  1. First, kill Trichomonas (transport)
  2. Then we kill germs and parasites (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gonococci, etc.)
  3. We suppress the activity of viruses (most often herpes of types 1-5)

Each of these steps requires a complex and lengthy treatment, and only a few doctors even know something and have heard about it. This requires: certain diets, increased bioavailability, various antibiotics and their sequence of use (tetracyclines, macrolides, fluoroquinols, ornidazoles), antiviral and immunomodulating agents. You should know a huge number of nuances (to treat a patient, not a disease), for example, that fluoroquinols are dangerous for the heart, immunomodulators should be taken if you know your interferon status, so as not to get an autoimmune disease, and so on.

What do you think, in the age of protocol treatment, how many doctors have such broad knowledge that is still constantly changing and becoming more complicated? Answer: NO. The protocols involve an action in the form of a question and answer and there is no place for analysis and reflection. Over the past 10 years, there have been various discoveries that revolutionize our understanding of microorganisms, for example, mimiviruses, which have become a new “transport”, have been discovered, no one has heard anything about it, in the best case, this information is available to virologists.
Such treatment will take years, at best, and requires not only all of the above, but also the rejection of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, junk food, a decrease in the consumption of dairy products and the consumption of nitrates and nitrites contained in plastic fruits and vegetables. Additionally, problems associated with the psyche and destructive thoughts should always be addressed, which always go hand in hand with serious health problems. Most often, there is a disruption of the brain and antidepressants, antipsychotics, psychiatrists and psychologists will not be able to solve this problem.

The psyche is a dark forest, but in the west there are at least glimpses of the SPECT of the brain, a method that helps to understand which parts of the brain are not working correctly. It is possible and necessary to try to fix brain problems, and not “suppress” symptoms by devouring handfuls of pills and slipping feet on trips to psychologists, but so far many have been diagnosed on the basis of cast eyes and idle talk. It is worth adding that you can solve problems without eating pills in huge quantities, but this is aerobatics, which requires a person to achieve tremendous heights in his internal transformation.

Severe pains in the back, lower back, and pelvis are typical examples of the onset of a serious illness in people with a sedentary lifestyle. In a broad sense, these problems affect muscles, blood circulation, nerves, bones, and such places are fertile ground for viruses, germs, and parasites. Plus problems with the internal organ, which is located at the site of pain localization. The Chinese say: "Backache - treat the liver . " There are detailed tables on the connection of the vertebrae with the internal organs. In the bottom line, we come to the conclusion that the real treatment should be comprehensive, and the standard, symptomatic, protocol treatment is just a retouch, which will temporarily relieve symptoms and throw firewood into the fire.

We draw the second important conclusion: Modern treatment should be integral, you can’t cure a person in parts, this was understood back in the last century, and perhaps much earlier, but the medical business is not interested in a complete cure, the ideal client is an eternal patient ! It is worth noting that differential medicine began to develop actively in the beginning of the 19th century, but already at the end of the 20th century it became clear that this is a dead end, since a person is not a mosaic and you can not see the whole picture of the violation (causal connection) with only a couple mosaic elements.

Let's look at a synthetic example and then transfer it to a real-life example.

Differential treatment examples:

Under the influence of stresses, the activity of the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary gland (hereinafter referred to as the GH axis) is enhanced. The increased activity of the GH axis leads to a change in metabolism in the body, often leading to elevated cholesterol. I emphasize that there can be many options, depending on the degree of activity of a particular organ, but most often it is either the adrenal gland or the liver. In a more general sense, it must be understood that the GH axis affects the hormonal background of the body, supporting adaptive homeostasis or its deviation under the influence of various factors. Excess cholesterol (LDL and lack of HDL, often with low activity) entering the cell, such as a lymphocyte, limits its ability to divide by limiting the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid, that is, it affects the behavior of the gene (epigenetics in action),which leads to immunosuppression (suppression of the activity of T-lymphocytes or, more simply, cellular immunity). Immunosuppression leads to the activation of viruses, germs and parasites and the body begins to “go crazy”: it’s more often sick, there is constant fatigue, eczema, neuropathic pain, which sooner or later forces a person to see a doctor.

Let's try to predict the “diagnosis” and prescribe treatment?

Immunologist: Problems with cellular immunity, drink Timalin, Timomodulin, etc.

Gastroenterologist: Problems with the liver, eat hepatoprotectors of various stripes from essential phospholipids to ademethionine 1,4-butanedisulfonate, you may need to support the pancreas, so you need to follow Creon.

Neurologist, Psychologist: antipsychotics, antidepressants, etc.

Therapist: Something you have bad blood and urine, you need to go through seven circles of hell, oh, that is, to be examined and run a medical marathon for the best time.
What is the outcome of this treatment?- The saddest thing is, such treatment hardly affects the cause much, but fights only with the effect. The most interesting thing is that this violates the feedback and the GH axis, without receiving the necessary feedback, begins to become even more active, which will lead to an even greater shift in adaptive homeostasis, the mechanisms will break apart even more, but the person has removed the “symptoms-consequences” and now again “ healthy. ” It is worth remembering as the multiplication table: The body is a single axis - the endocrine-neuro-immune.

It was a synthetic example, and now a real one. For ethical reasons, I will tell him in a fabulous form.

Once upon a time there was a citizen Zheltukhin. A year before meeting with the author of this tale, citizen Zheltukhin fell and hit his head, after which he turned yellow and his bilirubins rushed to a height. Naturally, they put him in gastroenterology, and where else, bilirubins means the liver, such a linear logic! Treated with hepatoprotectors and sent to freedom, because there are few beds, but many patients. But we already know that this differential treatment is a treatment of the consequence. And after less than a year later he turns yellow again, and we meet with him in ward number 6, in which he has been vegetating for about two weeks and his bilirubins do not want to fall, and yellowness passes, and even hepatoprotectors show impotence. True, this time the doctor showed attention and decided to send for an MRI. The story is silent about what happens next, since the MRI line-ups are longer than life,especially when the liver is working at an enormous load.

The conclusion that one day can save your life or the life of your loved ones:

In most cases, cascading and integral treatment is the only and real treatment.

Integral and cascade treatment are super complex tasks that require a huge amount of effort and money, and modern medicine is absolutely incapable in this regard, it’s not about that at all, it’s the maximum removal of symptoms (effects) or just cut off where it hurts, as they say, no organ - no problem! You can write a separate book about “cutting off”, since today we know only the minimum about the interconnections of our body and the functions of its organs, sciences will have to study these issues for a long time to come. As the experience of people who cut something off showed, usually a new serious problem appears.

Everyone chooses his own path of salvation and recovery, and there is no single standard, but responsibility and awareness are needed. Most likely, some medications will be required for treatment, and I would like to talk about this separately.


In the near future, the world will face serious challenges in the field of medicine. One of the problems that is gaining critical momentum is antibiotic resistance (resistance of pathogens to antibiotics) . Observing with what zeal and how many patients consume antibiotics, sometimes without even a minimal result, you begin to feel that an already serious problem has a much wider scale than is commonly thought. But even the indirect use of antibiotics, through agricultural products, has an effect on the body, allowing various pathogens to evolve much faster than the human body (Red Queen effect). Even according to the most conservative estimates, in the near future, 2.5 million people will die every year in developed countries due to antibiotic resistance; naturally, no one considers developing countries, and most often, in such countries, holding political power, which is more important than national health. It should be added that to this problem is added the problem of counterfeit products, which is enormous in some countries, especially where there is an active race for import substitution, when someone else's effective is replaced by its useless, and often also harmful.

Obviously, not only microbes, but also viruses will become a challenge for the coming decades, and the fact that we are faced with COVID only confirms the quite obvious situation. As for COVID, the media is actively fanning this topic, and for the vast majority, this includes herd thinking. Let's take the statistics for the first 3 months of 2020:

  • 50,000 - died of COVID
  • 210,000 - died from lack or contamination of drinking water
  • 430,000 - died of HIV / AIDS
  • 750 000 - died from infections affecting the respiratory tract in 3 months of 2016
  • 2,250,000 - starved to death

Why does no one shout that hunger and problems with drinking water are a real epidemic, that this is the most serious challenge after the Second World War? I’m not trying to downplay the danger of the situation with COVID, but it’s also pointless to rush thoughtlessly to the worst.

I do not want to upset you, but COVID is not a challenge, and if we talk about viruses, then herpeviruses and oncoviruses are a real challenge. I have bad news for you, almost every one of you has a time bomb called Epstein-Barr virus (EBV, type 4 herpevirus) and cytomegalovirus (CMV, type 5 herpevirus). Modern medicine claims that these viruses manifest themselves only in immunodeficiency states and this is a profound error that poses a threat to a huge number of people! The number of people dying annually due to these two viruses is even difficult to estimate, since often these viruses, either in synergy with other pathogens (Helicobacter + EBV = gastric cancer), or indirectly, cause fatal and serious diseases.

I will take the liberty of asserting that the term “immunodeficiency” does not reflect the real picture. According to various estimates, the human immune system has been studied by 5-10% (although these figures are far-fetched), how can one say with this level of understanding of immunity that we are dealing with immunosuppression (suppression of immunity) without knowing 90% of all mechanisms and interconnections? Well, let's say that our knowledge of the immune system is 90-100%! And even in this case, this term is erroneous. If described very simply, the immune system is a set of cytokines (interleukins, interferons, TNF, chymokines, growth factors, CSF). The relationship and work of all cytokines in conjunction with other organs and provides immune defense. Even the most severe viruses and infections do not inhibit the quality work of all cytokines and organs of the internal system,but cause an imbalance, more precisely,cytokine imbalance . It is extremely difficult to assess the cytokine imbalance; the most advanced scientific methods and equipment are needed. Then medicine chose a simpler way, but having huge commercial success - you need to study one thing and draw conclusions based on this. The most favorite is the assessment of interferons, if your alpha, beta, gamma interferons sagged, then the problem is in this drawdown. Isn’t it all very simple?A detailed study of information on patients with EBV and CMV has shown that such a flawed approach will only complicate the course of the disease and accelerate the penetration of 2 meters underground. Most often, they begin to treat interferons without knowing the interferon status, which in itself can upset the cytokine imbalance even more and lead to autoimmune diseases. By the way, statistics show that the number of autoimmune diseases is gaining serious momentum and one of the reasons is the approach of modern medicine to treat “conditional immunodeficiency” of any cytokine rather than restore the cytokine imbalance.

Unfortunately, everyone can encounter herpesviruses of type 4,5 at any time and hopes to have it only on their own strength. You need to understand that VEB has a different location and different symptoms, but most often it is the respiratory tract and digestive tract, plus damage to B-lymphocytes. EBV is often confused with herpesvirus type 6, the so-called CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). It should be noted that in the human population there is always a group resistant (resistant) to one of the viruses, so that nature has not in vain created biodiversity.

Interesting fact: about 10% of Europeans are HIV-resistant. Diseases associated with viruses and autoimmune diseases equal the rich and the poor and money does not play a key role here, rather, the person’s personality, his ability to learn, determination and willpower.

Brain and disease

It is strange that so far in modern medicine they have not seriously studied how critical thinking affects diseases, however, the level of our knowledge about the structure of our body and the psyche on a global scale does not exceed 1%. In fact, this is the level of Aboriginal people.

Let's talk about placebo - this is exactly the case when the disease is treated by the brain itself, and not synthetic crutches. Why is this happening and what then is the point in drugs, if there is a brain? Placebo affects 25-30% of people, and even the most severe pain can be relieved with a placebo, as the brain is able to secrete endorphins, which are stronger than morphine. There is an important nuance, placebo is effective only when the patient believes in the doctor, and the doctor believes in what he is doing. And on this subject there are various studies that faith in the actions and approaches of a doctor is the most important factor for a positive result of treatment, for example, the study of Jerome Frank. But often we do not believe in doctors 100% and in the correctness of their actions, which means we are no longer in the group of 30% that can start the necessary processes in the head, only with the help of the brain.And why? Yes, because each doctor is examined by us from a critical angle, the history of his patients and his treatment methods are studied, and each time, we go to the new doctor with doubts. And shifting responsibility for one’s life and health to an unfamiliar person is extremely risky. There is an opposite side, when you do not believe a single doctor and rely 100% on your own strength, running the necessary processes in your head (I often saw this in people in the villages - “heal itself”, “pass”, etc.), about such people say - "heals like a dog." These are two extreme cases, and most of us are somewhere in the middle, so a full recovery is impossible without working on the brain. Fear and doubt do not allow moving in one direction, and the internal critic does not allow moving in the other, where faith in the doctor and his actions are absolute.the history of his patients and his methods of treatment are being studied, and each time, we go to the new doctor with doubts. And shifting responsibility for one’s life and health to an unfamiliar person is extremely risky. There is an opposite side, when you do not believe a single doctor and rely 100% on your own strength, running the necessary processes in your head (I often saw this in people in the villages - “heal itself”, “pass”, etc.), about such people say - "heals like a dog." These are two extreme cases, and most of us are somewhere in the middle, so a full recovery is impossible without working on the brain. Fear and doubt do not allow moving in one direction, and the internal critic does not allow moving in the other, where faith in the doctor and his actions are absolute.the history of his patients and his methods of treatment are being studied, and each time, we go to the new doctor with doubts. And shifting responsibility for one’s life and health to an unfamiliar person is extremely risky. There is an opposite side, when you do not believe a single doctor and rely 100% on your own strength, running the necessary processes in your head (I often saw this in people in the villages - “heal itself”, “pass”, etc.), about such people say - "heals like a dog." These are two extreme cases, and most of us are somewhere in the middle, so a full recovery is impossible without working on the brain. Fear and doubt do not allow moving in one direction, and the internal critic does not allow moving in the other, where faith in the doctor and his actions are absolute.And shifting responsibility for one’s life and health to an unfamiliar person is extremely risky. There is an opposite side, when you do not believe a single doctor and rely 100% on your own strength, running the necessary processes in your head (I often saw this in people in the villages - “heal itself”, “pass”, etc.), about such people say - "heals like a dog." These are two extreme cases, and most of us are somewhere in the middle, so a full recovery is impossible without working on the brain. Fear and doubt do not allow moving in one direction, and the internal critic does not allow moving in the other, where faith in the doctor and his actions are absolute.And shifting responsibility for one’s life and health to an unfamiliar person is extremely risky. There is an opposite side, when you do not believe a single doctor and rely 100% on your own strength, running the necessary processes in your head (I often saw this in people in the villages - “heal itself”, “pass”, etc.), about such people say - "heals like a dog." These are two extreme cases, and most of us are somewhere in the middle, so a full recovery is impossible without working on the brain. Fear and doubt do not allow moving in one direction, and the internal critic does not allow moving in the other, where faith in the doctor and his actions are absolute.launching the necessary processes in my head (I often saw this in people in villages - “heal itself”, “pass”, etc.), they say about such people - “heal like a dog”. These are two extreme cases, and most of us are somewhere in the middle, so a full recovery is impossible without working on the brain. Fear and doubt do not allow moving in one direction, and the internal critic does not allow moving in the other, where faith in the doctor and his actions are absolute.launching the necessary processes in my head (I often saw this in people in villages - “heal itself”, “pass”, etc.), they say about such people - “heal like a dog”. These are two extreme cases, and most of us are somewhere in the middle, so a full recovery is impossible without working on the brain. Fear and doubt do not allow moving in one direction, and the internal critic does not allow moving in the other, where faith in the doctor and his actions are absolute.where faith in the doctor and his actions are absolute.where faith in the doctor and his actions are absolute.


Why do antidepressants help and do they help? Because they act on the prefrontal cortex and, in fact, gradually turn off internal criticism and rationalism, and the more people take antidepressants, the greater the shutdown effect, that is, the person gradually shifts to the “30% group” that are exposed to placebo. Will an antidepressant help? A difficult and controversial question, since it depends not only on the psyche, but also on the physical condition of your brain and body. An antidepressant affects adaptive homeostasis, reducing the activity of certain parts of the brain, while hormone production through the hypothalamus-pituitary-neuropeptide chain is reduced, which leads to a violation of feedback when the body sends information that there are enough hormones and you can “turn off their production”(I really exaggerate it, I try to explain it on my fingers) . Thus, a prolonged violation of hormone production and feedback leads to a shift in the level of reaction at which the hormone production process starts. In its actions, an antidepressant is as destructive as an antibiotic, only one destroys the intestinal microflora, and the other neural connections in the brain, that is, we are dealing with the opposite of the Hebb rule.

What next?

When my severe pain was gone, I gradually realized that this was only the beginning of the path, although a lot of work had already been done. He is like a muscle in the brain. People who are actively engaged in mental work constantly pump their brain and such a brain becomes a weapon, it is actually ready to fulfill any requirement very, very quickly. What do weapons mean? Let me give you a simple example: One of my acquaintances said that when her brother was taken to the hospital with appendicitis and she came to visit him, he told her in detail how bad he was. 20 minutes after she left the hospital, she became very ill and was taken by an ambulance. What happened to her? She found appendicitis!And there are millions of such examples, to take at least a false pregnancy, when a woman really wants to become pregnant, but cannot, such a woman can begin to grow a stomach, breast, menopause and she completely looks like a pregnant woman, but there is no fetus, it’s just that the brain rebuilt and started working like a pregnant woman.

The more our brain is developed, the faster it is ready to execute any command, it does not matter to it whether it is positive or negative. Need a disease? No problem, and the disease will be absolutely real, not fictitious. Over the years of life, we accumulate a certain certain mood (sentiment), it may be positive, but most likely it will be destructive. It’s like a sewage system, which is gradually filled with garbage, but the body does not feel it. What happens next?

For an answer, you should turn to evolutionary biology. There is such a thing as irreversibility, when the system cannot return to the starting point along the previous path. So, there are at least 2 types of irreversibility, but we are interested in biological irreversibility, in fact, it is a bifurcation point, reaching which the system “jumps” to a new state. Imagine that in our internal sewerage there is a valve, it opens in one direction, and when the body was filled with dirty water, one event is enough for the valve to open, and all the dirt flowed into our consciousness, everything that has accumulated over many years. Such an event can be anything, unsuccessful sexual intercourse, in which there was a strong tension or self-doubt, a tragedy with relatives or something else, and even a strong positive emotional experience.
Real example:unsuccessful sexual relationship, led to the fact that a person fell ill with chlamydia, his valve worked and gave a command to the pumped brain, process all the negativity, the processes started. And here the most interesting thing happens, a return to the previous state along the previous path is impossible from the point of view of evolutionary biology, that is, the valve works only in one direction, the return can only be through the hysteresis loop (that is, through another valve, but there is no other valve and it needs to be create, remove all negativity from your consciousness). But the person does not understand this, he is trying to return to the starting point (having cured chlamydia), but chlamydia was the final chord, not a global cause, plus returning to the starting point is impossible (non-chlamydial life) with a simple treatment. As a result, you need to create a new valve,to exit illness and negativity from your brain and body. This path will be extremely difficult and long, and its price will be high, if you can win this fight, then most likely you will lose a lot. Therefore, when you think that starting to do exercises in the morning or stretching, reading a couple of books or watching a video you should be healthy, this will not happen.

The human psyche is two different "I". The first “I” that does, the second “I” analyzes what the first does. These are not just two different “I”, but also a convergence of the past, present and future at one point. The “I” that does, works according to an automatic program formed in the past, in fact this is the subconscious, which launches certain neural chains and sets of genes on a daily basis. Stress, which once became a habit and developed into automatism (chronic stress), ceases to be felt over time, and only the subconscious mind keeps the secret that the mechanisms are seriously worn out. This habit gradually develops into a chronic illness or serious illness. Evolution has created a correction mechanism that can help change subconscious automatism - it is the “I” that analyzes,in fact, this is our consciousness (self-awareness). Consciousness constantly works in the present, analyzes data, synthesizes current factors with past experience, and it can help to change the malfunctioning automatisms that destroy our body. The more present in consciousness, the greater the neuroplasticity of the brain, allowing relatively quick adjustments to be made. The synergy of the two "I", their proper joint work and timely adjustment will determine the future: to live or die!The synergy of the two "I", their proper joint work and timely adjustment will determine the future: to live or die!The synergy of the two "I", their proper joint work and timely adjustment will determine the future: to live or die!

Nutrition plays a huge role in the fight against any ailment. The topic of nutrition is so vast that it is impossible to fit it into the framework of this article, so I will share only some thoughts that may be useful. Earlier, I wrote that I had increased bilirubins for quite a long time and this gave rise to various diagnoses: Gilbert's syndrome and more. The decrease in bilirubins was due to the diet, in which I refused plastic vegetables and fruits and dairy products from the store. It was enough two months of the diet to normalize everything. You need to understand that many agricultural products go through up to 50 stages of processing until they reach the store counter, and the amount of nitrates and nitrites there just rolls over. It is enough to open any serious book on vegetable growing and the idea of ​​the benefits of some vegetables can be very shaky. By the waythe books even describe how you can slightly reduce the content of harmful substances before use. As for dairy products, it is still more complicated and cannot be described in a nutshell, but it is worth remembering that antibiotics are constant friends of farm animals. I recommend reading the book “Chinese Study”, where the issues of the effect of dairy products on the body are discussed in detail.

Nutrition seriously affects enterococci, streptococci, staphylococci and other similar bacteria: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus faecalis, Enterobacter aerogenes and other. Trying to treat them is like running around in circles, each time they will find something new, the only question is how much your health is enough to constantly drink new antibiotics. It is important to understand that nutrition can significantly change the quantitative content of these bacteria and do not immediately lean on antibiotics. For example, para-aminobenzoic acid (vitamin B10) promotes the development of streptococci. It is precisely on this fact that the antibacterial property of sulfonamides is based, due to the similarity in the chemical structure with B10, they replace it in enzyme systems, allowing to stop the course of the disease. The study of vitamins helps to better understand how metabolic processes in the body proceed. In my opinion, vitamins should be studied through the history of their discovery and illness, which appeared due to a lack of one or another vitamin: scurvy (vitamin C),beriberi (B1), malignant anemia (B12), pellagra (B3), xerophthalmia (A1, A2), rickets (D2), miscarriages and birth of non-viable children (E), hemophilia (K1). The action of vitamins in the body is determined by many factors, therefore, a sufficient amount of some vitamin does not yet speak of its effective digestibility in the body.

Do not forget about carbohydrates, fats and proteins. A nick-carbohydrate diet allows you to achieve a greater effect in the fight against parasitic microflora, especially if you increase the permeability of tissues (lidase, longidase) before starting treatment. It is important to remember that any treatment is effective only with a partner, otherwise re-infection is inevitable.


I did not touch upon such topics as sports, the smell of diseases, the vibrations of internal organs, problems associated with obesity, and much more, since the article would then turn into a book. This is an attempt to generalize a huge amount of information and pay attention to the enormous problems of modern medicine, and talk about how often superficial decisions are made and how difficult it is to find the right way, even when treating not the most complex diseases.

However, the patient himself often does everything to play the drawer faster: they smoke when it is impossible; eat junk food when you need to abstain; sitting on the fifth point when you need to move; and sometimes they even manage to drink antibiotics and other pills with alcohol.

Disease as a message

Do not forget, the disease carries a specific context (message) , it is not just an ailment, it has a sacred meaning, which you can figure out to recover much faster. What to compare it with? Imagine a terrorist attack: for ordinary people, this is pain, tragedy and fear, but for politicians, this is a different context, this is a method of communication, each attack is a very telling message and the addressee understands this very well. And no doctors can make out your personal context, only you. I would also like to send a message to the universe, believing that it will reach the addressee : Thank you for leaving instead of me !

I wish everyone to understand themselves, to realize their context and to radically change for the better, doing this with pleasure and without fanaticism. As for me, I finally matured and stopped believing in Dr. Aibolit, realizing that understanding medicine is also important, how to know the multiplication table, and that the person himself will be responsible for his recovery. Therefore, take care of your health with all your might, and if necessary, go against fate, but never give up! There will always be at least one person who could go the same way to you and become a winner, carefully study his experience and the experience of those who could not. I realized that willpower, mental strength, can help when physical strength is already completely exhausted, and it seems that you are not able to get out of bed and the finish flickers before your eyes. At this moment, a synergy of mind and body arises,that is the only integral essence of our body that has been destroyed for many decades by the poisonous suggestion of “single salvation with pills and a differential approach”. And if we begin to share the spirit with the body, we break the subtle connection laid down by the universe and not created by us, we act like barbarians, disrupting invisible processes, for which we are punished accordingly. Happiness to all and do not forget about the important, going on about the secondary.following the secondary.following the secondary.

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