Quick solutions for the digital environment of the city and business were discussed at the Startup Village Livestream'20 conference

imageParticipants concluded that hackathons are a serious tool to support entrepreneurship.

Quick solutions for the digital environment of the city and business were discussed at the annual international conference for participants of the modern technology market Startup Village Livestream'20.

An expert discussion was organized by the Moscow Innovation Agency.

It was attended by:

  • , , «»;
  • , 5 Retail Group;
  • , AI Cloud SberCloud;
  • , « »;
  • , Dev labs, Urban.Tech Moscow 2019 « » - VirusHack.

The session was moderated by the VirusHack online hackathon tracker Svetlana Terekhova.

As part of the discussion, its participants discussed plans for the development of the innovative environment of Moscow and the importance of hackathons for solving urgent problems and problems in various areas of business.
Opening the discussion, Deputy General Director of the Innovation Agency of Moscow Maria Bogomolova outlined the main task of the Agency - the development of the innovation ecosystem of the city.
“This is reflected in building close interaction between innovative companies and city structures, and introducing innovative solutions in the urban environment. This work is especially relevant in the current situation, when there is an increased demand for digital solutions, caused by the difficult economic situation, ”she said.
Maria Bogomolova told the participants of the discussion about various projects of the Moscow Innovation Agency: the Innovation Solutions Map, the Innovation Against the Crisis open competition, the BioMedTech track of the Moscow Accelerator program, and then stopped at a tool for developing digital solutions like a hackathon.

Hackathons are competitions among developers of digital products to solve tasks set by the customer for a limited period of time. According to Maria Bogomolova, such events can very quickly solve a number of serious tasks: create new digital products, test hypotheses and evaluate the possibility of their implementation, as well as receive a lot of new creative ideas. They help improve the interface and useful properties of existing products and serve as a universal source of personnel for the digital transformation of organizations.

Maria Bogomolova noted that now the hackathons mainly conducts large business. City structures are just beginning to master this tool.
“The Moscow government supports this format. To this end, last year the Moscow Mayor’s Prize “Digital Transformation Leaders”, which is awarded to the winners of large city hackathons, was established, ”she explained.
Following Maria, the project manager for the search and selection of innovations of X5 Retail Group Dmitry Vlasenkov spoke. He noted that through various projects, including hackathons, the search for effective digital solutions for retail is being carried out.
“We are looking for solutions for human resources, logistics, workflow, store operations and marketing. A new trend is contactless purchases and new store concepts in which such purchases can be made. Also during the pandemic, we are searching for innovative methods and technologies for the disinfection of premises and objects in stores, ”he said.
Speaking at the expert discussion, Oberi Melikishvili, head of SberCloud's AI Cloud product line, said that a 36- or 48-hour hackathon format is not always enough to develop a quality product.
“It would be nice to consider the option of increasing the time for solving the problems by the participants. At the same time guaranteeing impressive prizes and real contracts with customers of the track. Such an event format can attract not only talented youth, but also successful developers, ”he said.
The head of the innovation center of Kaspersky Lab JSC Vitaly Mzokov said that in a pandemic, people began to spend more time on the Internet.
“The consumption of Internet services has risen sharply. Consequently, the spread of malware has increased. But Kaspersky Lab was ready for this - over the years we have built an infrastructure that can withstand a huge number of users. In addition, our company quickly switched to remote tracks, ”he said.
In Kaspersky Lab, as noted by Vitaliy Mzokov, there is an Open Innovation program, in the framework of which work is carried out with promising startups for joint business development.
“There are a lot of innovative teams around us that can quickly create great solutions. Just to collect such teams we are actively using the hackathon tool, ”he concluded.
In his speech, the captain of the Dev labs development team Vladislav Duplyakin noted that the success of the hackathon participants depends on a number of factors.
“The secret to effective team work is preparation for the hackathon, the ability to ask the right questions during interviews with the customer, and the skill of quick planning. Still important: the organization of hackacton processes, the openness of all participants and a clear statement of tasks, ”he explained.
According to Vladislav Duplyakin, a hackathon for teams is a starting point for the development and promotion of a future project, as well as the opportunity to fully demonstrate your skills and get feedback from the expert community.

At the end of the discussion, Maria Bogomolova announced that the team of the Moscow Innovation Agency had already begun preparations for the large-scale online hackathon, which would be held this fall. Its winners will become laureates of the Moscow Mayor's Award Digital Transformation Leaders.

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