Tech Talks Delivery Club at RIT ++


Hello, Habr! Hello World!

My name is Andrey Evsyukov, I am Deputy Technical Director at Delivery Club. And this is the first post in our blog on Habré. Today I’ll talk about how and where you can learn about the development, processes and team of the Delivery Club. Spoiler: Until now, no one knew so much how DC Tech works.

On May 25 and 26, the team and I will participate in the RIT ++ conference . For this reason, which is already tired of calling aloud, the RIT ++ festival this year takes place online, and we do not miss the opportunity to introduce you to the project and the DC Tech team.

The main conference program is available only to RIT ++ participants. The Delivery Club is represented by Nikolai Arkhipov, the head of the Research & Development group, with the report “How we overcome the uncertainty in the Delivery Club” .

In addition, we have prepared our own program. Anyone can ask engineers questions and learn about the development and principles of work in DC Tech. Each story will last about 15 minutes, and then we will answer your questions.


May 25, Monday
12:00 - Inner source as a means of team autonomy, Nadir Nigmatullin
13:00 - Specification first and code generation, Nadir Nigmatullin
14:00 - Development process in DC and organization of work with product hypotheses, Andrey Yevsyukov
16:00 - Evolution architecture, processes and approaches in the development of Android applications, Pavel Ilyichev and Anton Zinakov
18:00 - How we wrote down the appointment of the third order in two days, Alexey Novikov
19:00 - Real-time supply / demand balancing. Dynamic reactions to changes in other systems, Denis Gorev

May 26, Tuesday
12:00 - Event model in Grocery, Eugene Konechny
13:00 - Kafka Connect, Sergey Bevzenko
14:00 - Architectural review, Nadir Nigmatullin
16:00 - The evolution of architecture, processes and approaches in iOS development using the example of e-grocery launch, Vasily Kozlov and Vladimir Svetlanov
17:00 - Release minibus for the Super App, Alexander Sosorev

Report Descriptions

Inner source as a means of team autonomy
Nadir Nigmatullin, leader of the Mobile Core group

In a company with a large number of teams and in a rapidly growing market, it is important to keep Lead Time and Time to market metrics at a very low level. When developing a project, we often need to make changes to system components that are not in our area of ​​responsibility. This can cause additional costs and increase development time. Nadir will tell you how we solve this problem in the Delivery Club, what is Inner source and what needs to be done to introduce this approach in our company.

Specification first and code generation
Nadir Nigmatullin, Mobile Core Team Leader

Application development using the REST API is far from rocket science. But in cross-functional teams, many are still faced with the problem of relevant documentation and difficulties with the parallel development of the backend and clients for the API. Nadir will share how the Specification first approach helps in solving these problems and why the team uses code generation.

The development process in DC and the organization of work with product hypotheses
Andrey Yevsyukov, Deputy Technical Director for Development

At Delivery Club, we organize the development process through cross-functional product teams. The main difference between such teams is a deep immersion in the subject area and the needs of the business. At the same time, there is also a process over IT through which all hypotheses pass before they go into development. This is the GIST framework. This interaction will be discussed.

The evolution of architecture, processes and approaches in the development of Android applications
Pavel Ilyichev and Anton Zinakov, those. leads of Android applications

Over the past year, significant changes have occurred in our Android project. In the report, we will tell you more about the evolution of architecture, changes in processes, how and why we decided to introduce changes. In the end, we will share the results of our experience: what we came to as a result of the changes and what conclusions we made.

As we wrote down the appointment of the third order in two days,
Aleksey Novikov, senior developer of the auto-assignment group

Everyone loves accurate planning and clear terms of reference , but sometimes, in order to support a business, you have to collect features from improvised means to meet deadlines. Alexey will tell you what conclusions we made after one of the “hot” Fridays and how in two days we made the appointment of a third order for a courier - a feature that we were afraid to approach for several months.

Real-time supply / demand balancing. Dynamic reactions to changes in other systems
Denis Gorev, head of the reaction group

It's great when the company has a strong Data Science department that perfectly predicts supply and demand. The Delivery Club is just that. But there are situations that go beyond the predictive model. We began to develop a Business Gracefull Degradation service to help the business survive such situations without significant losses. Denis will talk about the first steps, ideas and problems of implementation.

Event Model at Grocery
Eugene Konnechny, Leading Backend Developer

Eugene will tell how we built integration with our partners to launch Grocery. After the launch of MVP, we encountered growth problems, for the solution of which we transferred everything to an event-based interaction model. We will show the problem cases, how we work simultaneously in polling mode and on events, and a little about how we work with kafa inside Delivery Club.

Kafka Connect
Sergey Bevzenko, lead backend developer

Sergey will tell you what Kafka Connect is for, what it is for and the general principle of work. We will discuss how Kafka Connect helps to switch to an event model in a 10-year-old Legacy.

Architectural Review
Nadir Nigmatullin, Head of Mobile Core

Delivery Club is a rather adult and technically complex project. In this regard, there are concomitant difficulties when immersing yourself in a project and when developing technical solutions that may relate to different parts of the system. Nadir will tell you what an architectural review is, how this process works and why we decided to introduce it.

The evolution of architecture, processes and approaches in iOS development using the example of e-grocery launch
Vasily Kozlov and Vladimir Svetlanov, tech. iOS application leads

Harsh times require harsh measures. Over the past six months, the food delivery industry has experienced unprecedented growth. Delivery Club for iOS has passed the ordeal, facing a difficult legacy of a monolith created in the greenhouse conditions of a small team. In the report, we will talk about the stages of denying life outside the monolith, adopting a modular architecture and protocol-oriented programming, as well as compromises along the way. We will discuss the technology stack that we use in the project, which architectures we use, and how to layout screens. How our processes have changed: how we build a roadmap for the development of the project and hear each developer, how the processes of review and team synchronization have been established.

Minibus release for Super App
Alexander Sosorev, Head of Mobile Development

Let's talk about mobile development in DC Tech: what changes it has gone through recently, how it adapted to the rapidly growing number of mobile teams, what we are striving for, as well as about new activities that we have already launched and are only planning.

If you want to ask your question, go to our page and join the telegram chat . See you in zoom next week!

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