GlobalSign Introduces Atlas - Next Generation PKI Platform

On May 18, 2020, GlobalSign announced a new-generation PKI platform called Atlas to automate digital certificate management.

This is a universal system on a new engine, where throughout the year all existing GlobalSign solutions for certificate management automation will be added. The first is the Automated Enrollment Gateway (AEG), which allows you to quickly and automatically issue and manage digital IDs.

Atlas will serve companies that are now forced to use solutions based on, usually, Microsoft CA and which need their own private certification authority. For example, for registering each Internet of Things device, issuing certificates for employees or certificates for computers so that they can safely and trustfully communicate with each other and outside the network. The GlobalSign Atlas platform will offer a complete turnkey solution for such situations, so that companies focus on their core business, rather than allocating resources for the implementation of cryptography and PKI on their own, at the risk of information security.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is usually considered one of the main foundations of information security. At the same time, many companies have difficulties in its implementation in the departments of information security and IT.

As the company grows, so does the complexity of PKI. More credentials themselves, more verification locations, and other factors to consider.

In a typical organization, 50 to 70 security or platform programs are installed. And the teams that manage them are struggling to cope and keep track of this economy. And with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and DevOps markets, the number of use cases for PKI continues to grow. By some estimates, by 2027 there will be more than 40 billion IoT devices, and all of them must be protected. The demand for automation - and cryptographic flexibility to combat the constant flow of cyber threats - is greater than ever.

Organizations need to create a reliable, flexible, and scalable solution for issuing and managing an ever-growing number of certificates. Atlas will take this niche- a highly accessible and high-performance Certification Authority, created to ease the pain points of the modern business world by automating the use of digital certificates.

Atlas allows IT teams to flexibly manage a wide range of digital identities - for users, machines, IoT and mobile devices, as well as servers - without worrying about complex tasks such as key management and multi-protocol support to cover a wide range of endpoints.

All existing GlobalSign solutions will be gradually added to Atlas in the coming months and throughout the year. The first is the Automated Enrollment Gateway (AEG). The updated AEG 6.3 takes advantage of the new Atlas engine, an improved interface, a simplified reporting tool and advanced notifications to avoid crashes and unforeseen expiration dates.

Atlas Tasks

  • Transfer the main functions of integrated security implementation to a trusted partner
  • Save finances by reducing the needs of the enterprise in human capital
  • Eliminate revenue loss due to downtime and outages
  • Prevent penalties for non-compliance with regulatory requirements and cost of eliminating violations

AEG 6.3 Update

  • Updated user interface that simplifies navigation, configuration and management

  • ACME v2 Linux

  • ,

  • Microsoft Intune (SCEP)
  • DevOps

โ€œWe are very pleased to introduce Atlas,โ€ said Lila Key, CEO of GlobalSign, an American division. - Without flexible and scalable tools that are easy to use, organizations are forced to attempt to create and run their own private certification authorities - usually Microsoft CA - which will have to be manually installed and managed using outdated methods, where mismanagement traps are numerous and, ultimately, more destructive. Today's launch of Atlas simplifies and automates the entire PKI and certificate management process. "This is a really big step forward for GlobalSign and for the entire industry, and it will be a huge help for our customers."

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