Railway stations of Russia can be equipped with Russian thermal imagers; in appearance they are very similar to Chinese

Russian railway stations can be equipped with automatic temperature measurement systems for passengers. Such a system is already operating at the Leningrad Station in Moscow. This was reported today by the city news agency "Moscow".

Judging by the photograph of the software, which illustrates the news, the temperature measurement system was produced by the Zenit plant, whose official name “ Krasnogorsk Plant named after S. A. Zverev ” is part of the Shvabe holding.

Previously, the Shvabe holding, which is part of the Rostec state corporation, was selected as the sole supplier of thermal imagers during the whole of 2020 as part of procurements carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to ensure the work of federal executive bodies. According to the decree of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Mishustin, under the contract, the agency will receive 5 billion rubles .

Information about the pilot tests at the Leningradsky train station in Moscow is available on the website of the Shvabe holding. The news reports that Russian Railways is testing a non-contact temperature measurement system, which is manufactured in Krasnogorsk under the Zenit brand.

Infrared temperature measuring system IR236

Krasnogorsk plant named after S. A. Zverev produces the only infrared temperature measuring system IR236 . The system consists of a thermal imager, a video camera, an absolutely black body, and supports for mounting these devices.

The fact that this system is produced at the Krasnogorsk plant is announced everywhere, on the website , in the instruction manual , in the training video .

Similar GUIDE IR236 system from a Chinese manufacturer

Chinese manufacturer Guide Sensmart produces a very similar externally GUIDE IR236 system .

A thermal imager, a video camera, an absolutely black body, and supports for mounting these devices are also included.

Zenit logo software

Screen software from the Zenit training video .

Chinese software

Judging by the interface elements, the software is also similar to the Chinese from the Chinese advertising video .


On the Zenith IR236 thermal imager you can see the inscription “Powered by Guide”. The same inscription can be seen in the photograph given by the Moscow news agency. In the photo, the inscription is placed in the software interface.

The thought creeps in that the manufacturer does not hide the fact that the thermal imager and software were produced at least with the participation of the Chinese manufacturer Guide Sensmart.

But if this is so, then the question arises: what is Russian in this system?

Separately, I was struck by the advertising video in the Chinese product card GUIDE IR236 IR , this unique device measured the temperature of a person behind the glass, despite the fact that the glass does not transmit thermal radiation.

It is possible, of course, that this is not glass, but some other “transparent material”, but it is visually evident that behind this “transparent material” people are almost invisible to the thermal imager, which means that one way or another it does not transmit most of the thermal radiation. The measurement of human temperature in such conditions does not look realistic.

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