Likbez about VPS: how to configure remote desktop if you are a Win user

Hello! This is an educational program about how, having the usual Win-user skills, to create a remote desktop on Windows. I must say right away that for most of the Habr audience this will seem like a kindergarten, but, as we know from the first line of our support, this skill is very in demand. Well, now there will be a link that can be sent instead of explanations.

We often come across the myth that to raise your own virtual server you need to be a technology guru and know the secrets of Linux. Today, everything has been wrong for a long time and you can create a virtual machine on Windows in 15 minutes, four or seven of which you will wait for it to actually be created. It is simple, fast, cheap and absolutely does not require any special skills. Therefore, educational program.

- Why is this needed?

The most common case is that the accounting database is in the company, and not on the accountant's home computer. If an accountant gets sick or something else happens to him, it will be hard to get it all. More rare cases are when you need to have your working environment on your phone from anywhere in the world, or when you often use other people's computers.

It’s also useful for creating game servers, trading on the stock exchange, torrents, various repetitive processes, programs for automating social networks (and like cheaters, what’s already there), SEO utilities, preparing for white bookkeeping, traveling (especially when you don’t want to take your home computer somewhere to a neighboring city for a month) and so on. More often, VPS is used for the security of the client bank of the company.

- So, and let's take a closer look at the points - how is this usually used?

There are many options. Here are some of them:

  1. Bookkeeping . About the fact that it is better to keep the base inside the company, and not at the accountant's house - this is the first. Then on VPS it is very convenient to set up a backup, for example, once a day, and no matter what you do, you can go back and restore the data. If you've ever lost your bookkeeping, then you understand how important this is. In addition, the accountant can easily make a mistake - the ability to roll back to the version earlier helps a lot.
  2. . , , , - . Win, . , Space Engineers Windows-, .
  3. . , , , . - , , . , .
  4. . : , , , - . . -.
  5. SEO-. , . , , , , . , . Windows- , , -.
  6. -. VPS «» IP-, IP, — . - IP, ( ) VPS.
  7. IE-. ( — ) Windows Internet Explorer. — Win.

You may also need a Windows-table for more complex tasks, such as deploying your own web server or VPN, but we will not touch on this for now. More complex things are usually done on Linux machines. We will not touch on this, but just know that if you already took VPS, then another 20 minutes of reading instructions - and you will have your own VPN bonus.

Absolutely educational program

- What is remote desktop?
, - - . , Windows.


- , , , :

- How can I use a computer that does not have a screen, mouse and keyboard?
, , . , . . .

- Will the sound work when connected via RDP?
. .

- Is it possible to connect to such a Win-computer from a macbook?
. -, , .

- When I "connect" to 1C, is this the same process?
, 1 Windows. : , . - , . VPS .

- And where is this computer?
, : . . VPS — . «» - , ( ). -, , — , . , .

“Is it okay to connect to remote servers like that?”
. , . , .

Basic things

The instruction below is the FAQ.

There are a number of protocols like RDP or VNC that allow you to translate the image from the screen of the remote computer to yours and transfer mouse movements and keystrokes to your remote. In the simplest case, you use the standard Windows application “Remote Desktop Connection”. On tablets and phones, you will need to install an application that supports remote connections and translates clicks on the touch screen with mouse movements, or also does not click on the “screen” in Windows on the other side. For the phone, a scroll on the screen is also added, because it does not always fit completely. Any application, any with RDP support, for example, Remote Desktop from Microsoft, is suitable. Or Teamviewer in general, but it will also need an agent on your Win desktop.

The easiest way is to access the remote computer through a browser if the hoster has configured everything for this. We are set up. But through applications faster. 

Some applications create access on their own. For example, 1C allows you to connect both in terminal mode and through a browser. It’s more convenient for many to work that way. 

- How can I connect from the phone, can I see?
, :

- How to set up the first time?

The logic behind lifting a remote desktop server is to deploy a virtual machine (VPS), and then install a Windows distribution that supports remote connectivity. The first is done from the personal VPS hosting account (it takes four to seven minutes with SLA for 15 minutes), the second could make you learn the materiel well, but in our case Windows Server is in the marketplace, and you can order a machine right away with an expanded operating system system. Access to connect will be directly in your account. It only remains to connect.

- What are the system requirements for Windows Server?

The minimum configuration is 2 GB of RAM, 20 GB on the hard drive. For Win Server 2003, one core is enough; for Win Server 2016 or 2019, two are already needed. It’s better to add a little more space on the hard drive, both operating systems will be tight at 20 GB - already S2012, for example, will not be able to upgrade. Some users install Win on VPS with 500 MB of RAM. We recommend a tariff for 579 rubles per month (this does not include discounts for Habr, you can dial 15% from the promo code below and another 20% when paying for the year), where there is one core, 2 GB of RAM and 20 GB of HDD. At cheaper rates it is better to put Windows Server Core or other OS.

- Is it possible to configure scheduled backups?

Yes, you can take a copy of the VPS machine, for example, once a day. Setup through your account. A copy is made to an independent storage in the same data center where your VPS is deployed. If you want to copy to another data center, you will need to manually configure it.

More complicated stuff for professionals

- And why immediately Win?

Anything serious on remote servers most often runs on Linux. But, firstly, not all users know how to cook it, and secondly, often Windows wants it. For this case, there is Windows Server Core - Windows, where instead of a graphical interface there is only a command line. It is easier, less demanding on resources and allows you to run all Win-applications. A license is also provided on any tariff plan by default and does not require additional payments.

If you are suddenly interested in Linux, then you are in the wrong post. That post here .

- What if Windows on the other side stops responding?

If something happens to the operating system or terminal access service, then you will not be able to connect via RDP, since this requires a working OS, network drivers, a working network connection and RDP enabled. Out of the box, we have it all. But if Win "breaks down", then it will be possible to use one more special mode: we have the ability to broadcast video directly from the hypervisor level and transmit keystrokes and clicks through the hypervisor. This mode is quite demanding on resources, so there is a limit on its use. But in case of problems, you can use it to reboot into Safe Mode. If the problem is more serious - you can either contact support, or simply reinstall Windows in a couple of clicks.

Emergency mode can have a rather long response to actions, but visually it looks pretty usual. It’s so common that we have users who use it regularly. But we absolutely do not need to be used in everyday life outside of an emergency, because there are more correct and comfortable ways, for Windows - of course, this is RDP.

- What about the OS license?

Usually, VPS hosting gives you a virtual server and does not look at what you are doing with it (only for resource loading and the nature of the traffic). That is, in theory, you can put any software there, including pirated software. But in practice, it is more convenient to create a machine with an OS using one of the hosting templates. In our case, a license for Windows Server (or Windows Server Core without a graphical interface) is already included in the tariff plan, since we have all hosting on Hyper-V and is fully licensed. Some other hosting companies at this moment open a new "star" with the monthly cost of renting a license.

- Can I bring my own OS image?

Yes, you can, and there are two options. You can build a standard VHDX container for Hyper-V and transfer it to support. In this case, there may be difficulties at the stage of setting up a network connection - perhaps in your finished image there will be no driver for a suitable network card. You will need to connect and install it. Nevertheless, this is a good way to transfer everything, for example, from an old laptop to online. Or you can transfer support to the ISO-image, which is mounted on a virtual server, and from which you, using emergency mode through your personal account, can perform the installation yourself.

These services are provided only on tariff plans of 1,000 rubles per month.

- What about licenses for other software?

Hosting usually does not see what is installed on you (we do not see, for example, unless you ask for support for something special). We don’t care what is there and how it works, since this is your area of ​​responsibility. Just remember that support for pirated software is not provided, and if something does not work.

- What storage is used?

All drives are SSD shelves in servers, but on tariffs with HDDs they are limited in speed to the speeds of spindle hard drives. Duplication - RAID 5. There are several RAID 6 left, but there are already quite a few of them. If one of the drives fails, the rebuild of the raid begins. If a power failure occurs at this point, data will be lost. In this case, we have two separate power supplies with separate cable routes to each physical server and a technical backup of the entire machine (without selective access to a separate storage). Damage from hacker attacks is insured at AIG.

- What overhead does a hypervisor impose on performance?

With a combination of Hyper-V + Windows, significantly less than one percent.

Instruction manual

I bring it on the basis of our VPS hosting (because we do not have others). So, you choose a data center:

If you do not have special preferences, it is best to choose closer to yourself. In Zurich, Amsterdam and London, there are data centers with the most interesting jurisdictions (often this is important for a business that has already encountered “raids”). Zurich has the highest level of physical security.

After choosing, you need to login or log in:

Next, select the tariff:

In choosing the OS, you select the appropriate version of Windows (if in doubt - Windows Server 2016 or 2003 for weak configurations). Further “without a panel”. Set the configuration. The recommended screen for Server 2016 is on the screen. The total price, using the promotional code for Habr, you can get a 15% discount one-time (it used to be 10%), and when paying for the year another 20%. That is, the maximum discount is 35%. Billing will be per second - even after five minutes of operation, you can stop the server and request a refund of unspent funds.

Check the configuration:


About four to six minutes after payment, a letter with access comes to your mail, and the same access appears in your account:

Congratulations, at this point you created your virtual server with Windows. The remote desktop will be ready as soon as the server starts (this takes four to six minutes that you have been waiting for). When ready, the server’s IP address and password for the root user will appear, which you can immediately use to connect via RDP. Start -> Connection to the remote desktop:

Enter the IP address:

Username and password:

And that’s it, that’s your remote desktop!

Done. Everything is as usual on Windows. You can work.

The next thing you want to do is transfer your files. The easiest way is directly through the clipboard by copying a specific file on your desktop from the computer and pasting it to the remote one.

But you can connect a whole drive from your computer. Connect to the remote desktop. Go to the tab “Local resources”:

Select the required drives and check the box:

Now the drive is connected to the remote desktop and you can use the data from it. Voila, you are beautiful.

Previously, the discount was 10%, and now 15% for Habr according to the NOSTRESS promo code (it is under our every post every day from March 25, 2016), plus the discount will increase to 20% when paid for a year. All together 35%.

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