At the crossroads of technology and business: IT leaders open a new university in Switzerland

Hello, Habr! Today we want to talk about education in the field of IT and management, and more precisely - about the Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT), founded by leading world scientists and entrepreneurs. More than 30 recognized scientific experts joined the development of the new educational project, among them there are Nobel Prize winners, creators of programming languages ​​and outstanding scientists and entrepreneurs. Read more about all this, as well as about the online conference at which the SIT training programs will be presented, read under the cut.

Talk about the need to reform the higher education system has been going on for a long time. And COVID-19, it can be said, finished off the traditional practice of transferring skills and training, as it turned out that a lot in this world can be done remotely. But the real needs of the market have been ahead of educational programs for several years, and graduates have to catch up on their practice already, stuffing their personal bumps.

Moreover, the majority of computer science courses - yes, help to master programming skills, but do not give graduates preparation for leadership positions and for project management. The Schaffhausen Institute of Technology in Switzerland was created specifically for the training of a new generation of personnel. University programs are aimed at bridging the gap between education and the real needs of the industry at the intersection of information technology, physics and business. And considering that our company is in the stage of active growth, the initial investment in SIT came from Acronis, and Sergey Belousov was the founder of the SIT.

Why Switzerland?

The Institute’s location was not chosen by chance. Schaffhausen is located 45 km from Zurich, which means that the largest technological base in Europe is accessible to residents: in the immediate vicinity are the Swiss cities, as well as South Germany and Northern Italy. But Schaffhausen itself has a unique business atmosphere. Over the past 20 years, the canton government has pursued a deliberate policy of attracting advanced technology companies, and Acronis, which chose this city for its headquarters in 2008, was among the more than 600 business representatives who opened their offices in Schaffhausen.


Who is in the team?

Thanks to its location in one of the most innovative regions of the EU, SIT has attracted leading European scientists. In total, the SIT leadership consists of more than 30 people , and all of them are well-known scientists, entrepreneurs and visionaries. These include the 2010 Nobel laureate Sir Konstantin Novoselov, professor of physics at Harvard University, Mikhail Lukin, professor of economics and public policy, honorary vice-rector at Carnegie Mellon University Mark Kamlet, professor of quantum information and communications at the University of Geneva Nicholas Zhizan, creator of the language Eiffel programming and other ideologists of the modern approach to higher education.

SIT Vice Rector - Professor Bertrand Meyer (creator of the Eiffel programming language). Meyer is a leading software engineering scientist, as well as a professor at Innopolis University and an emeritus professor of software engineering at ETH Zurich. At the same time, Bertrand Meyer continues to be the founder and technical director of Eiffel Software (California). He received degrees from the Polytechnic School of Paris, Stanford University and Nancy University and demonstrates an excellent example of a combination of practical success in the IT industry and academic development.


SIT is partnering with Carnegie Mellon University of Pittsburgh and National University of Singapore. Therefore, educational programs at SIT are formed with the participation of international groups of scientists in such fields as artificial intelligence, cyber defense, the development of new materials, quantum technologies, digitalization of business, as well as digital sports and healthcare.

SIT Virtual Nano Conference Online Conference

May 26, 2020 (Tuesday) at 11:00 (Moscow time) everyone will be able to learn first hand (in English) about how they see the development of modern education in the field of cyber defense, quantum computing, software development and the development of IT systems Institute staff and curators. At the international online conference SIT Virtual Nano Conference . they will present to the general public a new model of education and announce the first SIT master's program, which will be interesting primarily to bachelors from Russian universities. The conference will raise issues related to computer systems of the future, information security, quantum computing, as well as software development and testing.

Among the speakers of the conference:

  • Sergey Belousov (Serguei Beloussov), doctor of technical sciences, founder of SIT, as well as serial entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Acronis,
  • Mauro Pezzé, Professor of Software Engineering, Schaffhausen Institute of Technology,
  • Arthur Ekert, professor of quantum physics at the Institute of Mathematics, University of Oxford,
  • Dr. Barry Al Mack Manus (Dr Barry L. McManus), a former CIA printer
  • And other world-class speakers

SPOILER: SIT management has prepared interesting news for those who are working or planning to work on their IT product, as well as special opportunities for the most talented and ambitious bachelors.

→ The full program of events and pre-registration here

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