A few straws for procrastinator

At the end there is a summary.

Tasks must be completed efficiently and on time. This is the basis of order in management. Only when everything is done efficiently and on time, then the results are achieved, the pleasure is obtained, the country is developing. The release of dopamine from the problem solved qualitatively and on time is incomparably higher than from Facebook page turning. Do not listen to loafers who say that half of the tasks could not be solved, and the timing is a meaningless invention of managers. Task. Quality. Term.

Smiled while reading? Well, at least internally. If so, read on. If not, then choose another publication.

In general, I agree that what needs to be done efficiently and on time. Well, I just disagree with the deadline - it is extremely rare that he generally means anything other than marking someone’s calendar. Check is simple - what will happen if the deadline is overdue? If there are losses, then the period made sense. If there are no losses, then no.

But in general, the article is not about that. One way or another, but the delay occurs. Even if the deadline did not make sense, the customer or manager will hold on to it, like a straw. On this straw their picture of the world is built. The delay for them is an occasion either to be very upset, or to manipulate you very much later, recalling at every opportunity that you have a stigma in your cannon.

So try not to offend these nice people. But just to do everything always on time for their peace of mind - you will tear the ridge. Someone will say - you just need to learn how to calculate the timing correctly. It is necessary, of course, but it is impossible. But somehow you have to live.

We will get out. Each person who works somewhere has his own set of methods for avoiding punishment (or “punishment”) for delay. I will briefly share my best practices.


The simplest thing in the world is to always set the deadline for the day. Probably everyone uses this. When the deadline falls at the end of the day, there is always night to complete. For the majority of customers, your result didn’t bother looking at night.

If tasks are set through any system, then pay attention to whether there is time in it, or only a date. If only the date is cool - you can assume that the deadline crowed at 23:59:59.


Well, it's just a classic. The meaning is the same as in the previous council, only you need to choose Friday (well, or the day that precedes the weekend in your country). Firstly, then you will have an additional more than two days. Secondly, on a Friday evening, your customer needs your result even less than, say, on Wednesday evening. Most people, however, prefer to rest from work on Friday night.

Fuzzy staging

Everyone knows all sorts of methods like SMART, but they are rarely used in practice (like any methods that everyone knows). Therefore, let the statement of the problem be fuzzy, if possible. True, this is not always suitable.

Fuzzy statement can damage during the delivery of works, for example, therefore, where formalization (such as TK) is needed, it is better to formalize if there is no necessary level of trust with the customer.

But for all kinds of nonsense like internal instructions, a fuzzy statement is the very thing. At our plant, managers had to draw up a development plan by a certain date, and the task did not sound very clear: write events for the development of the department. Well, one dude wrote - make a vacation schedule. And that, handling will increase. Rolled.

Clear of fuzzy

When it’s rubbish, and the production was fuzzy, we can offer to make it clear. Well, they say, I was thinking and realized that from the very beginning we have not decided clearly what we want to do. Of course, I can simply send you what is, but I'm afraid not to live up to your expectations. Of course, it was necessary to do this from the very beginning, my jamb, but I am directly very worried about the quality of the result, so let's mount the task, and I will correct the trajectory of its solution. Well, something like this.

Not the fact that it will. But sometimes it works. Under the guise, you can increase the period.

Task extension

Served with the same sauce - I want the best. I then realized that solving only this problem will not give us anything, we must immediately do this. It is important to wrap up so that one from the other is poorly separated, with difficulty, so that the two tasks do not line up in a chain.

For example, they gave you to develop a strategy, or rules for the work of the programmers department at the factory. You can file it - damn it, but after all, programmers work closely with system administrators. It is impossible to define rules, for example, transferring changes to the working base without coordinating this with the regulations of system administrators. Those regulations that we do not have, which were to go the second echelon. Let me write all the rules at once. Something like this.

Two options

Solving the problem, on the way you can come up with a "second option". Served with sauce that you want to give the customer a choice - not one solution, but two at once. It is clear that we are talking about small tasks - you won’t do two sites when you pay for one.

But to estimate a couple of options for supply automation - easily. Of course, for this you need to increase the period. But there will be plenty to choose from. You take care of the customer.


I often use this - I change the delay in increasing the amount of work without changing the cost. The vast majority agree. Of course, if it is important. Sometimes I do something for free.

Everything is transparent and adequate. For example, a person ordered a list of works for 100 tr, I overdue, I see that he has warmed up, and I say - let me give you one more thing and do it now, another 40 tr. True, here it is necessary not to fall into the second delay, otherwise you will go into slavery.

Unreadable result

So-so receiver, but sometimes helps out. It is necessary to make sure that the customer could not see the result, and when he reports this, make a surprised face and promise to fix everything soon, only right now I can’t, the cow is calving / the crane burst / diarrhea happened.

At the institute, for example, it was necessary to send a presentation to the teacher - he took the first one, opened it with a notebook, deleted one letter and sent it. It is also possible to send password-protected archives and make a mistake in the password (classic - “c” instead of “c”).

You can stupidly send the wrong file. Pour the changes into the wrong database (well, that is, “Oh, I’ve probably uploaded the wrong database, I’ll fix it soon, right now the cow will calve / ...”).

True, this technique is for one customer only. The second time I do not understand.


A dirty reception, I rarely use it, but it's worth mentioning. Sometimes you can jump off a task, give it to another performer, justifying yourself with some kind of production necessity. For example, you have been piled up with other tasks, and you “sincerely worry about the customer, therefore, with a broken heart, you give it to another, because he will do it anyway faster”.

This technique is also not suitable for frequent use. Well, once a year, maybe. Otherwise, they will be considered unreliable.

Something to do

This is when they simply forget about the task. For example, to say that you want to quit. Or just looking for work. Or get drunk. Or in the "binge" - hide, do not pick up the phone, do not read messages in the messenger.

Honestly, I personally didn’t do it myself, but I have seen many times how modern youth do it. It looks disgusting, but it works. The main thing is to bring to the point that they will begin to worry directly, and to look through relatives and friends. By the time they find, they will already forget about the deadlines and tasks - most importantly, lively and healthy.

Yes, of course, we need to come up with some believable legend.

But in general, of course, it’s better to just work well. Solve problems efficiently and on time. Have a nice day, friends.


It is not always possible to solve tasks on time. But the delay is also not needed - they will swear.
If you set a deadline for the end of the day, then you will always have a night to finish.
If you set a deadline for Friday evening, then you will have more than two days to complete.
If the task is not clear, then you can always find options for its delivery.
If the task is not clear, then you can propose to make it clear before the deadline.
The term can be increased if you expand the task on your own initiative.
The term can be extended if it is proposed to develop two or more solutions.
The term can be increased if you propose to do more in exchange for a delay.
If the result is made so that the customer cannot see it, then the period will increase automatically.
You can transfer the task to another performer, getting rid of the delay in one fell swoop.
You can go into a binge, then everyone will forget about the delay.

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