9 major announcements of the Microsoft Build 2020 conference

Our two-day conference Microsoft Build 2020, the broadcast of the main track of which we held on Habré , has come to an end. In this article we will talk about the most ambitious and interesting announcements of the past event. Look under the cat!

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Windows Terminal 1.0 Release

We are pleased to announce the release of Windows Terminal 1.0! Windows Terminal has come a long way since its announcement at Microsoft Build 2019 . As always, you can download Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store or from the release page on GitHub . Windows Terminal will have monthly updates starting in July 2020.

We told in more detail about the new terminal yesterday in this article on Habr.


Created one of the 5 most powerful supercomputers in the world

The new Microsoft supercomputer was  developed  on the basis of the Azure cloud in  collaboration  and exclusively for  OpenAI , a research organization founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman. Its capacity is more than 285,000 processor cores (CPU core), 10,000 graphic processors (GPUs), and network connection speed is 400 gigabits per second for each server. It is designed specifically for training the next generation of massive distributed AI models that can perform a wider range of functions and, accordingly, require significantly more computing resources.

Read the details on our news site (in Russian).

Preview Package Manager for Windows

The package manager is designed to help you save time. In fact, it is a set of software tools that help automate the process of downloading software to your computer. You indicate which applications you want to install, and it searches for the latest version (or the one you specified) and installs it on the computer.

Almost every developer wanted to have a native package manager on Windows. This day has finally arrived. One of the cool news is that it is open source. Now it is very simple, for example, winget install terminal, then winget install powershell, and after winget install powertoys.

Read more about Windows Package Manager on our blog .

Fluid Framework Updates

The Fluid Framework Interactive Web Collaboration Platform,  introduced a  year ago at Build 2019, is  becoming  open source software. And also, soon the functionality of the Fluid Framework will be partially available not only to developers, but also to end users: its components and working environments will appear on Office.com and in the web version of Outlook.

The first Fluid Framework integrations in Microsoft 365 will allow several users to simultaneously make changes to documents and create connected components that can be instantly and very easily shared in applications. For example, tables, charts, and task lists can be pasted into the web version of Outlook so that your sales data, project tasks, and research reports are constantly updated with the latest changes. On Office.com, you can create and manage Fluid Framework workspaces, including in your document’s activity stream, in the list of recommendations, in @ mentions, or search for them on Office.com. And since the components of the Fluid Framework are low in weight, edits are applied instantly.

A Fluid networking environment can instantly transform your application into a collaboration tool. It includes low latency synchronization data structures and a switching service for connecting endpoints. If you replace static data structures with Fluid data structures, your application will instantly start supporting real-time collaboration.

Unleashing the full potential of the Fluid Framework is possible when creating a multicultural, open, and active community of developers. For this reason, Microsoft will turn the Fluid Framework into an open source environment, allowing developers to leverage the core Fluid Framework in their own applications. We release additional documentation and tools, and also invite developers to work with Microsoft to create and release the Fluid Framework.

New Microsoft Teams

Teams received a lot of new products, which we decided to combine in one point. Among them are the emergence of many customizable templates for team building, the ability to create and manage chat bots, the ability to add applications and automated processes, Power Bi integration, event translation, automation capabilities and much more. And all this while maintaining productivity.

Read more about the latest in the Fluent Framework and Microsoft Teams in this article (in Russian).

Microsoft Edge: Improvements for Developers

Microsoft Edge introduces a series of new features to improve workflows for consumers, developers and commercial customers.

First of all, this is a quicker, more contextual way to search using the sidebar. Just select a word or phrase, right-click and select “search in the sidebar” in the context menu. The results will be displayed in the panel on the right side of the browser window, so the user does not lose the context of the original content.

For developers, we have contributed to the Chromium project, including improvements to accessibility, handwriting, scrolling, and localization. Preview versions of Webview 2.0 are also available for development with .NET and UWP. And thanks to new enhancements in the Progressive Web App (PWA) (in preview), these applications feel more native, with a more natural user interface for sharing, notifications, and much more.

Educational initiatives for developers

We introduced  new free training modules for the Microsoft Learn platform, which will allow developers to get training on working with quantum computing using the #Q programming language and the Quantum Development Kit. We will also  launch  the Learn TV daily program for developers, which will include real-time programming and various discussions with experts.

Launch Project Reunion - A New Way to Develop Windows Applications

Users spend a total of more than 4 trillion minutes a month in Windows 10 - that's 75% more than last year. Introducing Project Reunion to help developers create even more innovation for 1 billion active Windows 10 devices per month. The initiative aims to provide easy integration between Win32 and Universal Windows Platform programming interfaces, providing a single development platform with backward compatibility support.

Read more in this post on our blog (in English).

Tools for the Responsible Use of Machine Learning

They will help developers better understand the behavior of machine learning models, control them, and also ensure data confidentiality throughout the entire cycle of working with them, allowing you to correct problems such as, for example, unrepresentative dataset, insecurity of the data used and much more. This will help provide a more responsible and ethical approach to the development of algorithms. New functionality will be available in Azure Machine Learning and as open source on GitHub.

Read the details here (in Russian).


These were just some of the announcements from the last Build 2020 conference. This is far from all, because it was not in vain that the conference hosted more than 600 sessions. If you want to read about all the announcements of the event, go to our catalog of announcements . There are all the new items. Well, of course, share your opinions about the conference. How do you like the fully online format?

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