We make the government services plugin work for all users in a terminal environment

CPDV: Government Services

For more than a year, all our employees have been working only in published applications, and we centralize all this through Parallels RAS. We also have an automatic mechanism for publishing electronic digital signatures: if an authorized user launches a website, say customs, then the companyโ€™s electronic digital signature is written to his HKCU and the necessary plug-in is launched. This works great with KONTUR, VLSI, Crypto-PRO, but the plug-in from public services (IFCPlugin) had to be finished with a file, but there were questions for the developers ...

When I received an application for installing another plug-in that reads EDS, I did not expect anything complicated. To work with EDS, we have allocated a separate RDS host on which several plug-ins already stood and everything worked perfectly. I downloaded the public services plugin from the official site and without further ado started the installation in the machine context from the privileged shell:

msiexec -i c:\pathtofile\mypackage.msi ALLUSERS=1

At first glance, the installation was successful. In the list of installed programs on this host, the โ€œPlugin for e-government systems userโ€ appeared, under my account I was able to log in using digital signature. But for other users, the plugin did not work, as if it had not been installed.

Where are you going?

, , . , , "Program Files". .. Chrome, , , , MessagingHost, .

, (ifc_chrome_host.exe) $Env:APPDATA! , , , . $Env:LOCALAPPDATA, . ( , , โ€” ). .. IFCPlugin , , , RDS-. , , , .

orca IFCPlugin.msi:

MSI: Directory

TARGETDIR = AppDataFolder. . ProgramFiles64Folder ProgramFilesFolder .


MSI: Registry

, , , HKCU. .. Google Chrome, 2, HKLM. , Firefox .

. $Env:ProgramFiles, , - ifc_chrome_host.exe, . procmon .

, :


, , , . .

Works. What the developers smoked and why it was done that way, remained a mystery to me.

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