How to choose a psychologist / psychotherapist?

In a previous article and in a channel that talks about psychology and soft skills in IT ( PSYvIT ), the question is often raised - how to choose a psychologist? What to look at? What is important to remember?

I already wrote about this in small notes, but decided to disclose these recommendations in detail in the article. So: how to choose a psychologist and how to understand that it’s time to turn to him?

The psychologist is a specialist in the helping profession. His activities are aimed at helping to cope with difficult situations. There are a few additional concepts that are important to consider here. This is especially true in Russia, where the legal status of psychology is still in limbo. As part of the article, I will consider the work of a psychotherapist according to European standards and call him a practical psychologist. Because such a formulation is more familiar to many of us.


What are psychologists

So, there are several types of specialist psychologists.

Psychologist is a specialist who provides consulting services. As a rule, these are 5-10 meetings. These are specialists who work with the norm. And they should not deal with complex, in-depth cases. In our country, it often happens differently, but when choosing a specialist it is important to pay attention to this. A little later I will reveal this moment.

A psychotherapist (it is called by European standards) or a psychologist-practitioner is a specialist whose help is aimed at a deeper study. It can provide support and assistance for disorders, but only with the accompaniment of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist with a medical education. These are specialists with higher education who have undergone additional training (and often more than one) in the field of psychology. As a rule, as part of a therapeutic approach. For example, psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, etc.

A psychiatrist (in Russian standards may also be called a psychotherapist, but there is a difference in practice) is a specialist with a higher medical education. Conducts diagnostics and prescribes treatment. Only he can recommend drugs of any kind. May provide psychotherapeutic work. As a rule, this has an additional education.

And already here we can pay attention when choosing a specialist for the following points:
  • the presence of higher education and what it is,
  • the presence of additional long education,
  • therapeutic approach in which the specialist works.

Here and let's return to the psychologists who work as part of the advisory work, not therapy. In our country, as a rule, these are young specialists who graduated from a university, have not yet come a long way towards receiving additional education, but have already begun work. You can contact them, but you should pay attention to your feelings. With trauma, a crisis, experiencing grief or burnout, it is recommended to go to a psychotherapist (practical psychologist).

The therapist works in different modalities and approaches. I will not dwell on them in detail, because in fact, on my knowledge and experience I can only talk about existential analysis, but let's list the most famous of them so that you have an occasion to read about each. In addition to the existential analysis already indicated, there are cognitive-behavioral therapy, client-centered, psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, narrative therapy, etc. When choosing a specialist, it is worth examining his method of work and understanding how suitable he is for your request. Do not be afraid to ask the specialist about this. Read articles about differences in approaches. There are a lot of them now.

Pay attention to where the specialist studied (after all, there are those who only read books) and how long this has taken place.Why is education important and not enough books? Because education involves many hours of practice. Lots of. Straight sooooo. And in this practice, as a rule, there is a supervisor who corrects and directs. There is a lot of reflection, a lot of analysis of their questions, answers, actions. In some approaches, they even analyze how you sit in a chair.

During training, psychologists and psychotherapists undergo supervision and their own therapy. This is an important part of becoming a profession for these professionals. It is important to work out your feelings, be able to reflect on your life and - as a result - to separate your experiences and the experiences of the client. Supervision is also necessary. It explores how a specialist builds work. If you draw an analogy with the development, this is some kind of review code. Essential for growth and increased efficiency.

Therefore, choosing a psychologist or psychotherapist, if he does not have it indicated on the page, ask him if he is undergoing personal therapy and supervision.These are correct questions to these specialists. In some approaches, it is customary to undergo supervision on specific topics. As a rule, the specialist indicates this in his profile. (And this indicates his even greater preparation in this topic).

It is important to pay attention to where the specialist takes and how he organizes his work. The Code of Ethics does not allow meetings with clients in cafes, parks and public places. Psychotherapeutic work is a very intimate process. It is important that the work is organized in such a way that this intimacy is not violated. And the client could feel safe and comfortable.

The psychologist cannot persuade the client to work with him. Cannot offer their services without a request. In some approaches, no communication is allowed between the client and the specialist outside the office. For example, if you stopped going to meetings, the psychologist cannot write to you: "Where have you gone?" Most approaches prohibit friendships or close relationships with clients. No romantic or sexual relationship. All this also needs to be paid attention to when choosing a specialist.

With what request do you come to a psychologist or psychotherapist?

With anyone.

If you feel that there is anxiety, excitement, worries about work, home or the future, you can safely turn to a psychologist and discuss strategies and some opportunities with him.
If you had a difficult childhood, adolescence, or growing up period, you feel that there are some unwell resentments, thoughts, etc., try to contact a therapist.

Do this when living grief, loss, violence of any nature. Burnout. Fears and anxieties.

Living yourself like a loser. Dislike for yourself, your body, appearance. The same impostor syndrome. Fear of speaking. Fear of appreciation. Painful perception of criticism. As you can see, the range of issues is completely different.
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And another question that is often asked is whether a psychologist needs to understand IT? It is difficult to answer objectively. When a specialist has an understanding of the environment in which the client lives and works, this is always a plus. Especially when discussing work issues. IT has its own specifics, as it is in any of the areas. Understanding the dynamics of the market, requirements, culture - all this simplifies the dialogue.

However, it cannot be said that without this your work with a specialist will be ineffective.


Working with a psychologist is a laborious process, sometimes requiring courage. But the study of issues that are of concern, makes it possible to see your life from a new angle.

When working with a specialist, talk about feelings and feelings that arise in the context of your work. This will help you and the psychologist to build contact.

And one more thing: we are not always able to find our specialist right away. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and it happens that the search is painful. Do not think that psychologists are somehow different from other people. And once one could not be effective, then the rest will not help. The human factor works always and everywhere.

A therapeutic relationship develops between the client and the specialist, which require attention, time and willingness to be in them. This does not always happen quickly. Relief from work does not come overnight. Sometimes you may be angry with a therapist. Or do not want to come. A sense of security, the ability to be in contact with a specialist, leads to the understanding that a specialist suits you. And it takes time.

And I wish you to have this relationship work out well for you.

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