What to see in quarantine? A selection of materials from Technostream (part 5)

We continue our selection of interesting materials ( first part , second part , third part , fourth part ). This time, we offer to listen to reports on refactoring the old code and on interviews with developers of autotests, as well as a new talk show for IT specialists “Oh, my code” with PavelDzirtik Shcherbinin.

Taming the beast: legacy code, tests and you

Many developers agree that when refactoring old code, tests are necessary like air. Many developers also agree that testing such code is equal to suffering, or they don’t even know where to start. Kirill Borisov will share the squeeze of more than 10 years of experience working with old code, attempts to introduce tests into it and not go crazy.

How to find your hero? We will interview the developer of autotests (in Python)

Andrey Yakovlev, using one example as an example, shares an interesting way of interviewing and evaluating a developer of automated tests in Python.

What awaits team leader from the developer?

Ivan Remen visiting Pavel Shcherbinin at a talk show for IT specialists “Oh, my code”.

In this issue:

01:05 Who is Ivan Belt
02:23 Discussion of hipster technologies
02:47 Story about the most fierce fakap
03:58 What are the prospects for the team in the team
04:55 What is the enough team salary?
05:34 We write a code with explanations in real time
06:47 What the team leader expects from the developers
09:18 Is it difficult to find a good developer
10:07 Analysis of the real developers' resumes
12:10 IT-style blitz survey

* * *

We also invite you to watch live on air, a new - fourth - talk show “Oh, my code” #StayHome Edition was released on Friday May 22 at 20:00. The topic of the release is “Psychotherapy in IT”, visiting Anastasia Kalashnikova, IT psychologist, founder of the PSYvIT project, authorTelegram channel on psychology in IT @psyvit .

What is the likelihood that after you first contact a good therapist, you want to change your life - from personal to professional? Almost one hundred percent. We will talk about burnout, crises and ways out of them, psychological aspects of teamwork, awareness and psychological health of an IT specialist; and how does a customer from IT differ from any other?

Attention, in this issue live we will consider your chat cases!

Broadcast Link: https://youtu.be/Uyx8aqBtm-c

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