What is the difference between IT and digital professions: digital transformation and expert opinions

According to KPMG research , in 2019, 52% of respondents - large Russian companies - increased their IT staff. Among the main reasons for this growth, companies called digitalization of the business, and the general definition of IT personnel includes digital specialists. 

At the same time, there is confusion about what to consider digital and what are IT professions. Let's understand: with an immersion in history, a comparison of experts and comments of practitioners. Caution: Longrid. 

Materiel: information technology 

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the term ā€œinformation technologyā€ first appeared in 1958 in an article by Harvard Business Review , in which authors Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas L. Wiesler noted: ā€œ The new technology does not yet have a common name. We will call it information technology. ā€ The definition included three areas: methods for quickly processing large amounts of information, the use of statistical and mathematical methods for decision making, and modeling higher-order thinking using computer programs. 

Information technology (IT) is a general term for the entire spectrum of information processing technologies, including software, hardware, communication technologies and related services.

Briefly go over the milestones of IT development.

Computer engineering pioneer - German engineer Konrad Zuse. He is known as the creator of the world's first functional software-controlled computer Z3 (1941) and the first high-level programming language PlankalkĆ¼l (1943ā€“1945). Dr. Zuse completed the creation of the first Z4 commercial computer in 1950 - he sold it to the Swiss Higher Technical School. 

Programmingin 1945ā€“1955 it was carried out exclusively in machine language. There were no operating systems; tasks were solved manually from a special control panel. The first computer operating system, GM-NAA I / O (General Motors & North American Aviation Input / Output system), was developed in 1955 by Robert Patrick of General Motors and Owen Mock of North American Aviation. The OS worked exclusively on large machines, and its main function was to automatically execute a new program when the old one ended. 

The first computers used perforated tapes to represent data.

The era of personal computers accessible to everyone began in 1980. The world's first laptop - IBM 5140, or IBM PC Convertible - IBM released in 1986. 

This was followed by a series of important IT implementations from Apple, Compaq, IBM, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Motorola, NeXT, Tandy, US Robotics. The operating systems UNIX, Linux, OS / 2, Windows, MacOS were created. 

But few developments in the field of information technology had the same revolutionary effect as the creation of the Internet . His "fathers" are called American scientists Robert Elliot Kahn and Winton Cerf - inventors of the TCP / IP protocols for storing and transmitting information. The work of Kahn and Cerf of the 1970s created the technical foundation of the modern Internet. 

Key facts:

  • The first connection between the nodes of the ARPANET network in America (the predecessor of the modern network) occurred on October 29, 1969. 
  • The first international connection occurred in 1973. 
  • 1983 TCP/IP. 
  • () 1988 . 
  • 1989 - . HTTP, HTML URI.
  • 1991 , .
  • 2019 4,1 - (54% ). 

2011 , . .

In the USSR, programming arose in 1950, when a prototype of the first Soviet MESM computer (and the first computer in continental Europe) appeared.
The expert community considers Academician Andrei Ershov, one of the pioneers of theoretical and system programming, the creator of the Novosibirsk school of programming, the founder of the school computer science course, to be the leader in Russian programming.

By the way, until the beginning of the 1950s, the specialty "programmer" did not exist in the USSR. Andrei Ershov belonged to the first graduate of programming specialists in the USSR (1954).

The scientist developed a programming program for BESM - one of the first domestic translators, and also wrote the world's first broadcast monograph, which has spread widely around the world. The Russian edition came out in 1958, followed by the English (1959) and Chinese (1960). 

Ershov's works helped in the formation and development of computer technology not only in the USSR, but throughout the world. He was appreciated by the international community of programmers, invited as a speaker to Europe, Japan and the United States. Colleagues called Ershov "the plenipotentiary of Soviet programming abroad." 

The best Soviet programmer played the guitar perfectly, sang, wrote poetry,
translated English poets into Russian (photo from the archive of A.P. Ershov ).

The scientist also developed prototypes of modern operating systems. But, despite interesting ideas, the work was interrupted - the USSR adopted the architecture of IBM. 

It was Andrey Ershov who introduced a number of fundamental terms of the Russian programming language ā€” computer science, software, and programming technology. Also, the academician was the first (at least among domestic programmers) to recognize the production nature of programming as the basis of a new, software industry. 

1987-1994 became key to the emergence of the Russian-language Internet - Runet. August 28, 1990 a professional scientific network of the Institute of Atomic Energy named after I.V. Kurchatov and IPK Minavtoproma connected to the global network, laying the foundation for modern Russian networks. 

At the source of Runet was a group of people, among them: 

  • Valery Bardin is the creator of the Demos operating system (an analogue of the UNIX OS) and the initiator of the creation of the first Russian Internet provider Relcom.
  • Andrey Chernov is a participant in the launch of the Internet channel connecting Russia with the global network. The author of the encoding KOI8-R for Cyrillic alphabets, etc.
  • Maxim Moshkov is the creator of one of the first Russian-language digital libraries on the Internet (lib.ru). Programmer of the first Internet media projects, for example, Gazeta.Ru and Lenti.ru.
  • Artemy Lebedev - founder of the first web design studio in Russia (1995). 
  • Dmitry Kryukov is the creator of the first Russian search engine Rambler, which was posted on the web in 1996.
  • Arkady Volozh - one of the founders of Yandex (1997).
  • Ilya Segalovich - co-founder of Yandex, author of the program for searching unstructured information using the Russian language - the basis for creating a search portal. 

In 1998, about 1 million virtual Russians were noted, in 2019 - 95.8 million (78% of the Russian population).

The boom of information technology occurred in the 1990s, but even today, IT continues to be the permanent engine of the global economy.

Materiel: Digital 

It turns out that the word digital has been around for 600 years. Unexpectedly, right? In addition to longevity, salt also lies in the fact that its value has changed over the centuries. 

The original meaning of the word digital is finger (from lat. Digitālis) . At first, in the 15th century, digital was understood as "designating an integer of less than ten." In the XVII ā€“ XIX centuries. the word was used in the meaning of "relating to the finger, fingers or numbers." 

Digital acquired modern significance in the early 1940s, thanks to the advent of a new type of computer. The data in them was presented in the form of a series of discrete digits - such information and any device that uses it was called digital. A digital signal is used to represent the data as a sequence of discrete values. 

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One of the cards of the adjective digital in the modern sense in the Oxford Dictionary.
By quotes, you can track when and where the term appeared. 
For example, the world digital revolution was first mentioned in 1983.

Many types of information received a digital equivalent. The laser disc stored the film in the form of digital video and digital sound . Digital recording could be purchased on a CD, and tapeless cameras could be used to create digital photographs . This word also began to be used in the media - digital radio and digital television .

, digital : , . , : ā€” Ā«Ā». , . 

Offline and online - the line between them is already quite arbitrary. In a word, digital (physical + digital) is a combination of both realities. Moreover, according to futurologists, in 20 years the virtual world will be inseparable from the real with a daily presence in our lives. 

Digital technologies have changed many areas: marketing and sales, services, finance, telecom, manufacturing, education, the labor market, media, retail, music, art, cinema and even sports. New terms have appeared (and continue to appear), including Internet marketing, digital agency, neobank, e-sports, digital footprint, digital portrait (of applicant), digital double, smart space. 

Digital Dictionary

The digital era continues to reform the economy and lifestyle in general. New business models are being created, the business environment is changing, and how people work, relax, or simply communicate.

Large financial, trading and IT companies around the world are modifying their core business into universal platforms - the ecosystem - to provide additional services to customers. According to researchBloomchain, major Russian converters include Sberbank, Yandex, Tinkoff Bank, Mail.Ru Group. For example, Sberbank invested more than 390 billion rubles in the digital transformation in 2015ā€“2018, and its audience of non-financial services at the beginning of 2019 amounted to 67 million people (70% of active private customers). Among the services of the Sberbank ecosystem: lifestyle, telecommunications, e-commerce, health, employment, real estate, transport, education. 

Ecosystem allows not only to increase the loyalty of existing customers, but also to attract new ones. And all this has become possible thanks to digital technology. At the same time, you should not consider them a magic pill for prosperity: transformation without clear goals, strategy and careful preparation will not bring the expected results. But it seems that not only world companies, but also Russian companies, are ready to transform well, based on the KPMG study :

As for Russian business, itā€™s mainly not a comprehensive program, but a series of pilot projects to introduce disparate digital of decisions 

At the same time, among the main obstacles to digitalization, Russian companies named the insufficient maturity of current processes, a low level of automation, a lack of competencies and a low level of IT literacy of employees. 54% of respondents noted a personnel shortage. The most sought after positions are business analysts on process optimization and data analysis specialists .
The greatest threats posed by digitalization lie in the field of information security. 56% of Russian executives vs 68% of the world are concerned about this.

Basic digital terms: don't get confused

( digitization )
ā€” . 

, , .
ā€” - , ; .

, . -, , .
(digital technology)
  • (Big Data)
  • (AI)
  • (RPA)
  • (IoT)
  • (VR, AR)
  • (OCR/ICR)
  • -

(digital transformation
ā€” -, , .
ā€” , . 
ā€” , , , . 

) ; ) ; )


Against the backdrop of total digitalization, it is impossible not to mention digital dependence. According to a Forbes study, three out of five people spend more time on their smartphones than on their partners. In addition to problems with social skills, sleep quality deteriorates, stress levels increase, and unhealthy eating behaviors are developed. 

The therapy is digital detox - a personā€™s deliberate refusal to use gadgets for some time. A person switches his attention to relatives and the world around him, which helps him to regain contact with himself, lost in the virtual world. 

Business and science also contribute to detoxification. 

  • Smartphone manufacturers have introduced functions to limit the time spent in social networks and applications.
  • Google -: Ā«Ā» , , Ā«Ā» , . 
  • , ā€” . 
  • Ā«Ā» : , .

The frame of the x.pose dress is made using 3D printing. It is a wearable device that exposes parts of the ownerā€™s body during each traffic generation.

However, do not forget that maintaining the balance depends primarily on us. According to a study by the Digital Society Index, 21% of users already limit the time they use the Internet or a smartphone, and 14% of respondents have left any social network. 

Among others, JOMO finds its followers .(from the English. Joy Of Missing Out) - the joy of omission. The concept of living life as opposed to fear of missing out on something (FOMO) was proposed by Danish psychology professor Svend Brinkmann. Instead of hanging on the net or striving to be everywhere and with everyone, afraid to fall out of the often ostentatious Instagram life, the psychologist suggests spending time with relatives or implementing their projects.

The deliberate use of technology will allow you to receive benefits, not harm from a generous source of information, which is the Internet and social networks. 

IT professions

We talk about the popular IT specialties, according to hh.ru. These skills are those that employers consider essential.

Frontend developer . It programs the work of everything that the user of the site or application sees - collects the interface. Among the required skills: layout, understanding the server side of the project to configure the processing of user actions and send requests to the backend.

Demand for front-end vendors continues to grow. Over two years, it increased by 20% (2016 vs 2018).

PHP developer . One of the most popular specialties among web developers. Among the required skills: PHP, layout, working with databases.

Employers are quite willing to take newcomers.

Java developer. It is mainly associated with industrial development: for example, it creates software for the banking billing system. Also makes websites and web applications. 

System administrator . Responsible for the organizationā€™s network structure, including planning. Installs and configures equipment, software, creates and administers accounts, automates routine processes. May be responsible for information security.

Tester . It simulates possible situations when a site or application fails. Checks how the product copes with these situations and fixes the necessary improvements.

A rather low threshold for entry - newcomers are welcome.

1C programmer. Implements and customizes 1C system for business automation to the requirements of the company. Uploads data for study. Most employers are involved in trading activities, which are characterized by large amounts of data for analytics.

.NET developer . Mainly creates web applications, as well as desktop and mobile applications. Among the required skills: .NET platform, C # language.

C ++ is a developer . He is engaged in highly loaded server systems, games in C ++ - a language of widespread use.

iOS developer . Implements applications for everything that works on the iOS platform. They also require Objective-C or Swift.

Android developer. Creates software for devices based on Android. I must know the platform itself well, be able to write in Java and work with the Android SDK - a set of tools for writing and testing code. 

Python developer . Usually associated with work on the backend of sites or applications, for which the Django framework should know . Because of its versatility, Python is used for both analytics and development. 

DevOps engineer . Intermediary between developers and the operating team. Implements automation systems. Provides a single, continuous process for creating, releasing, updating, and supporting products. 

For Russia, the profession is quite new and becoming more relevant: the demand for two years has grown by 70% (2016 vs 2018). We wrote about the profession in more detail in an article on Habr " Who is a DevOps engineer, what he does, how much he earns and how to become one ."

JavaScript developer . Usually engaged in front-end programming of the client side of sites and applications. To create the server side of projects - a fairly popular use case for JavaScript - knowledge of the Node.js platform is required

Data Scientist . It works with large amounts of data, extracts information and draws conclusions about patterns. Among the required skills: probability theory, matstat, a programming language with related libraries, machine learning. 

Data Science ā€” . , . 

Fullstack developer . Can create a working website or application alone. It requires knowledge of the logic of request processing, the server side, data storage, how the frontend and backend interact.

The share of vacancies for full-stack developers has doubled (2016 vs 2018). 

Interesting . According to the forecasts of the International Data Corporation, by 2024 a new class of professional developers creating code without using their own scripts will increase the world community of programmers by 30%. This approach to developing applications based on off-the-shelf modules will accelerate the digital transformation of companies.

IT Specialties Associated with Industrial Software Implementation

According to the KPMG report , for the implementation of transformational programs, IT project management specialists, business analysts, and ERP systems implementation consultants are most in demand

Digital professions

The evolution of digitalization is gradually blurring the line between IT and digital. They can be compared with the Siamese twins: one without the other does not function. Perhaps, experts will soon introduce a single term, but until this happens, there is some confusion with what they consider to be digital professions, or Internet professions. 

Due to the constant digital development, the market does not live on hard guidelines. According to the analysis of expert materials in the search results, three blocks of digital professions are drawn: 

  • -: - (), SMM-, -, -, , email-, , , -, SEO-.
  • -: - + digital- ( , , ) + - + -. .
  • - + , Data Science. 

Data Science is at the crossroads of IT and digital: on the one hand, the skills of a mathematician-programmer are required, on the other hand, the identified insights help improve customer experience and optimize processes, influencing the company's strategy. 

The company uses one or another block based on the goals and objectives of the business.

The most common digital story is Internet marketing.

If we talk about the specifics of digital agencies, then this mainly concerns leadership positions. To the above specialists are added a creative director, strategic director, art director, media director

And if the agency is also involved in production, then we plus the technical director, head of R&D, AR / VR specialist, producer, 3D visualizer, chatbot developer, drone operator. 

The flexibility of the digital sphere allows the company to create an individual digital business model and, accordingly, present specific requirements for digital personnel. So, for example, in a digital teamSibur petrochemical company includes developers, UX / UI-designers, AR / VR-specialists, experts in Data science, Machine Learning, IoT, Big Data, solution architects, analysts, testers, product owner and even Scrum-masters. Without a gram of marketing.

10 most profitable digital professions (according to hh.ru)

Web developers and testers are also represented in the IT professions of  

Web developer . Gathers a website or online store based on CMS. Must have Java or C ++, PHP, Python and GO.

Game designer . Completely develops games. Among the requirements: wide horizons, knowledge of the gaming industry, experience in building in-game systems, 3D editors. The advantage will be knowledge of English and technical education.

Web analytics . It works with large data arrays and is an Excel pro. 
Among the strict requirements: profile education, analytical mindset, experience with Yandex.Direct, Yandex.Metrica, Google Adwords and Google Analytics.

Email Marketer. Develops a strategy, writes and typeset letters, works with subscriber and customer databases, analyzes and optimizes mailing list metrics. 
Among the requirements: the ability to work on platforms for mailing lists such as Mailchimp, Sendsay or Ofsys. 
In recommended skills, employers indicate copywriting, the basics of programming and HTML, an analytical mindset, and structural thinking.

Software tester . It simulates various situations for detecting defects in software systems, predicts possible failures, and analyzes the tests performed. 
Among the requirements: programming basics, skills in working with automated testing tools and bug trackers, experience in documenting tests.

Options for the names of professions: testing engineer, software testing specialist, software quality control specialist, Quality Assurance specialist, QA Tester, QA Manager, QA Engineer.

Internet marketer . He is fully responsible for promoting the company, product, services on the network. Monitors and verifies the work of copywriters, layout designers and designers. Chooses the best promotion channels - SEO, contextual advertising, PR on external sites. 
Among the frequent requirements: understanding the principles of usability of the site and groups in social networks, the ability to use analytical services.

Content Specialist , Targetologist. Engaged in advertising on social networks. Develops a strategy, selects sites for advertising campaigns, plans a budget, determines the target audience, analyzes the progress in social networks. 
Among the requirements may be the ability to work with graphic and text editors. 

Web designer . Creates the look of a future site. Defines the elements that will be on the page, their design and the mechanics of user interaction with the site. It should make interfaces convenient and intuitive for everyone, therefore it often works in conjunction with UX / UI designers. 
Among the requirements: the ability to work with various graphic editors, design an interface, create prototypes and understand which design can be technically implemented.

SEO specialist. It is engaged in improving the website to increase its position in the search results and maintain high results. May be involved in the elimination of technical errors of the site, improving navigation and increasing the speed of opening pages. 
Among the requirements: an understanding of the functioning of search engines, the creation of analytical and statistical reporting materials, the ability to use web analytics programs, experience with Key Collector and excellent knowledge of Microsoft Excel. 
Among the wishes indicate the ability to work with CMS and basic knowledge of HTML.

SMM specialist. Responsible for promoting a company, brand or product on social networks. Develops a strategy, draws up a budget, is responsible for creating communities (if there is no community manager) and regular content. It attracts subscribers, creates a platform for communication between people, holds campaigns and polls, works with advertising, and correctly answers negative ones.
Employers want to see a proactive employee with a creative approach and competent speech, who has copywriting skills, in the team. 
Among the requirements: higher education in marketing or PR, knowledge of the English language, the ability to work with graphic and video editors, less often - photography skills. 

Briefly reveal the rest of the digital profession.

Copywriter, author. It creates high-quality content that solves the tasks of the business: it increases the level of knowledge about the brand, forms loyalty, provides coverage, brings traffic, and sells. 

Editor, commercial editor . The editor / commercial editor has the task of turning the reader into a client. He writes texts independently and edits others, manages a team of authors, monitors the publication deadlines and the budget if external copywriters are involved. The commercial editor is responsible for the information product: for a single material, newsletter, landing page, website or other content or project. The scope of tasks varies by company.

Chief Editor. Manages the editorial office of the digital edition, position at the junction of creativity and management. He is responsible for the development strategy of the publication, content and release of materials.   

Content marketer, content manager . Position at the junction of marketing and content creation. Attracts customers with useful materials that increase customer loyalty and improve business results. 

Community Manager . Builds a vibrant community that addresses business challenges. Evaluates work efficiency through the size, growth, activity and mood of the community.

UX Designer (User eXperience). Does research, analyzes user scenarios, draws the user part of the site. He is responsible for ensuring that everything is logically invented, beautifully drawn and then correctly implemented.

Designer UI (User Interface) . Creates responsive design layouts for web and mobile interfaces. Develops interactive prototypes. Responsible for making the site convenient.

Project manager . Manages the process - plans and controls the timing, budget, resources - and the team. Builds relationships with external forces. 

Product manager. Responsible for creating the product and its development. He understands the client, determines what the product will be and how to scale it. Manages the budget. Builds communication within the team and with the outside world.

Product Designer . Develops product design and interfaces that solve business problems. Improves user experience with the product. Conducts UX analytics.

If you donā€™t know in which digital direction you will be comfortable developing, we invite you to a free Netology course ā€œ Digital-start: the first step to a sought-after profession ā€. You will plunge into the digital sphere, try yourself in the role of an Internet specialist and draw up your career card.

What experts say about job differences

Yuri Bondar, Deputy General Director, SAP CIS 

What is the difference between IT and digital professions?
Digital professions are always about the subject area: marketing, sales, procurement and others. IT, as a rule, is about application development and infrastructure maintenance. If digital knows a lot about IT, then IT, most often, understands little in digital processes.

Is there any clear boundary?
It is difficult to draw a clear border. But if you ask the question "What is the purpose of your work?", You can determine what this or that profession is closer to. If the answer is to improve the process, create new business models, then this is about digitalization. And if the answer is about developing a system or application, creating infrastructure, maintaining existing solutions, then this is related to IT.

What role does IT play in the digital transformation of companies?
Utilitarian, or rather, a serving role. This is not an accelerator for business, but a set of competitive services. For example, due to the increasingly utilitarian role of IT, the concept of infrastructure cloud has appeared - it has become cheaper to give the role of IT to a contractor.

What industries are leading in digital transformation in Russia?
We can distinguish banking and financial industries, telecom, metallurgy, chemistry and oil and gas.

Ilnaz Gilyazov, co-founder of AIMS, author of the Kotlin Developer course in Netology

What is the difference between IT and digital professions?
IT is everything related to information technology (thanks, cap). But, as happens in the modern world, the same terms are used in different contexts with different meanings. If the question is IT vs digital, then we are talking about creating and supporting a product or service, and as part of the development, IT and digital are separated - although not very clearly. 

Under IT understand the technical component: design, design, programming, testing, support. And digital is responsible for marketing and analytical activities: creating landings, SEO, SMM, analytics, etc.

Some professions fall into the joint of IT and digital, and then it all depends on the details. For example, web design. If the product is a web service (for example, project management systems), then the web designer who creates the interface of this service is closer to IT. Whereas the landing designer for promoting this service can be ranked as a digital one. 

The requirements for them will be different. An IT designer solves issues of convenience, speed of use, and also understands the context of tasks. For example, for professionals, speed is more important, and for beginners - the clarity of the interface. The digital designer knows what a conversion is, how to catch the visitorā€™s attention and bring him to the target action: leave contacts, request a demo, download a trial version. In this case, both should remain primarily designers and be able to work with composition, color and fonts.

Is there any clear boundary?
I already said about the border a little higher. But, in general, it is not the border itself that matters, but the awareness of the importance of marketing and analytical activities and the product itself. I canā€™t say that these components are equivalent, but it can be difficult for a product to gain market share without the support of marketers and analysts. 

Even programmers - not to mention testers and designers - need to understand who their user is, what tasks he solves and why he solves them that way. 

Also, all participants need to interact among themselves: to support marketing and analytical tools, they often have to change the product and implement additional services. For example, embedding Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics requires some work on the part of developers. At the same time, everyone should understand for what purpose this is done and what results are expected.

Key point: itā€™s important not to find the one to blame for the fact that ā€œthe product is not for saleā€, but to make it sell.

What role does IT play in the digital transformation of companies?
Without IT, there is no digital transformation. At the same time, we need specialists who understand what is being introduced and why. Unfortunately, this is not always realized in practice. ā€œMake a website like everyone elseā€ or ā€œimplement for N million a solution with a bunch of buzzwordsā€ is not a digital transformation.

There must be a problem to be solved. For example, so that users do not spend time visiting company offices, it is necessary to implement remote communication channels.

An anti-example is IVR systems, when you call a call center and a robot answers you instead of a living person. It may be beneficial for the company, but if you dig deeper, it only causes negativity and a waste of time for users. They must wait for the cherished figure in order to communicate with a specialist. In most cases, people call with non-trivial questions that a specialist can solve - the solution to standard questions is described on the site.

Mikhail Karpov, Product Director at Skyeng 

What is the difference between IT and digital professions?
The concepts are similar. Digital professions usually mean Internet professions, including an Internet marketer, website and application designer, and web analytics. 

IT is an integral part of digital. These are professions related to programming: developer, server administrator, project manager, IT product manager, product analyst.

Is there any clear boundary?
There is no clear border. 

What role does IT play in the digital transformation of companies?
The IT unit has one of the key roles in digital transformation. Thanks to him, a physical ā€œtransferā€ of part of the business from offline to online occurs, for example, by creating digital products (website, mobile application). But in addition to development, it is important to be able to work with servers.

Digital blocks are also active players in the transformation process, who are changing marketing approaches and ways of communicating with the target audience.

Zulia Loikova, headhunter, ownerHunting and strategic HR consulting companies

What is the difference between IT and digital professions?
IT is a rapidly growing sector of the global economy, which is responsible for the collection, storage and transmission of information using technical devices and, in general, for the communication of people at a distance. IT includes such professions as developers, testers, project managers. 
Digital is primarily marketing that uses digital technology to attract potential customers and retain them as consumers. For digital professions, I include Internet marketers, bloggers, web designers. 

Also, there are specialists common to two areas - the head or project manager and developers. 

How do you and your customers draw the line between them?
Usually we discuss the top-level tasks of the client. Then we cascade business processes and understand that a specialist with a set of competencies ā€” professional, personal, and over - professional ā€” must solve these problems. 

What role does IT play in the digital transformation of companies?
Digital transformation is just beginning to emerge and it is too early to talk about its mass phenomenon. Only large and dynamic companies can fully afford it - such giants as Sberbank and VTB, if we talk about the financial market.

Digital transformation implies a continuous process of improving products associated with changes in the ecology of consumption and the economy. This is the creation of new operational business models and innovative proposals that change the ecosystem of the market. Given the evolution of technology and the speed of development of competition in the markets, the IT equipment of the company is very important, which will allow employees to solve business problems at the right time. 

The company's IT departments are responsible for the one-time balance of internal and external systems. Among the key tasks: transformation, relevance, speed of resolving issues on business processes, cheapening resources (time, people, money) - and all this without disrupting the business. An IT change management system must be reliable enough to cope with these many pressures, and flexible enough to deal with unforeseen work situations.

What skills, in addition to professional, do employers present to job seekers in the IT and digital professions?

Flexibility in adapting to changing conditions and a high degree of self-learning are very important. The world of IT and digital is very plastic, every six months there are new algorithms for working in social networks, the flow of information, new technological developments appear. 

It is important to use an analytical approach, be able to work with large amounts of information and highlight the essence, as well as be able to use applications, programs and gadgets that facilitate the work and use of resources (time, people, money).

What advice would you give your readers?
Never stop learning. The experience that meets the needs of the market and therefore employers is appreciated. If you are such a specialist, then you will always make good money and be in high demand :)

the main thing

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Prepared by Svetlana Tretyak.

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