Y messenger: decentralized messenger on the blockchain *

* Yes, we use blockchain, but only to store information about users, servers, group chats and channels. The blockchain is not suitable for storing something like personal correspondence.

Today, many users on smartphones have several messengers installed. Each of them has its own task. Somewhere we talk with friends, somewhere with relatives, somewhere we solve work issues. The question is, why did you decide to trust each of them? Who gave you a guarantee that messages / documents / photos that you sent through a particular messenger will not be publicly available? If you have a community in social networks, who told you that tomorrow you will not be taken away from this group and you will not lose access to your audience? Who told you that after the deletion of correspondence, it will indeed be deleted and will not appear in the archives in a few years? But there were cases.

Here we come with our Y messenger. Most likely you do not know any of our team and you are unlikely to be familiar with our other products, but I assure you that by the end of the article you will begin to trust us.

What have we done

We have developed a new messenger. We are not quite happy with how the Internet is developing, and we see a way to change this. You can read more about our motives in our manifest ( link ). In short, our super goal is to make a secure internet. The messenger is the first stage.

Our messenger is decentralized. Anyone can start their server for friends, colleagues and acquaintances. You will be the data of your users will be stored on your server. Personal data is encrypted and sent to the blockchain. A very important point is that you will become part of a shared network. You and your users will be able to communicate not only inside your server, but also with users of other servers, join chats and channels of other servers. A kind of internal Internet, but working according to slightly different rules.

Y messenger created to be safe. Data passes through 3 layers of encryption. Encryption of the communication channel via SSL, asymmetric encryption of data in the channel and optional terminal symmetric encryption of your messages. No one except interlocutors, even the server admin, can read end-encrypted messages. It ends with various interface tricks like locking screen shots when there are protected messages on the screen. The built-in system of electronic digital signatures allows to guarantee authorship and ensures the work of voting and approval of documents.

We do not control the server. All servers are created by companies and enthusiasts. We do not have access to your server and cannot affect its operation. We do not know who and why uses our messenger. Actually, this is not our business.

The source code of the server, encryption components and applications will be open. The network exchange protocol will be open. If you understand C ++ / C # / Kotlin or React, you can get acquainted with our product from the inside, make sure the truth of our words and even make your own version.

All this allows us to say that our messenger is better than many existing at the moment, especially in the context of privacy and openness.

What will happen next?

The messenger is a starting point, hopefully, a long way. Our global goal is much further than the messenger, but we will move in a consistent and phased manner. Now we are launching the foundation of our system, its basic element. After that, we will start working on automatic self-balancing of the network to reduce traffic and server load, we will provide APIs and SDKs for the development of additional server components as well as embedded mini-applications.

How will we earn on this

Yes, we would like to earn from this messenger. At the moment, we are investing our own funds in its development and support. Now you can help us by making a donation in any size through a special page.

In the future, we are considering the possibility of introducing monetization on a subscription basis. Perhaps this will be a quota for the number of users, or maybe a simple monthly subscription to server updates. There is no final solution yet, we are considering various options.

How to try?

You can deploy a server application on almost any virtual server or something more serious. The server application comes as a docker image. The instructions are available on our website https://ymessenger.org/en/user-guide/servers/deployment .
The Android app can be downloaded from the Play Market ( Y messenger ). You can download it and start using it absolutely free.

The web application is available here . The web version does not allow authorization via QR and does not display encrypted files, polls and voice messages. These features are still in operation.

We do not have a native iOS application yet, we plan (that we can) do it this fall. At the moment, we offer iOS users to use our web application assembly.


We are preparing the source code for publication on GitHub soon. We will publish the source code of the server application, Android application, web client and encryption components under the GPL.

Questions left

If you still have questions - you can ask them in the comments, we will try to answer. Or send them to us at hi@corp.ymessenger.org .

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