Ideal Developer Resume

Hello! Recently, a free webinar took place , where our experts on-line dissected the developer’s resume and clearly analyzed what an ideal CV of an IT engineer should be like. Just the facts: this article outlines all the key points that should be considered when creating a resume, as well as a lot of interesting tips designed to help you become even more desirable in the market.

Who are our experts

There are two of them: Alexander Blinov and Olesya Plotnikova .

Sasha is the head of the mobile industry, a prominent android developer, playboy, philanthropist and host of the #AndroidDevPodcast podcast. In IT, it has been significant for nine years, six of them are engaged in the selection, hiring and career development of our IT engineers. Sasha also conducts many internships, academies and conferences. In short, it well represents what the developer needs and what his resume should look like.

Olesya manages recruitment at the company. For the past 12 years, she has been engaged in technical hiring and during this time she conducted an interview with an incredible number of IT specialists: for a long time, thousands of accounts have been taken. Olesya, like no one else, understands why it is important to have a well-written resume, and how it affects success in finding a dream job and interviewing.

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What should be in a perfect resume

Before talking about what an ideal resume should be, you need to figure out how it gets “on the table” to your future leader.

So, you have created a resume. Smart search on key tags and words gives it to a recruiter. It is important that your resume is hooked at the first reading, because if this happens, the recruiter will postpone it for detailed consideration. An experienced recruiter usually takes from 20 to 60 seconds to figure out whether to continue to work with the owner of the resume or to continue the search.
After the initial analysis of the bounty hunter, the resume falls into the study already to technical specialists. Engineers look at inconsistencies and inaccuracies, examine the resume for the presence of significant details or their absence. For further analysis, we will keep in mind this chain.

For convenience, we will break the resume into separate fragments and analyze each part separately. Go.

Resume hat

A hat is the first thing an employer sees in a resume. In this section, you must specify the correct% username% and open contacts. In contact information, it is important to focus on the preferred method of communication, whether it be mobile, mail or instant messengers. This will greatly facilitate communication with the recruiter.

Also in the header are the desired position, the area in which you want to work and your specialization. If you are considering several areas for yourself, for example, you want to get a developer and a project manager, you need to create two different resumes with two different specializations. Once again: the shvets and the reaper are different resumes!

Correctly indicated areas will allow the search robot to find your resume among millions and give it to a recruiter. For a developer, this is Information Technology, Internet, Telecom; Programming and development.

IT is becoming more conservative. And if earlier photos on the background of the carpet or something like that were quite good and went through “censorship”, now they are becoming less and less attractive. The photo should be high-quality and legible. Ideal if there will not be anyone on it but you.

A large variation in this type of employment can scare off an employer who is looking for a full-time candidate. The combination of the above items “full time”, “project work” and “part-time” at the same time gives rise to thoughts about the desperation of the candidate, which in the future may negatively affect the salary offered by the employer. It is also important to correctly indicate the location and willingness to move: this approach will allow you to cut off unwanted vacancies and offers from employers.

Life hack on salary expectations : it is better not to indicate them from the very beginning, so as not to get into a stalemate situation, when you could be offered more, but you have already rolled your lip to the amount indicated in the resume.


There was lyrics above, and now we turn to stern prose. The experience section is an essential part of your resume. It is on it that technical experts judge you. It is important that the summary of experience over the past 3 years be filled out in as much detail as possible. And, of course, it must be relevant.

Here are five key components to an ideal “work experience”:

  1. Clear listing of tasks by item
  2. Specificity in areas of responsibility
  3. Description of achievements
  4. Technology stack at every job
  5. Correct accents in the description of the experience (for example, product development)

In your work experience, you must definitely mention what contribution you make to the company's business. If you are making most of the application yourself, this should be reflected in the summary. The more you describe what tasks you worked on, the better. The volume and content of work experience over the past 3 years are decided. And the farther the experience from the current year, the less you need to write. Non-core experience is best removed from the resume at all.

Do not forget to also register the stack with which you worked or are working right now. Even if he is not the most fashionable in the community. Anything happens: a potential employer can look for a candidate with just such a stack, and for him you will become a real blessing. At each place of work, write all the frameworks that you used and know. It is important.

Depending on where you would like to work more: outsourcing or product history, it will be right to put the appropriate accents. For example, if you plan to place a resume for outsourcing, you can mention in your “work experience”: “I can easily understand legacy, like new technologies, and quickly develop”. If you are more interested in working with the product, respectively, the experience itself should overlap with the work on the product.

key skills

In the key skills section, the order in which they are indicated is crucial. What you indicate first, in the eyes of the employer will become an indicator of the most pumped-up candidate skills.

If you start the listing with the legendary “determination, communication skills, stress tolerance, non-conflict”, and mention Dagger 2 only at the very end - this is a failure. Try to avoid this if possible.

Focus on your technical knowledge and skills. Mentioning soft skills is good for beginners who have poorly developed hard skills, in other cases, “teamwork” rather clutters up the “Key Skills” section and erodes really useful positions in the eyes of a recruiter.

About me = summary

It's very good that you like sports, play chess and prefer red dry to semi-sweet white, really. But in the “about myself” section, the employer expects to see something else. Here, the employer will see the big picture about you: everything that you have accumulated during your work. We wrote above that in each place of work it is worth specifying all the frameworks with which you worked - and so, indicate them here again.

If you like to understand new technologies - write about it. Write where you draw knowledge from, what resources you follow, what podcasts you listen to. It will be a big plus if you write which methodology for building workflows is closer to you. Are you used to working on scrum? So write. Do you know kanban? Worth mentioning.

Do you have your own blog on Habré, podcast, channel in the cart? You can also write about this and share the link, this will be a pretty serious plus and will allow the employer to get to know you much better than if you mentioned the love of football.

In the portfolio, you can specify your own achievements, for example, a link to github. But be careful: if your code is stored in the repositories, written poorly, quickly and on the knee, this can seriously dampen the employer’s impression of you, or even completely block the path to the selected vacancy.

The IT training section has less weight and is good for beginners. In addition, the courses should be sharpened for the specialty for which you are counting. If you are considering a front position, and received C # certificate three years ago, you should not indicate this in your resume. For everything non-core - from the evil one.
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Some answers to some questions

What should a beginner or switcher do?

It is important to bring such arguments so that your future employer understands: you come not with zero, but with some baggage. You can specify examples of your code or courses taken. A good solution would be a cover letter in which you write why you want to work in this company. Describe how you might be useful inside the company and why you are suitable. The employer will see that you understand what the company is doing and what its products are. This is often captivating.

What to write in the resume, when all the years of work just painted the buttons?

Describe the colors in which they were painted. It is unlikely that you “just paint the buttons”, probably, at the same time you solve business problems.
If there was no hardcore from the technical side, it is worth writing about what specific business problems you have solved. This is also appreciated. Those who paint the buttons are also needed.

Perhaps this was a product task, and the dyeing of the buttons was justified by many tests, growth hacking, etc., when product managers made decisions. It will definitely work.

What salary should be indicated to a junior?

It is better not to indicate it at all. Usually, the employer has forks that he is willing to pay to the junior, middle and senior, and this is a specific figure. It is worth seeing what the employer can offer you. It may happen that you specify 85k, and the recruiter’s budget is no more than 80. In this case, the dream job will pass by.

This is a matter of priority. If experience in a certain company is important to you, or experience, in principle, is much more important than money, it is better not to indicate and look at the offers of employers. But if money is fundamentally important for you and you are ready to consider only a certain amount and not a ruble less, then it is best to report it from the threshold in order to avoid further disappointment.

How to appreciate your skills?

Go for an interview. This will help identify gaps. It’s important not to be afraid and try: go to a few interviews, study what they ask and understand what exactly you should tighten.

And at the same time, it is important to remember that skills are evaluated not only in their presence or absence, but also in how much they are in demand in the market now.
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Instead of a conclusion

If you suddenly did not find enough information in this article to create the perfect resume, you can always turn to specialists who will definitely help. To do this, we created the “Ready Resume” service, in which qualified professionals work. They are very good at how to write a resume for any specialties, and if necessary, you can use their services.

Have a good hunting!

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