Hackathon in one or life after Dude

Almost immediately after watching Yurin’s film, they wrote to me: “Hey, do you want like-minded people in our community?”

- Of course I want!

I added to the chat in the Telegram. And away we go! We then talked for several hours! There were a lot of cool people in the chat. It turned out that we are very similar.

Only 2 weeks passed and now in the community there are already 400 people.

We analyze ideas, share interesting links, conduct online pitches. Interesting speakers come to support us. This Thursday we plan to talk with a specialist from America about how they raise money from them and what investors pay attention to.

But most importantly, motivated and enthusiastic, I decided to write an application for our small community.

I do not have a big background in this area, so I ask for advice from you, the strongest and most experienced.

The idea of ​​the application: a place where everyone can talk about their project, see the schedule of pitches and events, get acquainted, discuss projects, call in their telegram channel.

So everyone will have the opportunity to create a micro-community around their project (and maybe a macro-community).


The community project page is designed with a minimum of distracting details.
It is convenient to see who has similar ideas, choose a project, read a description, whether the project needs someone, is there an opportunity to combine your strength.


It was important to connect the project and the one who invented it. Therefore, the project page necessarily contains information about the author, his data, the ability to join the telegram channel of the project or send a personal letter (if the author has not disabled this feature).
I don’t want anyone to fear that the idea would be stolen. It is difficult to steal a telegram channel with all your followers.

We also plan to invite more investors to the platform so that they can read the description and fall in love with your project.

The page is easily transformed into a speaker’s page (those who want to speak) or into a coworker's page (those who want to project).

I added a schedule page for our meetings. Now they are created only by me, do you think everyone needs such a function?


Today we added localization, now the application can be used in English, Russian and Spanish.

This was done to scale the project and attract foreign investors.
And it’s not difficult for us at all, today we discussed the addition of the Ukrainian language. I don’t know him, but if any of you want to see Ukrainian there, write in personal or come to our community.

Link to the Telegram channel

If you have an idea and you don’t know where to start, we can be your start, your motivation and support.

We are 400 “burning ideas” people who together build the Online Valley community and dream of changing the world for the better.

The application can be viewed, tested and shared with your professional opinion.
I would really like to know what you think about design and whether the application even reaches the point of being in the store.

Link to the Google Play Market.

Waiting for your feedback.

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