Can't share your home computer? Make one out of two

Breaking a laptop knee-deep, or sharing a single screen in two is not necessary.

Almost ten years ago I published an article on Habré , in which I talked about how to make two (or more) full-fledged jobs based on just one system (or laptop) for Windows. You need to connect a second monitor, keyboard, mouse and install the ASTER program , which implements “2 in 1”. In the article, you can read about other solutions, including for Linux.

I haven’t been involved in the project for a long time, but I remembered this decision when posts like “I don’t have time to submit the article / project in time appeared on my tape. Comp at all is not enough. Children for 3-4 hours are forced to study online. Smartphones are not suitable for study. There is no money for another computer. ”

And then a friend called me asking if I had an old computer that I couldn’t mind giving away. His team of volunteers brings them to mind, and passes them on to those in need. Pensioners, schoolchildren ... Those who, due to circumstances, turned out to be closed at home without access to information, or who cannot share a family computer.

The only problem is that most of our apartments are not designed to make several comfortable workplaces with a PC. Sistemniki, wires, carrying ... A lot of noise, not enough space. Absolutely non-working environment and hassle. Money, again.

Therefore, I decided to conduct an easy ASTER test as an alternative to a second computer for the home, and share my impressions with Habr readers.


For those who find themselves locked at home, equipment sometimes wants to leave the best. Therefore, for the test, I intentionally took an old Asus home laptop with Win7, 4GB of memory, a second video output and dual-core Celeron.

I borrowed a monitor, a USB keyboard and a mouse in the office. They can be connected via one USB hub so as not to occupy the connectors.

I installed the program quickly, the devices were correctly identified. Conveniently, you can drag the desired “part” from one workplace to another. For example, a sound or a microphone.

Special thanks to the developers for the built-in hints.

There was a slight plug with the inclusion of a second monitor. But support resolved the issue in a few minutes. It turned out that I did not correctly understand the instructions in the instructions. It was necessary to expand the desktop to a second display, and I did duplication.

After a successful launch, I created one more uchetka, and made my own settings for each workstation.

Quick test

I “drove” the machine with the included jobs a couple of hours. I also tried to include video in the browser in parallel on both accounts, launched browser toys. Some programs such as Photoshop could not be launched at both places at the same time. But the office suite and most of the software work without problems. Small “sticks” were observed only during loading of heavy applications.

I have a sound card with one output, and the second display is connected via a VGA output. Therefore, sound is only in one workplace.

If there is an HDMI output, and the second monitor has built-in speakers, sound can be connected at both places. In ASTER, you can also distribute sound to different users if the card has 2 or more outputs (for example, front speakers and rear). All this is shown in the settings panel for individual devices.

After two hours of testing, the computer never freezes, the programs I tried work stably. Speed ​​is more than acceptable.

I did not plan a big technical article, although I understand that the “killer” material with tests of games on a powerful PC would look cooler. Therefore, for fans of digging, I recommend to see the company forum. For example, you can see a list of tested games that you can play online, as it were.

My goal was to test ASTER as a plug-in-install-use product. For ordinary users. In my opinion, the developers from the IBIC coped with this task perfectly. In the comments, I propose to discuss the scope of this software.

Now consider the pros and cons of this decision, which I have determined for myself.

Cons and pros

For me, the main advantages are space saving and the price of a full-fledged second “base”, which in the current conditions cover everything else.

Divide the territory. You can fit everything on a medium-sized kitchen table. No annoying extra wires and transfers. There is enough free space for two people. Including, for familiar office items, such as a notebook and a cup.

Price. There is a version of ASTER with an annual subscription for only 700 rubles. Plus now, in connection with the situation, the manufacturer has increased the duration of the trial period to 3 months. So, as a temporary measure, ASTER is an excellent solution.

The second monitor, mouse and keyboard can be taken either from the office, or bought for 6-7 thousand rubles. Even a not-so-powerful new laptop or PC will cost several times more. By the way, you can connect a TV instead of a monitor. And the second video output is on most laptops and video cards.

There are other benefits:

  • No noise. Anyway, with a laptop. In the office next to my desk is a designer system engineer, very noisy. Imagine two separate computers in your apartment. After a couple of days there is a chance of deafening;
  • Hassle-free installation and excellent support. I launched the second workplace in 10 minutes. Remove it - just turn off the monitor, keyboard and mouse.


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As a solution for home software from the company IBIC is a great alternative to buying another PC. Moreover, this may well become a “family kit”, which can be quickly assembled and disassembled. Or move to another room. In addition, you can also save time on setting up and maintaining your computer. For example, I am very annoyed that I configure all the equipment at home: from telephones and TVs to laptops.

I also want to note that ASTER is not only about computers for the home. Imagine, even on an old laptop I managed to organize two independent workplaces that without problems drag most of the office tasks.

If you take a more powerful system, you can provide the whole office with technology: there are versions for 6 workplaces and more. And to upgrade in the future will have only one system unit.

Under current conditions, this can save more than one microbusiness. It is only a pity that more people know about ASTER abroad than ours.

For example, here is a curious video from the USA. Approach - one computer in the house:

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