How to develop a blog on Instagram in 2020: analysis of the case of Sasha Mitroshina

We at the D'SKUL Irish digital school daily analyze successful and failed cases on the Internet so that it is easier for you to start in digital and make fewer mistakes. To do this, we also do free courses in Internet marketing, smm, content marketing and brand building. Today we will understand the success of Sasha Mitroshina’s Instagram blog, laying out on the shelves the possibilities of promotion on Instagram in 2020.

Alexandra Mitroshina is one of the most recognizable bloggers on the Russian Internet. More than 2.5 million people follow her Instagram page. She began to develop the blog a few years ago, since then popularity has continued to gain momentum. The secret of Mitroshina’s success in social networks is a comprehensive promotion strategy. Sasha even wrote a book about this, which, incidentally, is also part of the strategy.

In this article, we will analyze the actual tools for page promotion on Instagram using the development of the Mitroshina blog as an example.

Sasha's Instagram page in May 2020

1. Build a blog concept, and then promote

The concept of Alexandra Mitroshina’s profile has changed with the development of the blog. First, she posted photographs from life, made reviews of cars and gadgets, then talked about sports and fitness. Later, Sasha was one of the first in Russia to write about feminism. Regular posting on popular topics has provided a powerful influx in the audience. It is important to consider the factor of “nakedness” of some blog posts. Many millionaire bloggers have resorted to this strategy. Photos in the style of “nude” attract the attention of the audience and increase the effectiveness of promotion.

But just making quality content is not enough. Photos and posts are the basis of the profile, but if you don’t invest in promotion, no one will know about your blog.

Spoiler: # hashtags won't help. The Instagram ranking algorithm based on machine learning is constantly being adapted and improved. Therefore, be careful that what was relevant before will not necessarily lead to success in 2020. The abuse of hashtags can even lead to a shadow ban - a temporary restriction on the display of content in the subscribers' feed.

55 tips for a beginner blogger from Sasha

2. What are the best ways to promote your blog?

We will analyze in detail the main promotion tools that are used by millionaire bloggers, including Sasha Mitroshina.

Massfollowing and massliking

You shake hearts (masslaking) and subscribe to strangers (massfolding), and they go out of curiosity to your profile to find out who is active on their page. This is done automatically in special programs, since it is impossible to bypass 10,000 people manually in a day. At the beginning of her blogging career, Sasha Mitroshina was promoted precisely with the help of these tools.

The audience of the @alexandramitroshina account is mostly real people.

Alas, in 2020, mass-linking and mass-foiling lost their relevance. Instagram is suspicious of such actions and may apply sanctions, and users themselves no longer often come to check likes from strangers. But massfollowing and masslaying can still help at the start when you are at the very beginning of the journey. This is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to build the first 5 thousand. However, you must understand that people who reciprocate with you, that is, subscribed to you in response, may turn out to be fakes, that is, an imitation of people. This means that subsequently they will not like, comment, put in notes. As a result, your profile’s performance will be poor and you won’t be able to attract advertising parts. It is useless to recommend or sell something to bots. You will be blacklisted by “wound” accounts.Then getting rid of them is extremely difficult - such wretched bloggers have to start a new profile and start from the beginning.

Mutual PR

Bloggers with similar topics exchange their audience for free, talking about each other on a blog. Mutual PR (VP) is done by bloggers with any number of subscribers. The main thing is the same activity in the profile, so that the exchange is equivalent.

The same can be attributed to the battles of bloggers - a way of promotion for those who are not afraid to perform daring tasks from other influencers. Pass each other extravagant tasks, attract subscribers to participate in the development of crazy actions (sit on the splits in the center of the trading floor, compliment a stranger), and the audience will grow.

In 2020, mutual PR is one of the best free ways to build an audience, it is recommended to absolutely everyone.

Top 10 Sasha Blog References from Other SPS Bloggers

Sasha Mitroshina gained popularity thanks in part to SFS (“shout out for shout out”). The blogger urges to post references to him in profile in exchange for advertising the most liked accounts on his blog. This is a way for an already developed account to advertise among less popular users and attract a new audience. In turn, small bloggers get a free mark in a large account. There are many who want to get even a small mention from the lips of Mitroshina - this is a real moment of glory!

This free method will be useful when you have more than 50 thousand subscribers, it is not suitable for beginners.

A good example of how SPS works

Advertising with other bloggers

Now the blog advertising market has already been formed: even small influencers with several thousand subscribers have separate advertising accounts with managers, pricing and placement rules. Mitroshina began to buy advertising from bloggers when few people knew about this method - she invited friends to make paid recommendations to the story.

To invest in blogging ads justified themselves, conduct an analysis of social. account: ask the author for statistics on the coverage of posts and stories. Take advantage of independent analytics through specialized services, for example, Picaton, LiveDune, NativeFlow, Picalytics - they will help to identify deceived subscribers so as not to pay for air and “dead” followers.

Compare ad prices for other profiles with the same theme and audience size. Calculate the cost of advertising as follows: divide the coverage by three by three. For example, a blogger with a reach of 30,000 people will probably ask for 10 thousand rubles for advertising. However, each niche has its own specifics, and prices can be higher or lower.

Insta bloggers subscription price based on EasyPrBot service statistics

Targeted advertising

This is a paid advertisement, which is configured in the Facebook advertising account or directly in the Instagram application in the “promotions” section. You yourself choose the gender, age, interests of people who see your post or ad. Here are two success factors - choosing the right audience and making the message creative and informative at the same time.

When choosing an audience, make several different groups. For example, girls 18-25 years old and 26-25 years old. The same thing with creative - pick up a few different pictures and catchy headers. Run ads on a small budget and look at which audience which creative gives the best effect. Disable advertising campaigns with poor results, transfer the entire budget to more effective ones.

Yes, this is a paid way to promote your account. However, if you practice at the target properly, you can reduce the cost of a new subscriber to 5 rubles. This is more reliable and less risky compared to paid advertising with other bloggers. Almost all large bloggers use targeted advertising.

An example of how the bloggers of Giva do it

, marathons and rallies

The last two years, Instagram has been swept by a wave of various Giveaways (GiveAway) - this is when a participant gets an opportunity to win expensive gifts for subscribing to the draw sponsors.

Sasha Mitroshina was able to increase the number of subscribers to givas and marathons, since she was one of the first to participate in them. But participation in giva is very likely to disappoint you. The arrival of the audience is not due to interest in the content, but due to the desire for a free prize or money. Of course, you will be able to interest newcomers to your blog, subject to regular posting during the giva period. But, as a rule, more than 70% of the audience unsubscribes after the announcement of the results, or stays with you in the form of a “dead weight” that doesn’t like or comment on anything, which worsens the quality of your profile.

The only ones who benefit from such a promotion tool are accounts with mass and affordable goods, for example, clothes or cosmetics from China.

The hidden danger of the gives: what happens to the involvement of the blog by Anastasia Ivleeva after the giva (late February - early March).

3. The struggle for loyalty and audience retention

In her Instagram blog, Alexander Mitroshin openly says that she spends more than half a million rubles a month on advertising her blog. The fact is that a blogger with 1 million followers has about 3,000 daily unsubscribes. This means a month you can lose as much as 10% of users - in order to avoid a drop in the subscriber base, you have to buy new ones.

Statistics of Sasha Mitroshina’s follow-ups at around 1 million subscribers.

To minimize the outflow, you need to give subscribers original copyright content. The original means that they do not write about it so often. Authoring - when you show your own view, your thoughts, and do not quote famous people or hackneyed phrases from the Internet.

Mitroshina began to lead Instagram like everyone else, wrote about everything in a row. Even tried to become a fitness nyasha. As a result, I focused on two topics - photo art, for which I even went to study in the USA and feminism, or rather the fight against domestic violence. A photo school allows Alexandra to make good financial income, and the struggle for women's rights attracts a large number of caring people. This is the concept of the blog by Mitroshina in 2020, but over time, it can continue to evolve following the interests of the author.

4. Act!

We've covered the basic Instagram promotion tools. Starting your own blog, write about what is interesting to you personally, but touch on topics that may be of interest to many. Look for your style in the text, experiment in photos, try targeted advertising on small budgets, use mutual PR with friends - you will surely succeed!

You can take the first steps under the guidance of experienced mentors in a course on SMM at the digital school D'SKUL. Training on the program Instagram Marketer will help to make the right start of an account on Instagram, find your concept, develop a promotion strategy or move to the position of an SMM manager in a good company.

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